DSC Template Configuration File For use by LabBuilder .Title DC_FORESTPRIMARY .Desription Builds a Domain Controller as the first DC in a forest with the name of the Domain Name parameter passed. The optional parameter DomainNetBiosName can be used to set the NetBios name of the domain if it needs to be different from the DomainName. Setting optional parameters Forwarders, ADZones and PrimaryZones will allow additional configuration of the DNS Server. .Parameters: DomainName = "LABBUILDER.COM" DomainNetBiosName = "LABBUILDER" DomainAdminPassword = "P@ssword!1" InstallRSATTools = $true Forwarders = @('','') ADZones = @( @{ Name = 'ALPHA.LOCAL'; DynamicUpdate = 'Secure'; ReplicationScope = 'Forest'; } ) PrimaryZones = @( @{ Name = 'BRAVO.LOCAL'; ZoneFile = 'bravo.local.dns'; DynamicUpdate = 'None'; } ) ###################################################################################################> Configuration DC_FORESTPRIMARY { Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' Import-DscResource -ModuleName ActiveDirectoryDsc -ModuleVersion Import-DscResource -ModuleName xDNSServer Node $AllNodes.NodeName { # Assemble the Local Admin Credentials if ($Node.LocalAdminPassword) { [PSCredential]$LocalAdminCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("Administrator", (ConvertTo-SecureString $Node.LocalAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force)) } if ($Node.DomainAdminPassword) { [PSCredential]$DomainAdminCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("Administrator", (ConvertTo-SecureString $Node.DomainAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force)) } WindowsFeature BackupInstall { Ensure = "Present" Name = "Windows-Server-Backup" } WindowsFeature DNSInstall { Ensure = "Present" Name = "DNS" } WindowsFeature ADDSInstall { Ensure = "Present" Name = "AD-Domain-Services" DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]DNSInstall" } WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShellInstall { Ensure = "Present" Name = "RSAT-AD-PowerShell" DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]ADDSInstall" } if ($InstallRSATTools) { WindowsFeature RSAT-ManagementTools { Ensure = "Present" Name = "RSAT-AD-Tools", "RSAT-DNS-Server" DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]ADDSInstall" } } if ($Node.DomainNetBiosName) { ADDomain PrimaryDC { DomainName = $Node.DomainName DomainNetBiosName = $Node.DomainNetBiosName Credential = $DomainAdminCredential SafemodeAdministratorPassword = $LocalAdminCredential DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]ADDSInstall" } } else { ADDomain PrimaryDC { DomainName = $Node.DomainName Credential = $DomainAdminCredential SafemodeAdministratorPassword = $LocalAdminCredential DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]ADDSInstall" } } WaitForADDomain DscDomainWait { DomainName = $Node.DomainName Credential = $DomainAdminCredential WaitTimeout = 300 RestartCount = 5 DependsOn = "[ADDomain]PrimaryDC" } # Enable AD Recycle bin ADOptionalFeature RecycleBin { FeatureName = "Recycle Bin Feature" EnterpriseAdministratorCredential = $DomainAdminCredential ForestFQDN = $Node.DomainName DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]DscDomainWait" } # Install a KDS Root Key so we can create MSA/gMSA accounts Script CreateKDSRootKey { SetScript = { Add-KDSRootKey -EffectiveTime ((Get-Date).AddHours(-10)) } GetScript = { Return @{ KDSRootKey = (Get-KDSRootKey) } } TestScript = { if (-not (Get-KDSRootKey)) { Write-Verbose -Message "KDS Root Key Needs to be installed..." Return $false } Return $true } DependsOn = '[WaitForADDomain]DscDomainWait' } # DNS Server Settings if ($Node.Forwarders) { xDnsServerForwarder DNSForwarders { IsSingleInstance = 'Yes' IPAddresses = $Node.Forwarders DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]DscDomainWait" } } $Count = 0 foreach ($ADZone in $Node.ADZones) { $Count++ xDnsServerADZone "ADZone$Count" { Ensure = 'Present' Name = $ADZone.Name DynamicUpdate = $ADZone.DynamicUpdate ReplicationScope = $ADZone.ReplicationScope DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]DscDomainWait" } } $Count = 0 foreach ($PrimaryZone in $Node.PrimaryZones) { $Count++ xDnsServerPrimaryZone "PrimaryZone$Count" { Ensure = 'Present' Name = $PrimaryZone.Name ZoneFile = $PrimaryZone.ZoneFile DynamicUpdate = $PrimaryZone.DynamicUpdate DependsOn = "[WaitForADDomain]DscDomainWait" } } <# # Create a Reverse Lookup Zone xDnsServerPrimaryZone GlobalNamesZone { Name = $Node.ReverseZone DynamicUpdate = Ensure = 'Present' DependsOn = '[WaitForADDomain]DscDomainWait' } # Create a Global Names zone - can't do this until the resource supports it xDnsServerPrimaryZone GlobalNamesZone { Name = 'GlobalNames' DynamicUpdate = Ensure = 'Present' DependsOn = '[WaitForADDomain]DscDomainWait' } # Enable GlobalNames in DNS Server Script InstallRootCACert { PSDSCRunAsCredential = $DomainAdminCredential SetScript = { Write-Verbose -Message "Enabling Global Name Zone..." Set-DNSServerGlobalNameZone -Enable } GetScript = { Return @{ Enable = (Get-DNSServerGlobalNameZone).Enable } } TestScript = { if (-not (Get-DNSServerGlobalNameZone).Enable) { Write-Verbose -Message "Global Name Zone needs to be enabled..." Return $false } Return $true } DependsOn = '[xDnsServerPrimaryZone]GlobalNamesZone' } #> } } |