#requires -RunAsAdministrator #requires -Version 4 $moduleName = 'Lability'; if (!$PSScriptRoot) { # $PSScriptRoot is not defined in 2.0 $PSScriptRoot = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) } $repoRoot = (Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..").Path; Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $RepoRoot -ChildPath "$moduleName.psm1") -Force; Describe 'Lib\BootStrap' { InModuleScope $moduleName { Context 'Validates NewBootStrap method' { It 'Returns a "System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock" type' { $bootstrap = NewBootStrap; $bootstrap -is [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock] | Should Be $true; } It 'Includes custom BootStrap injection point' { $bootstrap = NewBootStrap; $bootstrap.ToString() -match "<#CustomBootStrapInjectionPoint#>`r`n" | Should Be $true; } } #end context Validates NewBootStrap method Context 'Validates "SetSetupCompleteCmd" method' { It 'Creates target file "SetupComplete.cmd"' { SetSetupCompleteCmd -Path TestDrive:\; Test-Path -Path "TestDrive:\SetupComplete.cmd" | Should Be $true; } It 'Bypasses Powershell execution policy' { SetSetupCompleteCmd -Path TestDrive:\; $setupCompleteCmd = Get-Content -Path "TestDrive:\SetupComplete.cmd"; $setupCompleteCmd -match '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass' | Should Be $true; } It 'Runs non-interactively' { SetSetupCompleteCmd -Path TestDrive:\; $setupCompleteCmd = Get-Content -Path "TestDrive:\SetupComplete.cmd"; $setupCompleteCmd -match '-NonInteractive' | Should Be $true; } It 'Creates scheduled tasks for CoreCLR image' { ## Must execute before we mock Set-Content! SetSetupCompleteCmd -Path TestDrive:\ -CoreCLR; $setupCompleteCmd = Get-Content -Path "TestDrive:\SetupComplete.cmd"; $setupCompleteCmd -match 'Schtasks' | Should Be $true; } It 'Uses ASCII encoding' { Mock Set-Content -ParameterFilter { $Encoding -eq 'ASCII' } -MockWith { } SetSetupCompleteCmd -Path TestDrive:\; Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -ParameterFilter { $Encoding -eq 'ASCII' } -Scope It } } #end context Validates "SetSetupCompleteCmd" method Context 'Validates "SetBootStrap" method' { It 'Creates target file "BootStrap.ps1"' { SetBootStrap -Path TestDrive:\; Test-Path -Path "TestDrive:\BootStrap.ps1" | Should Be $true; } It 'Replaces custom BootStrap injection point with custom BootStrap' { $customBootStrap = 'This is a test custom bootstrap example'; SetBootStrap -Path TestDrive:\ -CustomBootStrap $customBootStrap; $bootStrap = Get-Content -Path "TestDrive:\BootStrap.ps1"; $bootStrap -match $customBootStrap | Should Be $true; $bootStrap -match "<#CustomBootStrapInjectionPoint#>" | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } It 'Uses UTF8 encoding' { Mock Set-Content -ParameterFilter { $Encoding -eq 'UTF8' } -MockWith { } SetBootStrap -Path TestDrive:\; Assert-MockCalled Set-Content -ParameterFilter { $Encoding -eq 'UTF8' } -Scope It } } #end context Validates "SetBootStrap" method Context 'Validates "ResolveCustomBootStrap" method' { It 'Returns empty string when "CustomBootStrapOrder" = "Disabled"' { $configurationBootstrap = 'Configuration'; $mediaBootstrap = 'Media'; $bootstrap = ResolveCustomBootstrap -CustomBootstrapOrder Disabled -ConfigurationCustomBootstrap $configurationBootstrap -MediaCustomBootstrap $mediaBootstrap; $bootstrap | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } It 'Returns configuration bootstrap when "CustomBootStrapOrder" = "ConfigurationOnly"' { $configurationBootstrap = 'Configuration'; $mediaBootstrap = 'Media'; $bootstrap = ResolveCustomBootstrap -CustomBootstrapOrder ConfigurationOnly -ConfigurationCustomBootstrap $configurationBootstrap -MediaCustomBootstrap $mediaBootstrap; $bootstrap | Should Be $configurationBootstrap; } It 'Returns media bootstrap when "CustomBootStrapOrder" = "MediaOnly"' { $configurationBootstrap = 'Configuration'; $mediaBootstrap = 'Media'; $bootstrap = ResolveCustomBootstrap -CustomBootstrapOrder MediaOnly -ConfigurationCustomBootstrap $configurationBootstrap -MediaCustomBootstrap $mediaBootstrap; $bootstrap | Should Be $mediaBootstrap; } It 'Returns configuration bootstrap first when "CustomBootStrapOrder" = "ConfigurationFirst"' { $configurationBootstrap = 'Configuration'; $mediaBootstrap = 'Media'; $bootstrap = ResolveCustomBootstrap -CustomBootstrapOrder ConfigurationFirst -ConfigurationCustomBootstrap $configurationBootstrap -MediaCustomBootstrap $mediaBootstrap; $bootstrap | Should Be "$configurationBootStrap`r`n$mediaBootstrap"; } It 'Returns media bootstrap first when "CustomBootStrapOrder" = "MediaFirst"' { $configurationBootstrap = 'Configuration'; $mediaBootstrap = 'Media'; $bootstrap = ResolveCustomBootstrap -CustomBootstrapOrder MediaFirst -ConfigurationCustomBootstrap $configurationBootstrap -MediaCustomBootstrap $mediaBootstrap; $bootstrap | Should Be "$mediaBootstrap`r`n$configurationBootStrap"; } It 'Returns configuration bootstrap when "MediaCustomBootstrap" is null' { $configurationBootstrap = 'Configuration'; $bootstrap = ResolveCustomBootstrap -CustomBootstrapOrder ConfigurationFirst -ConfigurationCustomBootstrap $configurationBootstrap; $bootstrap | Should Be "$configurationBootStrap`r`n$mediaBootstrap"; } It 'Returns media bootstrap when "ConfigurationCustomBootstrap" is null' { $mediaBootstrap = 'Media'; $bootstrap = ResolveCustomBootstrap -CustomBootstrapOrder MediaFirst -MediaCustomBootstrap $mediaBootstrap; $bootstrap | Should Be "$mediaBootstrap`r`n$configurationBootStrap"; } } #end context Validates "ResolveCustomBootStrap" method } #end InModuleScope } #end describe Lib\Bootstrap |