
Function Get-LatestMonthlyRollup {
            Retrieves the latest Windows 8.1 and 7 Monthly Rollup Update.

            Retrieves the latest Windows 8.1 and 7 Monthly Rollup Update from the Windows 8.1/7 update history feeds.

        .PARAMETER OperatingSystem
            Specifies the the Windows operating system version to search for updates.


            PS C:\> Get-LatestMonthlyRollup

            This commands reads the the Windows 8.1 update history feed and returns an object that lists the most recent Windows 8.1 Monthly Rollup Update.


            PS C:\> Get-LatestMonthlyRollup -OperatingSystem Windows7

            This commands reads the the Windows 7 update history feed and returns an object that lists the most recent Windows 7 Monthly Rollup Update.

    [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = "")]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, HelpMessage = "Windows OS name.")]
        [ValidateScript( { $_ -in $script:resourceStrings.ParameterValues.Versions87 })]
        [System.String] $OperatingSystem = $script:resourceStrings.ParameterValues.Versions87[0]
    # If resource strings are returned we can continue
    If ($Null -ne $script:resourceStrings) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): get feed for $OperatingSystem."
        $updateFeed = Get-UpdateFeed -Uri $script:resourceStrings.UpdateFeeds.$OperatingSystem

        If ($Null -ne $updateFeed) {
            # Filter the feed for monthly rollup updates and continue if we get updates
            $updateList = Get-UpdateMonthly -UpdateFeed $updateFeed
            Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): update count is: $($updateList.Count)."

            If ($Null -ne $updateList) {
                # Get download info for each update from the catalog
                $downloadInfoParams = @{
                    UpdateId        = $updateList.ID
                    OperatingSystem = $script:resourceStrings.SearchStrings.$OperatingSystem
                    Architecture    = $script:resourceStrings.Architecture.x86x64
                $downloadInfo = Get-UpdateCatalogDownloadInfo @downloadInfoParams

                # Add the Version and Architecture properties to the list
                $updateListWithVersionParams = @{
                    InputObject     = $downloadInfo
                    Property        = "Note"
                    NewPropertyName = "Version"
                    MatchPattern    = $script:resourceStrings.Matches."$($OperatingSystem)Version"
                $updateListWithVersion = Add-Property @updateListWithVersionParams
                $updateListWithArchParams = @{
                    InputObject     = $updateListWithVersion
                    Property        = "Note"
                    NewPropertyName = "Architecture"
                    MatchPattern    = $script:resourceStrings.Matches.Architecture
                $updateListWithArch = Add-Property @updateListWithArchParams

                # Return object to the pipeline
                If ($Null -ne $updateListWithArch) {
                    Write-Output -InputObject $updateListWithArch