#requires -RunAsAdministrator #requires -Version 4 $moduleName = 'Lability'; if (!$PSScriptRoot) { # $PSScriptRoot is not defined in 2.0 $PSScriptRoot = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) } $repoRoot = (Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..").Path; Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $RepoRoot -ChildPath "$moduleName.psm1") -Force; Describe 'LabVMDefaults' { InModuleScope $moduleName { Context 'Validates "Reset-LabVMDefault" method' { It 'Calls "RemoveConfigurationData" method' { Mock RemoveConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $Configuration -eq 'VM' } -MockWith { } $defaults = Reset-LabVMDefault; Assert-MockCalled RemoveConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $Configuration -eq 'VM' } -Scope It; } } #end context Validates "Reset-LabMDefault" method Context 'Validates "Get-LabVMDefault" method' { It 'Returns a "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject" object type' { $defaults = Get-LabVMDefault; $defaults -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] | Should Be $true; } It 'Does not return "BootOrder" property' { $defaults = Get-LabVMDefault; $defaults.BootOrder | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } } #end context Validates "Get-LabVMDefault" method Context 'Validates "Set-LabVMDefault" method' { It 'Does not return "BootOrder" property' { Mock SetConfigurationData -MockWith { } $defaults = Set-LabVMDefault; $defaults.BootOrder | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } $testProperties = @( @{ StartupMemory = 2GB; } @{ MinimumMemory = 1GB; } @{ MaximumMemory = 2GB; } @{ ProcessorCount = 4; } @{ Media = '2012R2_x64_Standard_EN_Eval'; } @{ SwitchName = 'Test Switch'; } @{ Timezone = 'Eastern Standard Time'; } @{ InputLocale = 'DE-de'; } @{ InputLocale = '0809:00000809'; } @{ SystemLocale = 'FR-fr'; } @{ UILanguage = 'ES-es'; } @{ UserLocale = 'EN-gb'; } @{ RegisteredOwner = 'Virtual Engine Ltd'; } @{ RegisteredOrganization = 'Virtual Engine Ltd'; } @{ BootDelay = 42; } @{ CustomBootstrapOrder = 'Disabled'; } @{ GuestIntegrationServices = $true; } ) foreach ($property in $testProperties) { It "Sets ""$($property.Keys[0])"" value" { Mock SetConfigurationData -MockWith { } $defaults = Set-LabVMDefault @property; $defaults.($property.Keys[0]) | Should Be $property.Values[0]; } } $testFiles = @( @{ ClientCertificatePath = 'TestDrive:\TestClientCertificate.cer'; } @{ RootCertificatePath = 'TestDrive:\TestRootCertificate.cer'; } ) foreach ($file in $testFiles) { It "Sets ""$($file.Keys[0])"" value" { Mock SetConfigurationData -MockWith { } New-Item -Path $file.Values[0] -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ItemType File; $defaults = Set-LabVMDefault @file; $defaults.($file.Keys[0]) | Should Be $file.Values[0]; } } It 'Throws if "Timezone" cannot be resolved' { { Set-LabVMDefault -Timezone 'Cloud cockoo land' } | Should Throw; } It 'Throws if "ClientCertificatePath" file cannot be found' { { Set-LabVMDefault -ClientCertificatePath 'TestDrive:\ClientCertificate.cer' } | Should Throw; } It 'Throws if "RootCertificatePath" file cannot be found' { { Set-LabVMDefault -RootCertificatePath 'TestDrive:\RootCertificate.cer' } | Should Throw; } It 'Throws if "StartupMemory" is less than "MinimumMemory"' { { Set-LabVMDefault -StartupMemory 1GB -MinimumMemory 2GB } | Should Throw; } It 'Throws if "StartupMemory" is greater than "MaximumMemory"' { { Set-LabVMDefault -StartupMemory 2GB -MaximumMemory 1GB } | Should Throw; } It 'Throws if "Media" cannot be resolved' { { Set-LabVMDefault -Media 'LabilityTestMedia' } | Should Throw; } It 'Calls "SetConfigurationData" to write data to disk' { Mock SetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $Configuration -eq 'VM' } -MockWith { } $defaults = Set-LabVMDefault; Assert-MockCalled SetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $Configuration -eq 'VM' } } } #end context Validates "Set-LabVMDefault" method } #end InModuleScope } #end describe LabVMDefaults |