function TestDscResourceModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests whether the specified PowerShell module directory is a DSC resource. .DESCRIPTION The TestDscResourceModule determines whether the specified path is a PowerShell DSC resource module. This is used to only copy DSC resources to a VM's VHD(X) file - not ALL modules! #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.String] $ModuleName ) process { ## This module contains a \DSCResources folder, but we don't want to enumerate this! if ($Path -notmatch "\\$($labDefaults.ModuleName)$") { Write-Debug -Message ('Testing for MOF-based DSC Resource ''{0}'' directory.' -f "$Path\DSCResources"); if (Test-Path -Path "$Path\DSCResources" -PathType Container) { ## We have a WMF 4.0/MOF DSC resource module Write-Debug -Message ('Found MOF-based DSC resource ''{0}''.' -f $Path); return $true; } Write-Debug -Message ('Testing for Class-based DSC resource definition ''{0}''.' -f "$Path\$ModuleName.psm1"); if (Test-Path -Path "$Path\$ModuleName.psm1") { $psm1Content = Get-Content -Path "$Path\$ModuleName.psm1"; ## If there's a .psm1 file, check if it's a class-based DSC resource if ($psm1Content -imatch '^(\s*)\[DscResource\(\)\](\s*)$') { ## File has a [DscResource()] declaration Write-Debug -Message ('Found Class-based DSC resource ''{0}''.' -f $Path); return $true; } } } #end if this module return $false; } #end process } #end TestDscResourceModule function GetDscResourceModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Enumerates a directory path and returns list of all valid DSC resources. .DESCRIPTION The GetDscResourceModule returns all the PowerShell DSC resource modules in the specified path. This is used to determine which directories to copy to a VM's VHD(X) file. Only the latest version of module that is installed is returned, removing any versioned folders that are introduced in WMF 5.0, but cannot be interpreted by down-level WMF versions. .NOTES More context can be found here #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingEmptyCatchBlock','')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.String[]] $Path ) process { foreach ($basePath in $Path) { Get-ChildItem -Path $basePath -Directory | ForEach-Object { $moduleInfo = $PSItem; ## Check to see if we have a MOF or class resource in the module if (TestDscResourceModule -Path $moduleInfo.FullName -ModuleName $moduleInfo.Name) { Write-Debug -Message ('Discovered DSC resource ''{0}''.' -f $moduleInfo.FullName); $testModuleManifestPath = '{0}\{1}.psd1' -f $moduleInfo.FullName, $moduleInfo.Name; ## Convert the .psd1 file into a hashtable (Test-ModuleManifest can actually load the module) $module = ConvertToConfigurationData -ConfigurationData $testModuleManifestPath; Write-Output -InputObject ([PSCustomObject] @{ ModuleName = $moduleInfo.Name; ModuleVersion = $module.ModuleVersion -as [System.Version]; Path = $moduleInfo.FullName; }); } else { ## Enumerate each module\<number>.<number> subdirectory Get-ChildItem -Path $moduleInfo.FullName -Directory | Where-Object Name -match '^\d+\.\d+' | ForEach-Object { Write-Debug -Message ('Checking module versioned directory ''{0}''.' -f $PSItem.FullName); ## Test to see if it's a DSC resource module if (TestDscResourceModule -Path $PSItem.FullName -ModuleName $moduleInfo.Name) { try { Write-Debug -Message ('Discovered DSC resource ''{0}''.' -f $PSItem.FullName); $testModuleManifestPath = '{0}\{1}.psd1' -f $PSItem.FullName, $moduleInfo.Name; ## Convert the .psd1 file into a hashtable (Test-ModuleManifest can actually load the module) $module = ConvertToConfigurationData -ConfigurationData $testModuleManifestPath; Write-Output -InputObject ([PSCustomObject] @{ ModuleName = $moduleInfo.Name; ModuleVersion = [System.Version] $module.ModuleVersion; Path = $PSItem.FullName; }); } catch { } } } | #end foreach module\<number>.<number> sub directory Sort-Object -Property ModuleVersion -Descending | Select-Object -First 1; } } #end foreach module directory } #end foreach path } #end process } #end function GetDscResourceModule |