#requires -RunAsAdministrator #requires -Version 4 $moduleName = 'Lability'; if (!$PSScriptRoot) { # $PSScriptRoot is not defined in 2.0 $PSScriptRoot = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) } $repoRoot = (Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..").Path; Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $RepoRoot -ChildPath "$moduleName.psm1") -Force; Describe 'LabHostDefaults' { InModuleScope $moduleName { Context 'Validates "Get-LabHostDefault" method' { It 'Calls "GetConfigurationData"' { Mock GetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $Configuration -eq 'Host' } -MockWith { } Get-LabHostDefault; Assert-MockCalled GetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $Configuration -eq 'Host' } } } #end context Validates "Get-LabHostDefault" method Context 'Validates "GetLabHostDSCConfigurationPath" method' { It 'Returns host configuration path' { $testConfigurationPath = 'TestDrive:\'; Mock GetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $Configuration -eq 'Host' } -MockWith { return [PSCustomObject] @{ ConfigurationPath = $testConfigurationPath; } } GetLabHostDSCConfigurationPath | Should Be $testConfigurationPath; } } #end context Validates "GetLabHostDSCConfigurationPath" method Context 'Validates "Set-LabHostDefault" method' { $fakeConfigurationDataObject = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject '{ "ConfigurationPath": "", "DifferencingVhdPath": "", "HotfixPath": "", "IsoPath": "", "ParentVhdPath": "", "ResourcePath": "", "ResourceShareName": "" }' It 'Resolves path containing an environment variable' { $testEnvironmentPath = '%SYSTEMROOT%'; $testResolvedPath = "$env:SystemRoot".Trim('\'); Mock GetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $Configuration -eq 'Host' } -MockWith { return $fakeConfigurationDataObject; } Mock SetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.IsoPath -eq $testResolvedPath } -MockWith { } Set-LabHostDefault -IsoPath $testEnvironmentPath; Assert-MockCalled SetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.IsoPath -eq $testResolvedPath } -Scope It; } foreach($parameter in ($fakeConfigurationDataObject.PSObject.Properties | Where Name -like '*Path').Name) { It "Calls 'Set-LabDefaults' with passed '$parameter' parameter" { $testPath = '{0}\{1}\' -f (Get-PSDrive -Name TestDrive).Root, $parameter; #- "TestDrive:\$parameter\"; $testValidPath = $testPath.Trim('\'); New-Item -Path $testValidPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; Mock GetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $Configuration -eq 'Host' } -MockWith { return $fakeConfigurationDataObject; } Mock SetConfigurationData -MockWith { } Mock SetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.$parameter -eq $testValidPath } -MockWith { } $setLabHostDefaultsParams = @{ $parameter = $testPath; } Set-LabHostDefault @setLabHostDefaultsParams; Assert-MockCalled SetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.$parameter -eq $testValidPath } -Scope It; } } It 'Calls "Set-LabDefaults" with passed "ResourceShareName" parameter' { $testShareName = 'TestShare'; Mock GetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $Configuration -eq 'Host' } -MockWith { return $fakeConfigurationDataObject; } Mock SetConfigurationData -MockWith { } Mock SetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.ResourceShareName -eq $testShareName } -MockWith { } Set-LabHostDefault -ResourceShareName $testShareName; Assert-MockCalled SetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $InputObject.ResourceShareName -eq $testShareName } -Scope It; } It 'Throws when passed an invalid path' { $testInvalidPath = 'Test Drive:\'; Mock GetConfigurationData -ParameterFilter { $Configuration -eq 'Host' } -MockWith { return $fakeConfigurationDataObject; } Mock SetConfigurationData -MockWith { } { Set-LabHostDefault -IsoPath $testInvalidPath } | Should Throw; } } #end context Validates "Set-LabHostDefault" method } #end InModuleScope } #end describe LabHostDefaults |