param( [PSCustomObject] $configuration ) #Ensure all the Directories and Resources required to configure the Host are present Configuration ResourceSetup { param( [PSCustomObject] $configuration ) Import-DscResource –ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration File DSCResources { Type = "Directory" Ensure = "Present" Recurse = $true Checksum = "modifiedDate" SourcePath = $configuration.DSCResourceSource DestinationPath = $configuration.DSCResourceDest MatchSource = $true } File ParentFolder { Type = 'Directory' Ensure = 'Present' Recurse = $true Checksum = "modifiedDate" SourcePath = $configuration.ParentFolderPathSource DestinationPath =$configuration.ParentFolderPath Force = $true } File ChildFolder { Type = 'Directory' Ensure = 'Present' DestinationPath = $configuration.ChildFolderPath Force = $true DependsOn = '[File]ParentFolder' } File DomainJoin { Type = 'Directory' Ensure = 'Present' DestinationPath = $configuration.DomainJoinPath Force = $true DependsOn = '[File]ParentFolder' } } ResourceSetup -Configuration $configuration -OutputPath $configuration.ParentFolderPath Start-DscConfiguration -Wait -Path $configuration.ParentFolderPath -Verbose -Force |