
Function Get-LatestFlash {
            Get the latest Adobe Flash Player update for Windows.


            Author: Aaron Parker
            Twitter: @stealthpuppy


            Get-LatestUpdate -WindowsVersion Windows7
            Enumerate the latest Monthly Update for Windows 7 (and Windows 7 Embedded).

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $False)]

    Begin {
        [String] $StartKB = ''
        [regex] $Flash = ".*Adobe Flash Player.*"

    Process {
        # Find the KB Article Number
        $xml = Get-UpdateFeed -UpdateFeed $StartKB
        try {
            [regex] $rxM = "(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})"
            # [regex] $rxT = "(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})"

            $date = $xml.feed.entry | Where-Object { $_.title -match $Flash } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty updated | `
                ForEach-Object { Get-RxString -String $_ -RegEx $rxM } | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Last 1

            $kbID = $xml.feed.entry | Where-Object { ($_.title -match $Flash) -and ($_.updated -match $date ) } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id `
                | ForEach-Object { $_.split(':') | Select-Object -Last 1 }
        catch {   
            If ($Null -eq $kbID) { Write-Warning -Message "kbID is Null. Unable to read from the KB from the JSON." }

        # Get the download link from Windows Update
        $kbObj = Get-UpdateCatalogLink -KB $kbID
        If ($Null -ne $kbObj) {

            # Contruct a table with KB, Id and Update description
            $idTable = Get-KbUpdateArray -Links $kbObj.Links -KB $kbID

            # Process the IdTable to get a new array with KB, Architecture, Note and URL for each download
            $downloadArray = Get-UpdateDownloadArray -IdTable $idTable
    End {
        # Write the URLs list to the pipeline
        Write-Output $downloadArray