ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
DownloadingResource = Downloading resource '{0}' to '{1}'. DownloadingActivity = Downloading '{0}'. DownloadStatus = {0:N0} of {1:N0} bytes ({2} %). UsingProxyServer = Using proxy server '{0}'. EnumeratingPath = Enumerating path '{0}'. CopyingResource = Copying resource '{0}' to '{1}'. CopyingResourceStatus = {0} of {1} files ({2} %). MissingResourceFile = Resource '{0}' does not exist. ResourceChecksumNotSpecified = Resource '{0}' checksum was not specified. ResourceChecksumMatch = Resource '{0}' checksum matches '{1}'. ResourceChecksumMismatch = Resource '{0}' checksum does not match '{1}'. CalculatingResourceChecksum = Calculating resource '{0}' checksum. WritingResourceChecksum = Writing checksum '{0}' to resource '{1}'. CreatingDirectory = Creating directory '{0}'. RemovingDirectory = Removing directory '{0}'. DirectoryExists = Directory '{0}' already exists. RenamingPath = Renaming '{0}' to '{1}'. TestingPathExists = Testing directory '{0}' exists. PathDoesNotExist = Path '{0}' does not exist. ExpandingArchive = Expanding archive '{0}' to '{1}'. DecompressingArchive = Decompressing archive to '{0}'. PendingRebootWarning = A pending reboot is required. Please reboot the system and re-run the configuration. CheckingDscResource = Checking DSC Resource '{0}\\{1}'. ImportingDscResource = Importing DSC Resource '{0}\\{1}'. ImportingBundledDscResource = Importing bundled DSC Resource '{0}\\{1}'. DscResourceAlreadyImported = DSC Resource '{0}\\{1}' already imported. InvokingCommand = Invoking command '{0}'. SkippingCommand = Skipping command '{0}'. CommandParameter = Command parameter: '{0}' = '{1}'. RedirectingOutput = Redirecting {0} to '{1}'. StartingProcess = Starting process '{0} {1}'. ProcessExitCode = Process '{0}' exit code '{1}'. RepairingBootVolume = Repairing boot volume '{0}:'. MountingDiskImage = Mounting disk image '{0}'. ApplyingWindowsImage = Applying Windows Image '{0}' to '{1}'. DismountingDiskImage = Dismounting disk image '{0}'. RemovingDiskImage = Removing disk image '{0}'. ImportingExistingDiskImage = Importing existing VHD(X) image '{0}'. CreatingDiskImage = Creating disk image '{0}'. InitializingDiskImage = Initializing disk image '{0}'. CreatingDiskPartition = Creating '{0}' disk partition. FormattingDiskPartition = Formatting '{0}' disk partition. AddingImagePackage = Adding package '{0}' to image '{1}'. AddingWindowsFeature = Adding Windows feature(s) '{0}' to image '{1}'. AddingWindowsPackage = Adding Windows package(s) '{0}' to image '{1}'. AddingLocalizedWindowsPackage = Adding localized Windows package(s) '{0}' to image '{1}'. AddingDSCResourceModules = Adding DSC resource modules to '{0}'. AddingPowerShellModules = Adding PowerShell modules to '{0}'. RemovingDSCResourceModule = Removing existing DSC resource module '{0}'.' AddingDSCResource = Adding DSC resource '{0}' (v{1}). AddingUnattendXmlFile = Adding Unattend file '{0}'. CreatingBaselineSnapshot = Creating baseline snapshot '{0}'. SnapshottingVirtualMachine = Creating virtual machine '{0}' snapshot '{1}'. RemovingSnapshot = Removing VM '{0}' snapshot '{1}'. AddingDscConfiguration = Adding DSC file '{0}'. AddingBootStrapFile = Adding BootStrap.ps1 file to '{0}'. AddingSetupCompleteCmdFile = Adding SetupComplete.cmd to '{0}'. UsingCoreCLRSetupComplete = Using CoreCLR 'SetupComplete.cmd'. UsingDefaultSetupComplete = Using default 'SetupComplete.cmd'. AddingCertificate = Adding {0} certificate '{1}'. CheckingForNodeFile = Checking node configuration file '{0}'. TestingNodeConfiguration = Testing node '{0}' configuration. SettingVMConfiguration = Setting {0} configuration '{1}'. ResettingVMConfiguration = (Re)setting {0} configuration '{1}'. TestingVMConfiguration = Testing {0} configuration '{1}'. AddingVMCustomization = Adding {0} customizations. AddingVMResource = Adding {0} resources. RemovingNodeConfiguration = Removing {0} configuration '{1}'. TestFailed = Testing '{0}' failed. NodeAlreadyConfigured = Node '{0}' is already configured. NodeMissingOrMisconfigured = Node '{0}' is missing or misconfigured. NodeForcedConfiguration = Node '{0}' is already configured, but -Force was specified. StartingVirtualMachine = Starting virtual machine '{0}'. WaitingForVirtualMachine = Waiting '{0}' seconds for virtual machine '{1}'. StoppingVirtualMachine = Stopping virtual machine '{0}'. RestoringVirtualMachineSnapshot = Restoring virtual machine '{0}' snapshot '{1}'. BaselineSnapshotName = {0} Baseline Snapshot StartedHostConfigurationTest = Started Lab host configuration test. FinishedHostConfigurationTest = Finished Lab host configuration test. StartedHostConfiguration = Started Lab host configuration. FinishedHostConfiguration = Finished Lab host configuration. StartedLabConfigurationTest = Started Lab configuration test. FinishedLabConfigurationTest = Finished Lab configuration test. StartedLabConfiguration = Started Lab configuration. FinishedLabConfiguration = Finished Lab configuration. AddingResource = Adding resource '{0}'. ExpandingIsoResource = Expanding ISO resource '{0}'. CopyingFileResource = Copying file resource '{0}'. ExpandingZipResource = Expanding Zip archive '{0}'. ExtractingZipArchiveEntry = Extracting Zip archive entry '{0}'. IgnoringNuspecZipArchiveEntry = Ignoring NuSpec Zip archive entry '{0}'. ClosingZipArchive = Closing Zip archive '{0}'. ResolvedDestinationPath = Resolved Zip destination path '{0}'. ResolvedSourcePath = Resolved Zip source path '{0}'. EnterLocalAdministratorPassword = Enter the virtual machines' local administrator password. SettingAdministratorPassword = Setting local administrator password. DownloadingAllRequiredMedia = No media Id specified; downloading all required media. DownloadingAllRequiredHotfixes = Downloading all required hotfixes. DownloadingAllDefinedResources = No resource Id specified; downloading all defined resources. DownloadingAllDSCResources = Downloading all required DSC resources. DownloadingAllPowerShellModules = Downloading all required PowerShell modules. NoHotfixesSpecified = No hotfixes were specified. NoMediaDefined = No media resources were defined. NoResourcesDefined = No custom resources were defined. NoDSCResourcesDefined = No DSC resources were defined. NoPowerShellModulesDefined = No PowerShell modules were defined. ProvideAdministratorPassword = Please provide the local Administrator password. AddingCustomMediaEntry = Adding '{0}' media entry. OverwritingCustomMediaEntry = Overwriting existing '{0}' media entry. RemovingCustomMediaEntry = Removing '{0}' media entry. SavingConfiguration = Saving configuration '{0}'. PerformingOperationOnTarget = Performing the operation '{0}' on target '{1}'. SettingVMDefaults = Setting VM defaults. ResettingConfigurationDefaults = Resetting '{0}' configuration settings to default. LocatingWimImageName = Locating WIM image '{0}' name. LocatingWimImageIndex = Locating WIM image '{0}' index. MediaFileCachingDisabled = Caching of file-based media is disabled. Skipping media '{0}' download. QueryingModuleVersion = Querying '{0}' module version. ExistingModuleVersion = Existing module version is '{0}'. LocatingModule = Locating module '{0}'. ModuleNotFound = Module '{0}' was not found. ModuleFoundInPath = Found module in '{0}'. CreatingQuickVM = Creating quick VM '{0}' using media '{1}'. RemovingVM = Removing VM '{0}'. ResettingVM = Resetting VM '{0}'. CreatingInternalVirtualSwitch = Creating Internal '{0}' virtual switch. TestingNodeDscModule = Testing node DSC '{0}' module. TestingNodeResource = Testing node resource '{0}'. TestingNodeCertificate = Testing node certificate '{0}'. ResourceNotFound = Resource '{0}' was not found. ResourceFound = Resource '{0}' was found. ExportingConfiguration = Exporting {0} configuration to '{1}'. ShouldProcessActionConfirmation = Are you sure you want to perform this action? ShouldProcessOperation = Performing the operation '{0}' on target '{1}'. ImportingConfiguration = Importing {0} configuration from '{1}'. ImportingConfigurationSettings = Importing configuration settings generated '{0}' on host '{1}'. RestoringConfigurationSettings = Restoring imported '{0}' configuration settings. ConfigurationRestoreComplete = Restoration of '{0}' settings complete. ConfiguringNode = Configuring node '{0}'. OpeningModuleArchive = Opening module archive '{0}'. ClosingModuleArchive = Closing module archive '{0}'. CleaningModuleDirectory = Cleaning module directory '{0}'. ExpandingModule = Expanding module '{0}'. CopyingModuleDirectory = Copying module directory '{0}' to '{1}'. ModuleNotCached = Module '{0}' was not found in the module cache or -Force was specified. ModuleVersionNotCached = Module '{0}' v{1} was not found in the module cache or -Force was specified. ModuleMinmumVersionNotCached = Module '{0}' v{1} or later was not found in the module cache or -Force was specified. NoModuleBranchSpecified = GitHub module '{0}' has no branch specified; defaulting to 'master' branch. NoCertificateFoundWarning = No '{0}' certificate was found. CannotLocateLcmFileWarning = Cannot locate LCM configuration file '{0}'. No DSC Local Configuration Manager configuration will be applied. SnapshotMissingWarning = Snapshot '{0}' for virtual machine '{1}' is missing. NodeCustomMessageWarning = [{0}] {1} TargetFileExistsWarning = Target file '{0}' already exists. RemovingIncompleteImageWarning = Removing incomplete image '{0}'. NoCustomMediaFoundWarning = No custom media '{0}' registered. UnsupportedConfigurationWarning = Configuration '{0}' is not supported by {1}. ShouldProcessWarning = Are you sure you want to perform this action? MissingVirtualSwitchWarning = Virtual switch '{0}' is missing. MissingRequiredModuleWarning = Module '{0}' is missing. MissingRequiredResourceWarning = Resource '{0}' is missing. MissingRequiredCertWarning = Certificate '{0}' is missing. UsingExistingSwitchWarning = Using existing '{0}' virtual switch. DeprecatedCommandWarning = Command '{0}' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the alternative '{1}' command. DscResourcesNotDefinedWarning = No DSC resources have been defined. Locally registered DSC resources will be copied, but this is deprecated functionality. Please update the Lability configuration document with required DSC resource definitions. DismSessionRestartWarning = Updating the Dism version requires a session reload. Please restart the PowerShell session to ensure the required Dism version is loaded. InvalidPathError = {0} path '{1}' is invalid. InvalidDestinationPathError = Invalid destination path '{0}' specified. InvalidImageArchitectureError = Architecture '{0}' is invalid for operating system '{1}'. InvalidImageEditionError = Edition '{0}' is invalid for operating system '{1}'. InvalidInternalSwitchIpError = Internal switch IP address '{0}' is an invalid CIDR address. InvalidNetAdapterNameError = Physical network adapter name '{0}' is invalid. UnsupportedUriSchemeError = Uri scheme '{0}' is unsupported. CannotLocateDiskImageLetter = Cannot the drive letter for disk image '{0}'. The parent disk image may be corrupted or recreate the master image. CannotLocateMediaError = Cannot locate '{0}' media. CannotLocateNetworkError = Cannot locate '{0}' network. MissingParameterError = Missing required parameter '{0}'. ImageAlreadyExistsError = Disk image '{0}' already exists. FileAlreadyExistsError = File '{0}' already exists. InvalidConfigurationError = Configuration document '{0}' is invalid. WebResourceDownloadFailedError = Web resource '{0}' download failed. CannotResolveModuleNameError = Cannot resolve {0} name '{1}'. DscResourceNotFoundError = DSC module\\resource '{0}' not found. ResourceVersionMismatchError = DSC module\\resource '{0}' version '{1}' is less than the required '{2}'. CannotFindCertificateError = Cannot locate {0} certificate '{1}'. CannotLocateMofFileError = Cannot locate node '{0}' file. No DSC configuration will be applied. Ensure the DSC configuration has been run successfully. CannotLocateNodeError = Cannot locate node '{0}'. CannotSnapshotNodeError = Cannot perform a snapshot operation on virtual machine '{0}' as it is not powered off. You can force the operation with the -Force switch. HostConfigurationTestError = Host configuration test failed and may have a pending reboot. IncorrectPropertyTypeError = Incorrect '{0}' property type. Property type must be '{1}'. CannotResolveResourceIdError = Cannot resolve resource Id '{0}'. ExpandNotSupportedError = Expand operation not supported on '{0}' file type. ImageNameRequiredError = An image name is required for ISO and WIM media. Please specify the {0} parameter. MediaAlreadyRegisteredError = Media Id '{0}' is already registered. Use {1} to override the existing media entry. CannotProcessCommandError = Cannot process command because of one or more missing mandatory parameters: {0}. CannotBindArgumentError = Cannot bind argument to parameter '{0}' because it is an empty string. StartMemLessThanMinMemError = Startup memory '{0}' cannot be less than minimum memory '{1}'. StartMemGreaterThanMaxMemError = Startup memory '{0}' cannot be greater than maximum memory '{1}'. SwitchDoesNotExistError = Virtual switch '{0}' cannot be found. InvalidOSMediaTypeError = Media type '{0}' is not supported by Operating system type '{1}'. CannotProcessArguentError = {0} : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter '{1}'. Cannot convert the '{2}' value to type '{3}'. DscResourceFailedError = DSC resource '{0}' failed with errror '{1}'. InvalidComputerNameError = Computer name '{0}' in invalid. Standard names may contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-), but no spaces or periods (.). ReadingArchiveItemError = Error reading archive item '{0}'. RequiredModuleParameterError = Required module parameter '{0}' is invalid or missing. InvalidModulePathExtensionError = Module path '{0}' is not a valid .zip archive. CannotLocateDismDllError = Cannot locate 'Microsoft.Dism.Powershell.dll' in path '{0}'. '@ |