ConvertFrom-StringData @'
CheckingIfTheDiskIsAlreadyAttachedToTheVM = Checking if the VHD is already attached to the VM. FoundDiskButWithWrongSettings = The VHD is already connected to the VM but with the wrong settings. Correcting... CheckingIfThereIsAnotherDiskOnThisLocation = Checking if there is already a disk on the provided location. ThereIsAnotherDiskOnThisLocation = There is already a disk on the location. Replacing the previous VHD ({0}). AddingTheDiskToTheFreeLocation = Adding the VHD to the VM as a new disk. RemovingVHDFromVM = Removing the VMHardDiskDrive {0}. CouldNotFindDiskToRemove = Could not find the disk to be removed. ComparingDesiredActual = Comparing the actual to the desired value for {0}: {1} vs {2} NumberOrLocationOutOfBounds = The ControllerNumber ({0}) or ControllerLocation ({1}) are not valid for IDE '@ |