[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '')] param() $Global:DSCModuleName = 'xActiveDirectory' # Example xNetworking $Global:DSCResourceName = 'MSFT_xADCommon' # Example MSFT_xFirewall #region HEADER [String] $moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)) Write-Host $moduleRoot -ForegroundColor Green; if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or ` (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) ) { & git @('clone','https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git',(Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\')) } Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1') -Force $TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment ` -DSCModuleName $Global:DSCModuleName ` -DSCResourceName $Global:DSCResourceName ` -TestType Unit #endregion # Begin Testing try { #region Pester Tests # The InModuleScope command allows you to perform white-box unit testing on the internal # (non-exported) code of a Script Module. InModuleScope $Global:DSCResourceName { #region Pester Test Initialization #endregion #region Function ResolveDomainFQDN Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Resolve-DomainFQDN" { It 'Returns "DomainName" when "ParentDomainName" not supplied' { $testDomainName = 'contoso.com'; $testParentDomainName = $null; $result = Resolve-DomainFQDN -DomainName $testDomainName -ParentDomainName $testParentDOmainName; $result | Should Be $testDomainName; } It 'Returns compound "DomainName.ParentDomainName" when "ParentDomainName" supplied' { $testDomainName = 'subdomain'; $testParentDomainName = 'contoso.com'; $result = Resolve-DomainFQDN -DomainName $testDomainName -ParentDomainName $testParentDomainName; $result | Should Be "$testDomainName.$testParentDomainName"; } } #endregion #region Function TestDomainMember Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Test-DomainMember" { It 'Returns "True" when domain member' { Mock Get-CimInstance { return @{ Name = $env:COMPUTERNAME; PartOfDomain = $true; } } Test-DomainMember | Should Be $true; } It 'Returns "False" when workgroup member' { Mock Get-CimInstance { return @{ Name = $env:COMPUTERNAME; } } Test-DomainMember | Should Be $false; } } #endregion #region Function Get-DomainName Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Get-DomainName" { It 'Returns exepected domain name' { Mock Get-CimInstance { return @{ Name = $env:COMPUTERNAME; Domain = 'contoso.com'; } } Get-DomainName | Should Be 'contoso.com'; } } #endregion #region Function Assert-Module Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Assert-Module" { It 'Does not throw when module is installed' { $testModuleName = 'TestModule'; Mock Get-Module -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq $testModuleName } { return $true; } { Assert-Module -ModuleName $testModuleName } | Should Not Throw; } It 'Throws when module is not installed' { $testModuleName = 'TestModule'; Mock Get-Module -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq $testModuleName } { } { Assert-Module -ModuleName $testModuleName } | Should Throw; } } #endregion #region Function Assert-Module Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Get-ADObjectParentDN" { It "Returns CN object parent path" { Get-ADObjectParentDN -DN 'CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com' | Should Be 'CN=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com'; } It "Returns OU object parent path" { Get-ADObjectParentDN -DN 'CN=Administrator,OU=Custom Organizational Unit,DC=contoso,DC=com' | Should Be 'OU=Custom Organizational Unit,DC=contoso,DC=com'; } } #endregion #region Function Remove-DuplicateMembers Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Remove-DuplicateMembers" { It 'Removes one duplicate' { $members = Remove-DuplicateMembers -Members 'User1','User2','USER1'; $members.Count | Should Be 2; $members -contains 'User1' | Should Be $true; $members -contains 'User2' | Should Be $true; } It 'Removes two duplicates' { $members = Remove-DuplicateMembers -Members 'User1','User2','USER1','USER2'; $members.Count | Should Be 2; $members -contains 'User1' | Should Be $true; $members -contains 'User2' | Should Be $true; } It 'Removes double duplicates' { $members = Remove-DuplicateMembers -Members 'User1','User2','USER1','user1'; $members.Count | Should Be 2; $members -contains 'User1' | Should Be $true; $members -contains 'User2' | Should Be $true; } } #endregion #region Function Test-Members Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Test-Members" { It 'Passes when nothing is passed' { Test-Members -ExistingMembers $null | Should Be $true; } It 'Passes when there are existing members but members are required' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1', 'USER2'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $testExistingMembers | Should Be $true; } It 'Passes when existing members match required members' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1', 'USER2'); $testMembers = @('USER2', 'USER1'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $testExistingMembers -Members $testMembers | Should Be $true; } It 'Fails when there are no existing members and members are required' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1', 'USER2'); $testMembers = @('USER1', 'USER3'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $null -Members $testMembers | Should Be $false; } It 'Fails when there are more existing members than the members required' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1', 'USER2', 'USER3'); $testMembers = @('USER1', 'USER3'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $null -Members $testMembers | Should Be $false; } It 'Fails when there are more existing members than the members required' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1', 'USER2'); $testMembers = @('USER1', 'USER3', 'USER2'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $null -Members $testMembers | Should Be $false; } It 'Fails when existing members do not match required members' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1', 'USER2'); $testMembers = @('USER1', 'USER3'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $testExistingMembers -Members $testMembers | Should Be $false; } It 'Passes when existing members include required member' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1', 'USER2'); $testMembersToInclude = @('USER2'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $testExistingMembers -MembersToInclude $testMembersToInclude | Should Be $true; } It 'Passes when existing members include required members' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1', 'USER2'); $testMembersToInclude = @('USER2', 'USER1'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $testExistingMembers -MembersToInclude $testMembersToInclude | Should Be $true; } It 'Fails when existing members is missing a required member' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1'); $testMembersToInclude = @('USER2'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $testExistingMembers -MembersToInclude $testMembersToInclude | Should Be $false; } It 'Fails when existing members is missing a required member' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1', 'USER3'); $testMembersToInclude = @('USER2'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $testExistingMembers -MembersToInclude $testMembersToInclude | Should Be $false; } It 'Fails when existing members is missing a required members' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER3'); $testMembersToInclude = @('USER1', 'USER2'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $testExistingMembers -MembersToInclude $testMembersToInclude | Should Be $false; } It 'Passes when existing member does not include excluded member' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1'); $testMembersToExclude = @('USER2'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $testExistingMembers -MembersToExclude $testMembersToInclude | Should Be $true; } It 'Passes when existing member does not include excluded members' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1'); $testMembersToExclude = @('USER2', 'USER3'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $testExistingMembers -MembersToExclude $testMembersToInclude | Should Be $true; } It 'Passes when existing members does not include excluded member' { $testExistingMembers = @('USER1', 'USER2'); $testMembersToExclude = @('USER3'); Test-Members -ExistingMembers $testExistingMembers -MembersToExclude $testMembersToInclude | Should Be $true; } } #endregion #region Function Assert-MemberParameters Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Assert-MemberParameters" { It "Throws if 'Members' is specified but is empty" { { Assert-MemberParameters -Members @() } | Should Throw 'The Members parameter value is null'; } It "Throws if 'Members' and 'MembersToInclude' are specified" { { Assert-MemberParameters -Members @('User1') -MembersToInclude @('User1') } | Should Throw 'parameters conflict'; } It "Throws if 'Members' and 'MembersToExclude' are specified" { { Assert-MemberParameters -Members @('User1') -MembersToExclude @('User2') } | Should Throw 'parameters conflict'; } It "Throws if 'MembersToInclude' and 'MembersToExclude' contain the same member" { { Assert-MemberParameters -MembersToExclude @('user1') -MembersToInclude @('USER1') } | Should Throw 'member must not be included in both'; } It "Throws if 'MembersToInclude' and 'MembersToExclude' are empty" { { Assert-MemberParameters -MembersToExclude @() -MembersToInclude @() } | Should Throw 'At least one member must be specified'; } } #endregion #region Function ConvertTo-Timespan Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\ConvertTo-Timespan" { It "Returns 'System.TimeSpan' object type" { $testIntTimeSpan = 60; $result = ConvertTo-TimeSpan -TimeSpan $testIntTimeSpan -TimeSpanType Minutes; $result -is [System.TimeSpan] | Should Be $true; } It "Creates TimeSpan from seconds" { $testIntTimeSpan = 60; $result = ConvertTo-TimeSpan -TimeSpan $testIntTimeSpan -TimeSpanType Seconds; $result.TotalSeconds | Should Be $testIntTimeSpan; } It "Creates TimeSpan from minutes" { $testIntTimeSpan = 60; $result = ConvertTo-TimeSpan -TimeSpan $testIntTimeSpan -TimeSpanType Minutes; $result.TotalMinutes | Should Be $testIntTimeSpan; } It "Creates TimeSpan from hours" { $testIntTimeSpan = 60; $result = ConvertTo-TimeSpan -TimeSpan $testIntTimeSpan -TimeSpanType Hours; $result.TotalHours | Should Be $testIntTimeSpan; } It "Creates TimeSpan from days" { $testIntTimeSpan = 60; $result = ConvertTo-TimeSpan -TimeSpan $testIntTimeSpan -TimeSpanType Days; $result.TotalDays | Should Be $testIntTimeSpan; } } #endregion #region Function ConvertTo-Timespan Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\ConvertFrom-Timespan" { It "Returns 'System.UInt32' object type" { $testIntTimeSpan = 60; $testTimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $testIntTimeSpan; $result = ConvertFrom-TimeSpan -TimeSpan $testTimeSpan -TimeSpanType Seconds; $result -is [System.UInt32] | Should Be $true; } It "Converts TimeSpan to total seconds" { $testIntTimeSpan = 60; $testTimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $testIntTimeSpan; $result = ConvertFrom-TimeSpan -TimeSpan $testTimeSpan -TimeSpanType Seconds; $result | Should Be $testTimeSpan.TotalSeconds; } It "Converts TimeSpan to total minutes" { $testIntTimeSpan = 60; $testTimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Minutes $testIntTimeSpan; $result = ConvertFrom-TimeSpan -TimeSpan $testTimeSpan -TimeSpanType Minutes; $result | Should Be $testTimeSpan.TotalMinutes; } It "Converts TimeSpan to total hours" { $testIntTimeSpan = 60; $testTimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Hours $testIntTimeSpan; $result = ConvertFrom-TimeSpan -TimeSpan $testTimeSpan -TimeSpanType Hours; $result | Should Be $testTimeSpan.TotalHours; } It "Converts TimeSpan to total days" { $testIntTimeSpan = 60; $testTimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Days $testIntTimeSpan; $result = ConvertFrom-TimeSpan -TimeSpan $testTimeSpan -TimeSpanType Days; $result | Should Be $testTimeSpan.TotalDays; } } #endregion #region Function Get-ADCommonParameters Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Get-ADCommonParameters" { It "Returns 'System.Collections.Hashtable' object type" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity; $result -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should Be $true; } It "Returns 'Identity' key by default" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity; $result['Identity'] | Should Be $testIdentity; } It "Returns 'Name' key when 'UseNameParameter' is specified" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity -UseNameParameter; $result['Name'] | Should Be $testIdentity; } foreach ($identityParam in @('UserName','GroupName','ComputerName')) { It "Returns 'Identity' key when '$identityParam' alias is specified" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $getADCommonParameters = @{ $identityParam = $testIdentity; } $result = Get-ADCommonParameters @getADCommonParameters; $result['Identity'] | Should Be $testIdentity; } } It "Returns 'Identity' key by default when 'Identity' and 'CommonName' are specified" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $testCommonName = 'Test Common Name'; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity -CommonName $testCommonName; $result['Identity'] | Should Be $testIdentity; } It "Returns 'Identity' key with 'CommonName' when 'Identity', 'CommonName' and 'PreferCommonName' are specified" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $testCommonName = 'Test Common Name'; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity -CommonName $testCommonName -PreferCommonName; $result['Identity'] | Should Be $testCommonName; } It "Returns 'Identity' key with 'Identity' when 'Identity' and 'PreferCommonName' are specified" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity -PreferCommonName; $result['Identity'] | Should Be $testIdentity; } it "Returns 'Name' key when 'UseNameParameter' and 'PreferCommonName' are supplied" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $testCommonName = 'Test Common Name'; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity -UseNameParameter -CommonName $testCommonName -PreferCommonName; $result['Name'] | Should Be $testCommonName; } It "Does not return 'Credential' key by default" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity; $result.ContainsKey('Credential') | Should Be $false; } It "Returns 'Credential' key when specified" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $testCredential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity -Credential $testCredential; $result['Credential'] | Should Be $testCredential; } It "Does not return 'Server' key by default" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity; $result.ContainsKey('Server') | Should Be $false; } It "Returns 'Server' key when specified" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $testServer = 'testserver.contoso.com'; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity -Server $testServer; $result['Server'] | Should Be $testServer; } It "Converts 'DomainAdministratorCredential' parameter to 'Credential' key" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $testCredential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity -DomainAdministratorCredential $testCredential; $result['Credential'] | Should Be $testCredential; } It "Converts 'DomainController' parameter to 'Server' key" { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $testServer = 'testserver.contoso.com'; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity -DomainController $testServer; $result['Server'] | Should Be $testServer; } It 'Accepts remaining arguments' { $testIdentity = 'contoso.com'; $result = Get-ADCommonParameters -Identity $testIdentity -UnexpectedParameter 42; $result['Identity'] | Should Be $testIdentity; } } #endregion } #endregion } finally { #region FOOTER Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment #endregion } |