Function Get-LatestUpdate { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the latest Cumulative or Monthly Rollup update for Windows. .DESCRIPTION Returns the latest Cumulative or Monthly Rollup updates for Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7 and corresponding Windows Server from the Microsoft Update Catalog by querying the Update History page. Get-LatestUpdate outputs the result as a table that can be passed to Save-LatestUpdate to download the update locally. Then do one or more of the following: - Import the update into an MDT share with Import-LatestUpdate to speed up deployment of Windows (reference images etc.) - Apply the update to an offline WIM using DISM - Deploy the update with ConfigMgr (if not using WSUS) .NOTES Author: Aaron Parker Twitter: @stealthpuppy Original script: Copyright Keith Garner, All rights reserved. Forked from: .LINK .PARAMETER WindowsVersion Specifiy the Windows version to search for updates. Valid values are Windows10, Windows8, Windows7 (applies to desktop and server editions). .PARAMETER Build Dynamic parameter used with -WindowsVersion 'Windows10' Specify the Windows 10 build number for searching cumulative updates. Supports '17133', '16299', '15063', '14393', '10586', '10240'. .EXAMPLE Get-LatestUpdate Description: Get the latest Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Semi-Annual Channel. .EXAMPLE Get-LatestUpdate -WindowsVersion Windows10 Description: Get the latest Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Semi-Annual Channel. .EXAMPLE Get-LatestUpdate -WindowsVersion Windows10 -Build 14393 Description: Enumerate the latest Cumulative Update for Windows 10 1607 and Windows Server 2016. .EXAMPLE Get-LatestUpdate -WindowsVersion Windows10 -Build 15063 Description: Enumerate the latest Cumulative Update for Windows 10 1703. .EXAMPLE Get-LatestUpdate -WindowsVersion Windows8 Description: Enumerate the latest Monthly Update for Windows Server 2012 R2 / Windows 8.1. .EXAMPLE Get-LatestUpdate -WindowsVersion Windows7 Description: Enumerate the latest Monthly Update for Windows 7 (and Windows 7 Embedded). #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $False)] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Select the OS to search for updates")] [ValidateSet('Windows10', 'Windows8', 'Windows7')] [String] $WindowsVersion = "Windows10", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Provide a Windows 10 build number")] [ValidateSet('17763', '17134', '16299', '15063', '14393', '10586', '10240', '^(?!.*Preview)(?=.*Monthly).*')] [String] $Build = "17763" ) Begin { # Set values for -Build as required for each platform Switch ($WindowsVersion) { "Windows10" { [String] $Feed = '' If ($Build -eq "^(?!.*Preview)(?=.*Monthly).*") { $Build = "17763" } } "Windows8" { [String] $Feed = '' [String] $Build = "^(?!.*Preview)(?=.*Monthly).*" } "Windows7" { [String] $Feed = '' [String] $Build = "^(?!.*Preview)(?=.*Monthly).*" } } Write-Verbose -Message "Checking updates for $WindowsVersion $Build." } Process { # Find the KB Article Number $xml = Get-UpdateFeed -UpdateFeed $Feed try { Switch ($WindowsVersion) { "Windows10" { # Sort feed for titles that match Build number; Find the largest minor build number [regex] $rxB = "$Build.(\d+)" $buildMatches = $xml.feed.entry | Where-Object -Property title -match $Build Write-Verbose -Message "Found $($buildMatches.Count) items matching build $Build." $latestVersion = $buildMatches | ForEach-Object { ($rxB.match($_.title)).value.split('.') | Select-Object -Last 1} ` | ForEach-Object { [convert]::ToInt32($_, 10) } | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 # Re-match feed for major.minor number and return the KB number from the Id field Write-Verbose -Message "Latest Windows 10 build is: $Build.$latestVersion." $kbID = $xml.feed.entry | Where-Object -Property title -match "$Build.$latestVersion" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id ` | ForEach-Object { $_.split(':') | Select-Object -Last 1 } } default { $buildMatches = $xml.feed.entry | Where-Object -Property title -match $Build $kbID = $buildMatches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ID | ForEach-Object { $_.split(':') | Select-Object -Last 1 } ` | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 } } } catch { If ($Null -eq $kbID) { Write-Warning -Message "kbID is Null. Unable to read from the KB from the JSON." } Break } #endregion # Get the download link from Windows Update $kbObj = Get-UpdateCatalogLink -KB $kbID If ($Null -ne $kbObj) { # Contruct a table with KB, Id and Update description $idTable = Get-KbUpdateArray -Links $kbObj.Links -KB $kbID # Process the IdTable to get a new array with KB, Architecture, Note and URL for each download $downloadArray = Get-UpdateDownloadArray -IdTable $idTable } } End { # Write the URLs list to the pipeline Write-Output ($downloadArray | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending) } } |