
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    QueryingVMProcessor = Querying VM '{0}' processor(s).
    PropertyMismatch = Property '{0}' mismatch; expected value '{1}', but was '{2}'.
    VMProcessorInDesiredState = VM '{0}' processor(s) in desired state.
    VMProcessorNotInDesiredState = VM '{0}' processor(s) not in desired state.
    UpdatingVMProperties = Updating VM '{0}' properties.
    VMPropertiesUpdated = VM '{0}' properties have been updated.

    VMNotFoundError = VM '{0}' was not found.
    UnsupportedSystemError = Parameter '{0}' is not supported on operating system builds earlier than '{1}'.
    CannotUpdateVmOnlineError = Cannot change online property '{0}' unless 'RestartIfNeeded' is set to true.