ConvertFrom-StringData @'
DiskFound = Found hard disk '{0}' attached to VM '{1}'. DiskNotFound = Hard disk '{0}' missing from VM '{1}' CheckingDiskIsAttached = Checking if the disk is already attached to the VM. CheckingExistingDiskLocation = Checking if there is an existing disk in the specified location. AddingDisk = Adding the disk '{0}' to VM '{1}'. RemovingDisk = Removing disk '{0}' from VM '{1}'. ComparingParameter = Comparing '{0}'; expected '{1}', actual '{2}'. DiskPresentError = There is already a disk present in controller '{0}', location '{1}'. IdeLocationError = ControllerNumber '{0}' or ControllerLocation '{1}' are not valid for IDE controller. '@ |