function ResolveLabModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the Node\DSCResource or Node\Module definitions from the NonNodeData\Lability\DSCResource or NonNodeData\Lability\Module node. .DESCRIPTION Resolves lab modules/DSC resources names defined at the Node\DSCResource or Node\Module node, and returns a collection of hashtables where the names match the definition in the NonNodeData\Lability\DSCResource or \NonNodeData\Lability\Module nodes. If resources are defined at the \NonNodeData\Lability\DSCResource or NonNodeData\Lability\Module nodes, but there are no VM references, then all the associated resources are returned. .NOTES If no NonNodeData\Lability\DscResource collection is defined, all locally installed DSC resource modules are returned. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( ## Lab VM/Node name [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.String] $NodeName, ## Specifies a PowerShell DSC configuration document (.psd1) containing the lab configuration. [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.ArgumentToConfigurationDataTransformationAttribute()] $ConfigurationData, ## Module type to enumerate [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Module','DscResource')] [System.String] $ModuleType ) process { $resolveLabVMPropertiesParams = @{ NodeName = $NodeName; ConfigurationData = $ConfigurationData; } $nodeProperties = ResolveLabVMProperties @resolveLabVMPropertiesParams; $resolveModuleParams = @{ ConfigurationData = $ConfigurationData; ModuleType = $ModuleType; } if ($nodeProperties.ContainsKey($ModuleType)) { $resolveModuleParams['Name'] = $nodeProperties[$ModuleType]; } $modules = ResolveModule @resolveModuleParams; ## This is a temporary measure as this is a change in behaviour if (($ModuleType -eq 'DscResource') -and ($null -eq $modules)) { <# There is no DSCResource = @() node defined. Therefore, we need to copy all the existing DSC resources on from the host by returning a load of FileSystem provider resources.. #> WriteWarning -Message ($localized.DscResourcesNotDefinedWarning); $modules = GetDscResourceModule -Path "$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowershell\Modules" | ForEach-Object { ## Create a new hashtable Write-Output -InputObject @{ Name = $_.ModuleName; Version = $_.ModuleVersion; Provider = 'FileSystem'; Path = $_.Path; } }; } return $modules; } } #end function ResolveLabModule |