<# # Get the current configuration of the machine # This function is called when you do Get-DscConfiguration after the configuration is set. #> function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $VhdPath, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] $FileDirectory, [ValidateSet('ModifiedDate','SHA-1','SHA-256','SHA-512')] [System.String] $CheckSum = 'ModifiedDate' ) if ( -not (Test-path $VhdPath)) { $item = New-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration -Property @{DestinationPath = $VhdPath; Ensure = "Absent"} -Namespace root/microsoft/windows/desiredstateconfiguration -ClientOnly Return @{ VhdPath = $VhdPath FileDirectory = $item } } # Mount VHD. $mountVHD = EnsureVHDState -Mounted -vhdPath $vhdPath $itemsFound = foreach($Item in $FileDirectory) { $item = GetItemToCopy -item $item $mountedDrive = $mountVHD | Get-Disk | Get-Partition | Get-Volume $letterDrive = (-join $mountedDrive.DriveLetter) + ":\" # show the drive letters. Get-PSDrive | Write-Verbose $finalPath = Join-Path $letterDrive $item.DestinationPath Write-Verbose "Getting the current value at $finalPath ..." if (Test-Path $finalPath) { New-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration -Property @{DestinationPath = $finalPath; Ensure = "Present"} -Namespace root/microsoft/windows/desiredstateconfiguration -ClientOnly } else { New-CimInstance -ClassName MSFT_FileDirectoryConfiguration -Property @{DestinationPath = $finalPath ; Ensure = "Absent"} -Namespace root/microsoft/windows/desiredstateconfiguration -ClientOnly } } # Dismount VHD. EnsureVHDState -Dismounted -vhdPath $VhdPath # Return the result. Return @{ VhdPath = $VhdPath FileDirectory = $itemsFound } } # This is a resource method that gets called if the Test-TargetResource returns false. function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $VhdPath, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] $FileDirectory, [ValidateSet('ModifiedDate','SHA-1','SHA-256','SHA-512')] [System.String] $CheckSum = 'ModifiedDate' ) if (-not (Test-Path $VhdPath)) { throw "Specified destination path $VhdPath does not exist!"} # mount the VHD. $mountedVHD = EnsureVHDState -Mounted -vhdPath $VhdPath try { # show the drive letters. Get-PSDrive | Write-Verbose $mountedDrive = $mountedVHD | Get-Disk | Get-Partition | Get-Volume foreach ($item in $FileDirectory) { $itemToCopy = GetItemToCopy -item $item $letterDrive = (-join $mountedDrive.DriveLetter) + ":\" $finalDestinationPath = $letterDrive $finalDestinationPath = Join-Path $letterDrive $itemToCopy.DestinationPath # if the destination should be removed if (-not($itemToCopy.Ensure)) { if (Test-Path $finalDestinationPath) { SetVHDFile -destinationPath $finalDestinationPath -ensure:$false -recurse:($itemToCopy.Recurse) } } else { # Copy Scenario if ($itemToCopy.SourcePath) { SetVHDFile -sourcePath $itemToCopy.SourcePath -destinationPath $finalDestinationPath -recurse:($itemToCopy.Recurse) -force:($itemToCopy.Force) } elseif ($itemToCopy.Content) { "Writing a content to a file" # if the type is not specified assume it is a file. if (-not ($itemToCopy.Type)) { $itemToCopy.Type = 'File' } # Create file/folder scenario SetVHDFile -destinationPath $finalDestinationPath -type $itemToCopy.Type -force:($itemToCopy.Force) -content $itemToCopy.Content } # Set Attribute scenario if ($itemToCopy.Attributes) { SetVHDFile -destinationPath $finalDestinationPath -attribute $itemToCopy.Attributes -force:($itemToCopy.Force) } } } } finally { EnsureVHDState -Dismounted -vhdPath $VhdPath } } # This function returns if the current configuration of the machine is the same as the desired configration for this resource. function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $VhdPath, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]] $FileDirectory, [ValidateSet('ModifiedDate','SHA-1','SHA-256','SHA-512')] [System.String] $CheckSum = 'ModifiedDate' ) # If the VHD path does not exist throw an error and stop. if ( -not (Test-Path $VhdPath)) { throw "VHD does not exist in the specified path $VhdPath" } # mount the vhd. $mountedVHD = EnsureVHDState -Mounted -vhdPath $VhdPath try { # Show the drive letters after mount Get-PSDrive | Write-Verbose $mountedDrive = $mountedVHD | Get-Disk | Get-Partition | Get-Volume $letterDrive = (-join $mountedDrive.DriveLetter) + ":\" Write-Verbose $letterDrive # return test result equal to true unless one of the tests in the loop below fails. $result = $true foreach ($item in $FileDirectory) { $itemToCopy = GetItemToCopy -item $item $destination = $itemToCopy.DestinationPath Write-Verbose ("Testing the file with relative VHD destination $destination") $destination = $itemToCopy.DestinationPath $finalDestinationPath = $letterDrive $finalDestinationPath = Join-Path $letterDrive $destination if (Test-Path $finalDestinationPath) { if( -not ($itemToCopy.Ensure)) { $result = $false break; } else { $itemToCopyIsFile = Test-Path $itemToCopy.SourcePath -PathType Leaf $destinationIsFolder = Test-Path $finalDestinationPath -PathType Container if ($itemToCopyIsFile -and $destinationIsFolder) { # Verify if the file exist inside the folder $fileName = Split-Path $itemToCopy.SourcePath -Leaf Write-Verbose "Checking if $fileName exist under $finalDestinationPath" $fileExistInDestination = Test-Path (Join-Path $finalDestinationPath $fileName) # Report if the file exist on the destination folder. Write-Verbose "File exist on the destination under $finalDestinationPath :- $fileExistInDestination" $result = $fileExistInDestination $result = $result -and -not(ItemHasChanged -sourcePath $itemToCopy.SourcePath -destinationPath (Join-Path $finalDestinationPath $fileName) -CheckSum $CheckSum) } if (($itemToCopy.Type -eq "Directory") -and ($itemToCopy.Recurse)) { $result = $result -and -not(ItemHasChanged -sourcePath $itemToCopy.SourcePath -destinationPath $finalDestinationPath -CheckSum $CheckSum) if (-not ($result)) { break; } } } } else { # If Ensure is specified as Present or if Ensure is not specified at all. if(($itemToCopy.Ensure)) { $result = $false break; } } # Check the attribute if ($itemToCopy.Attributes) { $currentAttribute = @(Get-ItemProperty -Path $finalDestinationPath |% Attributes) $result = $currentAttribute.Contains($itemToCopy.Attributes) } } } finally { EnsureVHDState -Dismounted -vhdPath $VhdPath } Write-Verbose "Test returned $result" return $result; } # Assert the state of the VHD. function EnsureVHDState { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParametersetName="Mounted")] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName = "Mounted")] [switch]$Mounted, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName = "Dismounted")] [switch]$Dismounted, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $vhdPath ) if ( -not ( Get-Module -ListAvailable Hyper-v)) { throw "Hyper-v-Powershell Windows Feature is required to run this resource. Please install Hyper-v feature and try again" } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Mounted') { # Try mounting the VHD. $mountedVHD = Mount-VHD -Path $vhdPath -Passthru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable var # If mounting the VHD failed. Dismount the VHD and mount it again. if ($var) { Write-Verbose "Mounting Failed. Attempting to dismount and mount it back" Dismount-VHD $vhdPath $mountedVHD = Mount-VHD -Path $vhdPath -Passthru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $mountedVHD } else { return $mountedVHD } } else { Dismount-VHD $vhdPath -ea SilentlyContinue } } # Change the Cim Instance objects in to a hash table containing property value pair. function GetItemToCopy { param([Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance] $item) $returnValue = @{ SourcePath = $item.CimInstanceProperties["SourcePath"].Value DestinationPath = $item.CimInstanceProperties["DestinationPath"].Value Ensure = $item.CimInstanceProperties["Ensure"].Value Recurse = $item.CimInstanceProperties["Recurse"].Value Force = $item.CimInstanceProperties["Force"].Value Content = $item.CimInstanceProperties["Content"].Value Attributes = @($item.CimInstanceProperties["Attributes"].Value) Type = $item.CimInstanceProperties["Type"].Value } # Assign Default values, if they are not specified. if ($returnValue.Ensure -eq $null) { $returnValue.Ensure = "Present" } if ($returnValue.Force -eq $null) { $returnValue.Force = "True" } if ($returnValue.Recurse -eq $null) { $returnValue.Recurse = "True" } if ($returnValue.Type -eq $null) { if (Test-Path $returnValue.SourcePath -PathType Leaf ) { $returnValue.Type = 'File' } else { $returnValue.Type = 'Directory' } } # Convert string "True" or "False" to boolean for ease of programming. $returnValue.Force = $returnValue.Force -eq "True" $returnValue.Recurse = $returnValue.Recurse -eq "True" $returnValue.Ensure = $returnValue.Ensure -eq "Present" $returnValue.Keys | %{ Write-Verbose "$_ => $($returnValue[$_])"} return $returnValue } # This is the main function that gets called after the file is mounted to perform copy, set or new operations on the mounted drive. function SetVHDFile { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParametersetName="Copy")] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Copy")] $sourcePath, [switch]$recurse, [switch]$force, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName = "New")] $type, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName = "New")] $content, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $destinationPath, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Set")] $attribute, [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Delete")] [switch]$ensure ) Write-Verbose "Setting the VHD file $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)" if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Copy') { New-Item -Path (Split-Path $destinationPath) -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Copy-Item -Path $sourcePath -Destination $destinationPath -Force:$force -Recurse:$recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'New') { If ($type -eq 'Directory') { New-Item -Path $destinationPath -ItemType $type } else { New-Item -Path $destinationPath -ItemType $type $content | Out-File $destinationPath } } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Set') { Write-Verbose "Attempting to change the attribute of the file $destinationPath to value $attribute" Set-ItemProperty -Path $destinationPath -Name Attributes -Value $attribute } elseif (!($ensure)) { Remove-Item -Path $destinationPath -Force:$force -Recurse:$recurse } } # Detect if the item to be copied is modified version of the orginal. function ItemHasChanged { param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] $sourcePath, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] $destinationPath, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('ModifiedDate','SHA-1','SHA-256','SHA-512')] $CheckSum = 'ModifiedDate' ) $itemIsFolder = Test-Path $sourcePath -Type Container $sourceItems = $null; $destinationItems = $null; if ($itemIsFolder) { $sourceItems = Get-ChildItem "$sourcePath\*.*" -Recurse $destinationItems = Get-ChildItem "$destinationPath\*.*" -Recurse } else { $sourceItems = Get-ChildItem $sourcePath $destinationItems = Get-ChildItem $destinationPath } if ( -not ($destinationItems)) { return $true; } # Compute the difference using the algorithem specified. $difference = $null switch ($CheckSum) { 'ModifiedDate' { $difference = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $sourceItems -DifferenceObject $destinationItems -Property LastWriteTime } 'SHA-1' { $difference = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($sourceItems | Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA1) -DifferenceObject ($destinationItems | Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA1) -Property Hash } 'SHA-256' { $difference = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($sourceItems | Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256) -DifferenceObject ($destinationItems | Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256) -Property Hash } 'SHA-512' { $difference = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($sourceItems | Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA512) -DifferenceObject ($destinationItems | Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA512) -Property Hash } } # If there are object difference between the item at the source and Items at the distenation. return ($null -ne $difference) } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |