DSC Template Configuration File For use by LabBuilder .Title MEMBER_DFSSPOKE .Desription Builds a Server that is joined to a domain and then made into a Spoke for a DFS Hub and Spoke replication group. .Parameters: DomainName = "LABBUILDER.COM" DomainAdminPassword = "P@ssword!1" DCName = 'SA-DC1' PSDscAllowDomainUser = $true ###################################################################################################> Configuration MEMBER_DFSSPOKE { Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' Import-DscResource -ModuleName ComputerManagementDsc Import-DscResource -ModuleName DFSDsc Import-DscResource -ModuleName StorageDsc Import-DscResource -ModuleName NetworkingDsc Node $AllNodes.NodeName { # Assemble the Local Admin Credentials if ($Node.LocalAdminPassword) { [PSCredential]$LocalAdminCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("Administrator", (ConvertTo-SecureString $Node.LocalAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force)) } if ($Node.DomainAdminPassword) { [PSCredential]$DomainAdminCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("$($Node.DomainName)\Administrator", (ConvertTo-SecureString $Node.DomainAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force)) } WindowsFeature FileServerInstall { Ensure = "Present" Name = "FS-FileServer" } WindowsFeature DFSNameSpaceInstall { Ensure = "Present" Name = "FS-DFS-Namespace" DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]FileServerInstall" } WindowsFeature DFSReplicationInstall { Ensure = "Present" Name = "FS-DFS-Replication" DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]DFSNameSpaceInstall" } # Wait for the Domain to be available so we can join it. WaitForAll DC { ResourceName = '[xADDomain]PrimaryDC' NodeName = $Node.DCname RetryIntervalSec = 15 RetryCount = 60 } # Join this Server to the Domain Computer JoinDomain { Name = $Node.NodeName DomainName = $Node.DomainName Credential = $DomainAdminCredential DependsOn = "[WaitForAll]DC" } WaitforDisk Disk2 { DiskId = 1 RetryIntervalSec = 60 RetryCount = 60 DependsOn = "[Computer]JoinDomain" } Disk DVolume { DiskId = 1 DriveLetter = 'D' DependsOn = "[WaitforDisk]Disk2" } } } |