<# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the current state of the specified Language Pack .PARAMETER LanguagePackName The short code for the language to be tested. ie en-GB .PARAMETER LanguagePackLocation Not used in Get-TargetResource. .PARAMETER Ensure Not used in Get-TargetResource. #> Function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $LanguagePackName ) $InstalledLanguages = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName "Win32_OperatingSystem" -Property "MUILanguages").MUILanguages Write-Verbose "All installed Language Packs: $InstalledLanguages" $Found = $InstalledLanguages -icontains $LanguagePackName if ($Found) { $ensure = "Present" } else { $ensure = "Absent" } $returnValue = @{ LanguagePackName = [System.String]$LanguagePackName Ensure = [System.String]$ensure } $returnValue } <# .SYNOPSIS Installs or uninstalls the specified Language Pack .PARAMETER LanguagePackName The short code for the language to be installed or uninstalled. ie en-GB .PARAMETER LanguagePackLocation Either Local or Remote path to the language pack cab file. This is only used when installing a language pack .PARAMETER Ensure Indicates whether the given language pack should be installed or uninstalled. Set this property to Present to install the Language Pack, and Absent to uninstall the Language Pack. By Default Ensure is set to Present #> Function Set-TargetResource { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidGlobalVars", "global:DSCMachineStatus")] [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $LanguagePackName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $LanguagePackLocation, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure="Present" ) $timeout = 7200 switch ($Ensure) { 'Present' { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('LanguagePackLocation')) { Write-Verbose "Installing Language Pack" if (Test-Path -Path $LanguagePackLocation) { lpksetup.exe /i $LanguagePackName /p $LanguagePackLocation /r /a /s $startTime = Get-Date } else { Throw "Invalid source Location" } } else { Throw "Language Pack location must be specified when adding a new Language Pack" } } 'Absent' { Write-Verbose "Removing Language Pack" lpksetup.exe /u $LanguagePackName /r /a /s $startTime = Get-Date } default { Throw "invalid operation" } } do { $Process = Get-Process -Name "lpksetup" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $currentTime = (Get-Date) - $startTime if ($currentTime.TotalSeconds -gt $timeout) { throw "Process did not complete in under $timeout seconds" } Write-Verbose "Waiting for Process to finish. Time Taken: $($currentTime)" Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } while ($null -ne $Process) #Force a reboot after installing or removing a language pack $global:DSCMachineStatus = 1 } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if a Language Pack requires installation or uninstallation .PARAMETER LanguagePackName The short code for the language to be installed or uninstalled. ie en-GB .PARAMETER LanguagePackLocation Not used in Test-TargetResource. .PARAMETER Ensure Indicates whether the given language pack should be present or absent. Set this property to Present to install the Language Pack, and Absent to uninstall the Language Pack. By Default Ensure is set to Present #> Function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $LanguagePackName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $LanguagePackLocation, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Present","Absent")] [System.String] $Ensure="Present" ) $InstalledLanguages = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName "Win32_OperatingSystem" -Property "MUILanguages").MUILanguages Write-Verbose "All installed Language Packs: $InstalledLanguages" $Found = $InstalledLanguages -icontains $LanguagePackName Write-Verbose "Language Pack Found: $Found" switch ($Ensure) { 'Present' { $result = $Found } 'Absent' { Write-Verbose "here" $result = (-not $Found) } } Write-Verbose "Actual Result Returned: $result" Return $result } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |