#requires -RunAsAdministrator #requires -Version 4 $moduleName = 'Lability'; $repoRoot = (Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..").Path; Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $RepoRoot -ChildPath "$moduleName.psm1") -Force; Describe 'Src\LabVMDiskFile' { InModuleScope $moduleName { Context 'Validates "SetLabVMDiskModule" method' { $testModules = @( @{ Name = 'PowerShellModule'; } @{ Name = 'DscResourceModule'; } ) It 'Calls "InvokeModuleCacheDownload" with "Force" when specified' { Mock InvokeModuleCacheDownload -MockWith { } Mock ExpandModuleCache -MockWith { } SetLabVMDiskModule -Module $testModules -DestinationPath ".\" -Force Assert-MockCalled InvokeModuleCacheDownload -ParameterFilter { $Force -eq $true } -Scope It; } It 'Calls "ExpandModuleCache" with "Clean" when specified' { Mock InvokeModuleCacheDownload -MockWith { } Mock ExpandModuleCache -MockWith { } SetLabVMDiskModule -Module $testModules -DestinationPath ".\" -Clean Assert-MockCalled ExpandModuleCache -ParameterFilter { $Clean -eq $true } -Scope It; } } #end context Validates "SetLabVMDiskModule" method Context 'Validates "SetLabVMDiskFileResource" method' { It 'Calls "ExpandLabResource" using "ResourceShare" path' { $testNode = 'TestNode'; $testConfigurationData = @{} $testDriveLetter = 'Z'; $testResourceShare = 'TestResourceShare'; $testHostConfiguration = [PSCustomObject] @{ ResourceShareName = $testResourceShare; } Mock GetConfigurationData -MockWith { return $testHostConfiguration; } Mock ExpandLabResource -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ ConfigurationData = $testConfigurationData; NodeName = $testNode; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; } SetLabVMDiskFileResource @testParams; $expectedDestinationPath = '{0}:\{1}' -f $testDriveLetter, $testResourceShare; Assert-MockCalled ExpandLabResource -ParameterFilter { $DestinationPath -eq $expectedDestinationPath } -Scope It } } #end context Validates "SetLabVMDiskFileResource" method Context 'Validates "SetLabVMDiskFileModule" method' { $testNode = 'TestNode'; $testConfigurationData = @{} $testDriveLetter = $env:SystemDrive.Trim(':'); $testModules = @( @{ Name = 'PowerShellModule'; } @{ Name = 'DscResourceModule'; } ) It 'Calls "ResolveLabModule" to query DSC resource modules' { Mock ResolveLabModule -MockWith { return $testModules; } Mock SetLabVMDiskModule -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ ConfigurationData = $testConfigurationData; NodeName = $testNode; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; } SetLabVMDiskFileModule @testParams; Assert-MockCalled ResolveLabModule -ParameterFilter { $ModuleType -eq 'DscResource'; } -Scope It; } It 'Calls "ResolveLabModule" to query PowerShell modules' { Mock ResolveLabModule -MockWith { return $testModules; } Mock SetLabVMDiskModule -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ ConfigurationData = $testConfigurationData; NodeName = $testNode; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; } SetLabVMDiskFileModule @testParams; Assert-MockCalled ResolveLabModule -ParameterFilter { $ModuleType -eq 'Module'; } -Scope It; } It 'Calls "SetLabVMDiskModule" to expand modules' { Mock ResolveLabModule -MockWith { return $testModules; } Mock SetLabVMDiskModule -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ ConfigurationData = $testConfigurationData; NodeName = $testNode; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; } SetLabVMDiskFileModule @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetLabVMDiskModule -Scope It -Exactly 2; } } #end context Validates "SetLabVMDiskFileModule" method Context 'Validates "SetLabVMDiskFileUnattendXml" method' { $testNode = 'TestNode'; $testConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = $testNode; CustomData = @{ ProductKey = 'ABCDE-12345-EDCBA-54321-ABCDE'; } } ) } $testDriveLetter = $env:SystemDrive.Trim(':'); $testCredential = $testCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 'DummyUser', (ConvertTo-SecureString 'DummyPassword' -AsPlainText -Force);; It 'Calls "SetUnattendXml" to create "\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Unattend.xml" file' { $testNode = 'TestNode'; $testConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = $testNode; } ) } $testDriveLetter = $env:SystemDrive.Trim(':'); $testCredential = $testCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 'DummyUser', (ConvertTo-SecureString 'DummyPassword' -AsPlainText -Force);; Mock SetUnattendXml -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ ConfigurationData = $testConfigurationData; NodeName = $testNode; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; Credential = $testCredential; } SetLabVMDiskFileUnattendXml @testParams; $expectedPath = '{0}:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Unattend.xml' -f $testDriveLetter; Assert-MockCalled SetUnattendXml -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath } -Scope It; } It 'Passes node "ProductKey" when specified (#134)' { $testNode = 'TestNode'; $testProductKey = 'ABCDE-12345-EDCBA-54321-ABCDE'; $testConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = $testNode; CustomData = @{ ProductKey = $testProductKey; } } ) } $testDriveLetter = $env:SystemDrive.Trim(':'); $testCredential = $testCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 'DummyUser', (ConvertTo-SecureString 'DummyPassword' -AsPlainText -Force);; Mock SetUnattendXml -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ ConfigurationData = $testConfigurationData; NodeName = $testNode; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; Credential = $testCredential; } SetLabVMDiskFileUnattendXml @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetUnattendXml -ParameterFilter { $ProductKey -eq $testProductKey } -Scope It; } It 'Passes media "ProductKey" when specified (#134)' { $testNode = 'TestNode'; $testProductKey = 'ABCDE-12345-FGHIJ-67890-KLMNO'; $testConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = $testNode; } ) } $testDriveLetter = $env:SystemDrive.Trim(':'); $testCredential = $testCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 'DummyUser', (ConvertTo-SecureString 'DummyPassword' -AsPlainText -Force);; Mock SetUnattendXml -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ ConfigurationData = $testConfigurationData; NodeName = $testNode; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; Credential = $testCredential; ProductKey = $testProductKey; } SetLabVMDiskFileUnattendXml @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetUnattendXml -ParameterFilter { $ProductKey -eq $testProductKey } -Scope It; } It 'Passes node "ProductKey" when node and media key specified (#134)' { $testNode = 'TestNode'; $testNodeProductKey = 'ABCDE-12345-EDCBA-54321-ABCDE'; $testProductKey = 'ABCDE-12345-FGHIJ-67890-KLMNO'; $testConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = $testNode; CustomData = @{ ProductKey = $testNodeProductKey; } } ) } $testDriveLetter = $env:SystemDrive.Trim(':'); $testCredential = $testCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 'DummyUser', (ConvertTo-SecureString 'DummyPassword' -AsPlainText -Force);; Mock SetUnattendXml -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ ConfigurationData = $testConfigurationData; NodeName = $testNode; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; Credential = $testCredential; ProductKey = $testProductKey; } SetLabVMDiskFileUnattendXml @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetUnattendXml -ParameterFilter { $ProductKey -eq $testNodeProductKey } -Scope It; } } #end context Validates "SetLabVMDiskFileUnattendXml" method Context 'Validates "SetLabVMDiskFileBootstrap" method' { $testDriveLetter = $env:SystemDrive.Trim(':'); It 'Calls "SetBootStrap" to inject default bootstrap' { Mock SetBootStrap -MockWith { } Mock SetSetupCompleteCmd -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; } SetLabVMDiskFileBootstrap @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetBootStrap -ParameterFilter { $null -eq $CustomBootstrap } -Scope It; } It 'Calls "SetBootStrap" to inject custom bootstrap when specified' { Mock SetBootStrap -MockWith { } Mock SetSetupCompleteCmd -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; CustomBootStrap = 'Test Bootstrap'; } SetLabVMDiskFileBootstrap @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetBootStrap -ParameterFilter { $null -ne $CustomBootstrap } -Scope It; } It 'Calls "SetBootStrap" with "CoreCLR" to inject CoreCLR bootstrap when specified' { Mock SetBootStrap -MockWith { } Mock SetSetupCompleteCmd -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; CoreCLR = $true; } SetLabVMDiskFileBootstrap @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetBootStrap -ParameterFilter { $CoreCLR -eq $true } -Scope It; } It 'Calls "SetSetupCompleteCmd" with "\Windows\Setup\Scripts" path' { Mock SetBootStrap -MockWith { } Mock SetSetupCompleteCmd -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; } SetLabVMDiskFileBootstrap @testParams; $expectedPath = '{0}:\Windows\Setup\Scripts' -f $testDriveLetter; Assert-MockCalled SetSetupCompleteCmd -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $expectedPath } -Scope It; } } #end context Validates "SetLabVMDiskFileBootstrap" method Context 'Validates "SetLabVMDiskFileMof" method' { $testNode = 'TestNode'; $testDriveLetter = $env:SystemDrive.Trim(':'); $testPath = $env:SystemDrive; $testParams = @{ NodeName = $testNode; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; Path = $testPath; } It 'Warns if .mof file cannot be found' { Mock Copy-Item -MockWith { } Mock Test-Path -MockWith { return $false; } { SetLabVMDiskFileMof @testParams -WarningAction Stop 3>&1 } | Should Throw; } It 'Copies .mof file if found' { $testMofPath = Join-Path -Path $testPath -ChildPath "$testNode.mof"; Mock Copy-Item -MockWith { } Mock Test-Path -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $testMofPath } -MockWith { return $true; } SetLabVMDiskFileMof @testParams; Assert-MockCalled Copy-Item -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $testMofPath } -Scope It; } It 'Copies .meta.mof file if found' { $testMofPath = Join-Path -Path $testPath -ChildPath "$testNode.meta.mof"; Mock Copy-Item -MockWith { } Mock Test-Path -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $testMofPath } -MockWith { return $true; } SetLabVMDiskFileMof @testParams 3>&1; Assert-MockCalled Copy-Item -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $testMofPath } -Scope It; } } #end context Validates "SetLabVMDiskFileMof" method Context 'Validates "SetLabVMDiskFileCertificate" method' { $testNode = 'TestNode'; $testConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = $testNode; } ) } $testDriveLetter = $env:SystemDrive.Trim(':'); Mock Copy-Item -MockWith { } It 'Copies default client certificate' { $testParams = @{ NodeName = $testNode; ConfigurationData = $testConfigurationData; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; } SetLabVMDiskFileCertificate @testParams; Assert-MockCalled Copy-Item -ParameterFilter { $Path.EndsWith('\Lability\Certificates\LabClient.pfx') } -Scope It; } It 'Copies default root certificate' { $testParams = @{ NodeName = $testNode; ConfigurationData = $testConfigurationData; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; } SetLabVMDiskFileCertificate @testParams; Assert-MockCalled Copy-Item -ParameterFilter { $Path.EndsWith('\Lability\Certificates\LabRoot.cer') } -Scope It; } It 'Copies custom client certificate' { $testCertificate = '{0}:\TestClientCertificate.pfx' -f $testDriveLetter; $testParams = @{ NodeName = $testNode; ConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = $testNode; Lability_ClientCertificatePath = $testCertificate; } ) }; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; } SetLabVMDiskFileCertificate @testParams; Assert-MockCalled Copy-Item -ParameterFilter { $Path.EndsWith($testCertificate) } -Scope It; } It 'Copies custom root certificate' { $testCertificate = '{0}:\TestRootCertificate.cer' -f $testDriveLetter; $testParams = @{ NodeName = $testNode; ConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = $testNode; Lability_RootCertificatePath = $testCertificate; } ) }; VhdDriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; } SetLabVMDiskFileCertificate @testParams; Assert-MockCalled Copy-Item -ParameterFilter { $Path.EndsWith($testCertificate) } -Scope It; } } #end context Validates "SetLabVMDiskFileCertificate" method Context 'Validates "SetLabVMDiskFile" method' { $testNode = 'TestNode'; $testConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = $testNode; } ) } $testDiskNumber = 42; $testDriveLetter = $env:SystemDrive.Trim(':'); $testCredential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty; $testVhdPath = 'TestDrive:\{0}.vhdx' -f $testNode; Mock ResolveLabVMDiskPath -MockWith { return $testVhdPath; } Mock Stop-Service -MockWith { } Mock Mount-Vhd -MockWith { return [PSCustomObject] @{ DiskNumber = $testDiskNumber; } } Mock Get-Partition -MockWith { return [PSCustomObject] @{ DriveLetter = $testDriveLetter; } } Mock Start-Service -MockWith { } Mock SetLabVMDiskFileResource -MockWith { } Mock SetLabVMDiskFileBootstrap -MockWith { } Mock SetLabVMDiskFileUnattendXml -MockWith { } Mock SetLabVMDiskFileMof -MockWith { } Mock SetLabVMDiskFileCertificate -MockWith { } Mock SetLabVMDiskFileModule -MockWith { } Mock Dismount-Vhd -MockWith { } $testParams = @{ NodeName = $testNode; ConfigurationData = $testConfigurationData; Credential = $testCredential; Path = '.\'; } It 'Stops "ShellHWDetection" service' { SetLabVMDiskFile @testParams; Assert-MockCalled Stop-Service -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'ShellHWDetection' } -Scope It; } It 'Mounts virtual machine VHDX file' { SetLabVMDiskFile @testParams; Assert-MockCalled Mount-Vhd -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $testVhdPath } -Scope It; } It 'Starts "ShellHWDetection" service' { SetLabVMDiskFile @testParams; Assert-MockCalled Start-Service -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'ShellHWDetection' } -Scope It; } It 'Calls "SetLabVMDiskFileResource" to copy node resources' { SetLabVMDiskFile @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetLabVMDiskFileResource -ParameterFilter { $VhdDriveLetter -eq $testDriveLetter } -Scope It; } It 'Calls "SetLabVMDiskFileBootstrap" to copy Lability bootstrap' { SetLabVMDiskFile @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetLabVMDiskFileBootstrap -ParameterFilter { $VhdDriveLetter -eq $testDriveLetter } -Scope It; } It 'Calls "SetLabVMDiskFileUnattendXml" to copy unattended installation file' { SetLabVMDiskFile @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetLabVMDiskFileUnattendXml -ParameterFilter { $VhdDriveLetter -eq $testDriveLetter } -Scope It; } It 'Calls "SetLabVMDiskFileMof" to copy node DSC configuaration files' { SetLabVMDiskFile @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetLabVMDiskFileMof -ParameterFilter { $VhdDriveLetter -eq $testDriveLetter } -Scope It; } It 'Calls "SetLabVMDiskFileCertificate" to copy node certificate files' { SetLabVMDiskFile @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetLabVMDiskFileCertificate -ParameterFilter { $VhdDriveLetter -eq $testDriveLetter } -Scope It; } It 'Calls "SetLabVMDiskFileModule" to copy PowerShell/DSC resource modules' { SetLabVMDiskFile @testParams; Assert-MockCalled SetLabVMDiskFileModule -ParameterFilter { $VhdDriveLetter -eq $testDriveLetter } -Scope It; } It 'Dismounts virtual machine VHDX file' { SetLabVMDiskFile @testParams; Assert-MockCalled Dismount-Vhd -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $testVhdPath } -Scope It; } } #end context Validates "SetLabVMDiskFile" method } #end InModuleScope } #end describe Src\LabVMDiskFile |