
# culture = "en-US"
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
    FileNotFoundError = The {0} file '{1}' was not found.
    InitializeVHDNotInitializedError = The VHD '{0}' failed to initialize because a Partition Style was not provided.
    InitializeVHDNotFormattedError = The VHD '{0}' failed to format because a File System was not provided.
    InitializeVHDAccessPathNotFoundError = The VHD '{0}' could not be assigned to the access path '{1}' because it does not exist.
    FileDownloadError = Error downloading {0} from '{1}'; {2}.
    FileExtractError = Error extracting {0}; {1}.
    ConfigurationFileNotFoundError = Configuration file {0} is not found.
    ConfigurationFileEmptyError = Configuration file {0} is empty.
    RequiredBuildNotMetError = The Windows build of this host '{0}' does not meet the minimum required build of '{1}' to install this Lab.
    ConfigurationFileAlreadyExistsError = Configuration file {0} already exists.
    ConfigurationInvalidError = Configuration is invalid.
    PathNotFoundError = {0} path '{1}' is not found.
    ResourceModuleNameIsEmptyError = Resource Module Name is missing or empty.
    ResourceMSUNameIsEmptyError = Resource MSU Name is missing or empty.
    ResourceISONameIsEmptyError = Resource ISO Name is missing or empty.
    ResourceISOPathIsEmptyError = Resource ISO '{0}' path is missing or empty.
    ResourceISOFileNotFoundAndNoURLError = Resource ISO '{0}' file '{1}' is not found and no URL provided.
    ResourceISOFileNotDownloadedError = Resource ISO '{0}' file '{1}' was not downloaded successfully from '{2}'. Please download this file manually and check the content and filename.
    ModuleNotAvailableError = Error installing Module '{0}' ({1}); {2}.
    SwitchNameIsEmptyError = Switch name is missing or empty.
    UnknownSwitchTypeError = Unknown switch type '{0}' specified for switch '{1}'.
    AdapterSpecifiedError = Adater specified on '{0}' switch '{1}'.
    NatSwitchNotSupportedError = NAT Switch '{0}' is not supported. NAT Switches are only supported on build Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 build 14295 and above.
    NatSubnetEmptyError = NAT Switch '{0}' subnet is empty.
    NatSubnetInvalidError = NAT Switch '{0}' subnet format '{1}' is invalid. It must contain IP address and prefix length. E.g ''.
    NatSubnetAddressInvalidError = NAT Switch '{0}' subnet address '{1}' is invalid.
    NatSubnetPrefixLengthInvalidError = NAT Switch '{0}' subnet prefix length '{1}' is invalid.
    NatSwitchDefaultAdapterMacEmptyError = NAT Switch '{0}' default virtual network adapter MAC address is empty.
    EmptyVMTemplateVHDNameError = Template VHD name is missing or empty.
    EmptyVMTemplateVHDISOPathError = The ISO Path in VM Template VHD '{0}' is empty.
    EmptyVMTemplateVHDPathError = The VHD Path in VM Template VHD '{0}' is empty.
    VMTemplateVHDISORootPathNotFoundError = The default ISO Folder '{0}' for VM template VHDs is not found.
    VMTemplateVHDISOPathNotFoundError = The ISO file '{1}' for VM Template VHD '{0}' could not be found.
    VMTemplateVHDRootPathNotFoundError = The default VHD Folder '{0}' for VM template VHDs is not found.
    InvalidVMTemplateVHDOSTypeError = The OSType '{1}' in VM template VHD '{0}' is invalid. Valid settings are Server, Client or Nano.
    InvalidVMTemplateVHDVHDFormatError = The VHDFormat '{1}' in VM template VHD '{0}' is invalid. Valid settings are VHDx or VHD.
    InvalidVMTemplateVHDVHDTypeError = The VHDType '{1}' in VM template VHD '{0}' is invalid. Valid settings are Dynamic or Fixed.
    InvalidVMTemplateVHDGenerationError = The Generation '{1}' in VM template VHD '{0}' is invalid. Valid settings are 1 or 2.
    EmptyTemplateNameError = Template Name is missing or empty.
    TemplateSourceVHDAndTemplateVHDConflictError = Both the Template SourceVHD and TemplateVHD parameters are set for Template '{0}'. Only one of these may be set for each Template.
    TemplateSourceVHDandTemplateVHDMissingError = Either the Template SourceVHD or TemplateVHD parameter must be set in Template '{0}'.
    TemplateTemplateVHDNotFoundError = The Template VHD '{1}' in Template '{0}' could not be found.
    TemplateSourceVHDNotFoundError = The Template Source VHD '{1}' in Template '{0}' could not be found.
    DSCModuleDownloadError = Module '{2}' required by DSC Config File '{0}' in VM '{1}' could not be found or downloaded.
    DSCModuleNotFoundError = Module '{2}' required by DSC Config File '{0}' in VM '{1}' could not be found in the module path.
    CertificateCreateError = The self-signed certificate for VM '{0}' could not be created and downloaded.
    CertificateDownloadError = The self-signed certificate for VM '{0}' could not be downloaded.
    DSCConfigMetaMOFCreateError = A Meta MOF File was not created by the DSC LCM Config for VM '{0}'.
    DSCConfigMoreThanOneNodeError = A single Node element cannot be found in the DSC Config File '{0}' in VM '{1}'.
    DSCConfigMOFCreateError = A MOF File was not created by the DSC Config File '{0}' in VM '{1}'.
    NetworkAdapterNotFoundError = VM Network Adapter '{0}' could not be found attached to VM '{1}'.
    NetworkAdapterBlankMacError = VM Network Adapter '{0}' attached to VM '{1}' has a blank MAC Address.
    ManagmentIPAddressError = An IPv4 address for the network adapter connected to the {0} for VM '{1}' could not be identified.
    DSCInitializationError = An error occurred initializing DSC for VM '{0}'.
    RemotingConnectionError = An error occurred connecting to VM '{0}' using PowerShell Remoting.
    InitialSetupCompleteError = The Initial Setup for VM '{0}' did not complete before the timeout occurred.
    InitializationDidNotCompleteError = Initialization for VM '{0}' did not complete.
    SetupCompleteScriptMissingError = The Setup Complete Script file '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' could not be found.
    UnattendFileMissingError = The Unattend file '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' could not be found.
    SetupCompleteFileMissingError = The Setup Complete file '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' could not be found.
    SetupCompleteFileBadTypeError = The Setup Complete file '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' must be either a PS1 or CMD file.
    DSCConfigFileMissingError = The DSC Config file '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' could not be found.
    DSCConfigFileBadTypeError = The DSC Config file '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' must be a PS1 file.
    DSCConfigNameIsEmptyError = The DSC Config Name specified in VM '{0}' is empty.
    VMNameError = The VM name cannot be 'VM' or empty.
    VMTemplateNameEmptyError = The template name in VM '{0}' is empty.
    VMTemplateNotFoundError = The template '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' could not be found.
    VMTemplateVHDPathEmptyError = The template VHD path set in template '{0}' is empty.
    VMAdapterNameError = The Adapter Name in VM '{0}' cannot be 'adapter' or empty.
    VMAdapterSwitchNameError = The Switch Name specified in adapter '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' cannot be empty.
    VMAdapterSwitchNotFoundError = The switch '{2}' specified in adapter '{1}' in VM '{0}' could not be found in Switches.
    VMDataDiskVHDEmptyError = The Data Disk VHD in VM '{0}' cannot be 'datavhd' or empty.
    VMDataDiskCantBeCreatedError = The Data Disk VHD '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' does not exist but the size and type or Source VHD was not provided so it not be created.
    VMDataDiskParentVHDNotFoundError = The Data Disk Parent VHD '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' could not be found.
    VMDataDiskParentVHDMissingError = The Differencing Data Disk Parent VHD specified in VM '{0}' is empty.
    VMDataDiskSourceVHDNotFoundError = The Data Disk Source VHD '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' could not be found.
    VMDataDiskUnknownTypeError = Unknown Data Disk type '{2}' specified in VM '{0}' for VHD '{1}'.
    VMDataDiskSharedDifferencingError = The Differencing Data Disk VHD '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' can not be set as Shared.
    VMDataDiskSourceVHDIfMoveError = The Data Disk VHD '{1}' specified in VM '{0}' must have a Source VHD specified if MoveSourceVHD is set.
    VMDataDiskVHDConvertError = The Data Disk '{1}' in VM '{0}' cannot be converted to a {2} type.
    VMDataDiskVHDShrinkError = The Data Disk '{1}' in VM '{0}' cannot be shrunk to {2}.
    DownloadFolderDoesNotExistError = The folder '{0}' to download '{1}' to does not exist.
    VMDataDiskPartitionStyleError = '{2}' is not a valid partition style for the Data Disk '{1}' in VM '{0}'.
    VMDataDiskFileSystemError = '{2}' is not a valid file system for the Data Disk '{1}' in VM '{0}'.
    VMDataDiskPartitionStyleMissingError = The Data Disk '{1}' in VM '{0}' does not have a partition style definied.
    VMDataDiskFileSystemMissingError = The Data Disk '{1}' in VM '{0}' does not have a file format definied.
    VMDataDiskCopyFolderMissingError = The CopyFolder '{2}' that should be copied to Data Disk '{1}' in VM '{0}' does not exist.
    VMDVDDriveISOResourceNotFOundError = The ISO Resource '{1}' to be mounted into a Virtual DVD Drive specified in VM '{0}' does not exist.
    NanoServerPackagesFolderMissingError = The NanoServerPackages folder '{0}' does not exist.
    VMDoesNotExistError = The VM '{0}' does not exist.
    VMVirtualizationExtError = The VM '{0}' requires Virtualization Extensions to be exposed, but this is not supported by your version of Windows. Either set the ExposeVirtualizationExtensions attribute to 'N' for the VM or update to a Windows Build 10565 or above.
    NanoPackageNotFoundError = The Nano Server Package '{0}' could not be found.
    PackageNotFoundError = The Package MSU '{0}' is not listed in the Lab Resource MSU list.
    PackageMSUNotFoundError = The file '{1}' for Package MSU '{0}' does not exist.
    BootPhaseStartVMsTimeoutError = One or more Virtual Machines with Bootorder '{0}' failed to start completely in the required time.
    ConfigurationXMLValidationError = Lab Configuration XML '{0}'- {1}.
    DSCConfiguartionMissingError = Start of Configuration could not be correctly identified in DSC Config.
    VolumeNotAvailableAfterMountError = The volume was not found after ISO File '{0}' was mounted.
    DriveLetterNotAssignedError = The volume was not found after ISO File '{0}' was mounted but a Drive Letter was not assigned.
    ConvertWindowsImageError = An error occured converting {2} in '{1}' from ISO File '{0}' to a bootable {3}; {4}.
    BindingAdapterNotFoundError = A physical network adapter {1}was not found to bind to the External Switch {0}.
    BindingAdapterUsedError = Error binding physical network adapter '{1}' to External Switch '{0}' because it is already bound to another External Switch.
    IPAddressError = The IP Address '{0}' is invalid.
    WSManNotEnabledError = WS-Man is not enabled.
    PackageProviderNotInstalledError = The required package provider '{0}' is not installed.
    PackageSourceNotTrustedError = The required package source '{0}' is not trusted.
    PackageSourceNotRegisteredError = The required package source '{0}' is not registered.
    ODJCopyError = Error copying Offline Domain Join file '{1}' to VM '{0}'.
    VMNotRunningHeartbeatError = Virtual Machine '{0}' is not running, so waiting for heartbeat failed.
    ImportingLibFileMessage = Importing function library '{0}'.
    EnablingWSManMessage = Enabling WS-Man for communication with Lab Guests.
    InstallingHyperVComponentsMesage = Installing {0} Hyper-V Components.
    InitializingLabFoldersMesage = Initializing Lab Folders.
    CreatingLabFolderMessage = Creating {0} folder '{1}' for Lab.
    InitializingHyperVComponentsMesage = Initializing Hyper-V Components.
    InitializeVHDMountingMessage = Mounting VHD {0} for Initialization.
    InitializeVHDInitializingMessage = Initializing {1} partition table on VHD {0}.
    InitializeVHDCreatePartitionMessage = Creating partition on VHD {0}.
    InitializeVHDFormatVolumeMessage = Formatting volume on partition {2} as {1} on VHD '{0}'.
    InitializeVHDSetLabelVolumeMessage = Setting volume label to {1} on VHD '{0}'.
    InitializeVHDDriveLetterMessage = Assigning drive letter {1}: to VHD {0}.
    InitializeVHDAccessPathMessage = Assigning access path {1} to VHD {0}.
    DownloadingFileMessage = Downloading File '{0}' from '{1}' to '{2}'.
    ExtractingFileMessage = Extracting downloaded File '{0}' to '{1}'.
    DownloadingResourceModuleMessage = Downloading Lab Resource Module '{0}' from '{1}'.
    DownloadingResourceMSUMessage = Downloading Lab Resource MSU Package '{0}' from '{1}'.
    DownloadingResourceISOMessage = Downloading Lab Resource ISO File '{0}' from '{1}'.
    InitializingLabManagementVirtualNetworkMesage = Initializing Lab Management virtual switch '{0}'.
    CreatingLabManagementSwitchMessage = Creating Lab Management Switch '{0}' on Vlan {1}.
    UpdatingLabManagementSwitchMessage = Updating Lab Management Switch '{0}' to Vlan {1}.
    RemovingLabManagementSwitchMessage = Removing Lab Management Switch '{0}'.
    ModuleNotInstalledMessage = Module {0} ({1}) is not installed.
    DownloadingLabResourceWebMessage = Downloading Module {0} ({1}) from '{2}'.
    InstalledLabResourceWebMessage = Installed Module {0} ({1}) to '{2}'.
    CreatingVirtualSwitchMessage = Creating {0} Virtual Switch '{1}'.
    DeleteingVirtualSwitchMessage = Deleting {0} Virtual Switch '{1}'.
    CopyingTemplateSourceVHDMessage = Copying template source VHD '{0}' to '{1}'.
    OptimizingParentVHDMessage = Optimizing parent VHD '{0}'.
    SettingParentVHDReadonlyMessage = Setting parent VHD '{0}' as readonly.
    SkipParentVHDFileMessage = Skip copying parent VHD file '{1}' for '{0}' because it already exists.
    SkipVMTemplateVHDFileMessage = Skip building VM template VHD file '{1}' for '{0}' because it already exists.
    DeletingVMTemplateVHDFileMessage = Deleting VM template VHD file '{1}' for '{0}'.
    DeletingParentVHDMessage = Deleting Parent VHD '{0}'.
    DSCConfigIdentifyModulesMessage = Identifying Modules used by DSC Config File '{0}' in VM '{1}'.
    DSCConfigSearchingForModuleMessage = Searching for Module '{2}' required by DSC Config File '{0}' in VM '{1}'.
    DSCConfigInstallingModuleMessage = Installing Module '{2}' required by DSC Config File '{0}' in VM '{1}'.
    DSCConfigSavingModuleMessage = Saving Module '{2}' required by DSC Config File '{0}' in VM '{1}' to LabBuilder files.
    DSCConfigCopyingModuleMessage = Copying Module '{2}' required by DSC Config File '{0}' in VM '{1}' from '{3}' to '{4}'.
    DSCConfigCreatingLCMMOFMessage = Creating DSC LCM Config file '{0}' in VM '{1}'.
    DSCConfigPrepareMessage = Preparing to compile DSC Config '{0}' for VM '{1}'.
    DSCConfigCreatingMOFMessage = Creating DSC Config file '{0}' in VM '{1}'.
    DSCConfigMOFCreatedMessage = DSC MOF File '{0}' for VM '{1}'. was created successfully.
    ConnectingVMMessage = Connecting to VM '{0}' on '{1}'.
    DisconnectingVMMessage = Disconnecting from VM '{0}' on '{1}'.
    VMSessionDoesNotExistMessage = LabBuilder Remoting Session to VM '{0}' does not exist.
    ConnectingVMFailedMessage = Connection to VM '{0}' failed ({2}), retrying in {1} seconds.
    ConnectingVMAccessDeniedMessage = Access Denied connecting to VM '{0}', the connection will not be retried.
    CopyingFilesToVMMessage = Copying {1} Files to VM '{0}'.
    CopyingFilesToVMFailedMessage = Copying {1} Files to VM '{0}' failed, retrying in {2} seconds.
    CreatingVMMessage = Creating VM '{0}'.
    CreatingVMDiskMessage = Creating {2} disk '{1}' for VM '{0}'.
    CreatingVMDiskByMovingSourceVHDMessage = Creating disk {1} for VM '{0}' by moving Source VHD '{2}'.
    CreatingVMDiskByCopyingSourceVHDMessage = Creating disk {1} for VM '{0}' by copying Source VHD '{2}'.
    VMDiskAlreadyExistsMessage = {2} disk '{1}' for VM '{0}' already exists.
    ExpandingVMDiskMessage = Expanding {2} disk '{1}' for VM '{0}' to {3}.
    AddingVMDiskMessage = Adding {2} disk '{1}' to VM '{0}'.
    AddingVMDVDDriveMessage = Adding DVD Drive to VM '{0}'.
    MountingVMDVDDriveISOMessage = Mounting ISO '{1}' to DVD Drive in VM '{0}'.
    DismountingVMDVDDriveISOMessage = Dismounting ISO '{1}' from DVD Drive in VM '{0}'.
    CopyingFoldersToVMDiskMessage = Copying folder '{2}' to VM Disk '{1}' for VM '{0}'.
    InitializingVMDiskMessage = Initializing VM Disk '{1}' for VM '{0}'.
    MountingVMDiskMessage = Mounting VM Disk '{1}' for VM '{0}' to '{2}'.
    DismountingVMDiskMessage = Dismounting VM Disk '{1}' for VM '{0}'.
    DeletingVMFolderMessage = Deleting folder for VM '{0}'.
    AddingVMNetworkAdapterMessage = Adding {2} network adapter {1} to VM '{0}'.
    SettingVMNetworkAdapterVlanMessage = Setting VLAN on {2} network adapter {1} in VM '{0}' to {3}.
    ClearingVMNetworkAdapterVlanMessage = Clearing VLAN on {2} network adapter {1} in VM '{0}'.
    StartingVMMessage = Starting VM '{0}'.
    StoppingVMMessage = Stopping VM '{0}'.
    RemovingVMMessage = Removing VM '{0}'.
    RemovedVMMessage = Removed VM '{0}'.
    StartingBootPhaseVMsMessage = Starting Virtual Machines with Bootorder '{0}'.
    AllBootPhaseVMsStartedMessage = All Virtual Machines with Bootorder '{0}' have started.
    StoppingBootPhaseVMsMessage = Stopping Virtual Machines with Bootorder '{0}'.
    AllBootPhaseVMsStoppedMessage = All Virtual Machines with Bootorder '{0}' have stopped.
    StartingDSCMessage = Starting DSC on VM '{0}'.
    MountingVMBootDiskMessage = Mounting VM '{0}' VHD Boot Disk '{1}'.
    DownloadingVMBootDiskFileMessage = Downloading VM '{0}' {1} file '{2}'.
    ApplyingVMBootDiskFileMessage = Applying {1} file '{2}' to VHD Boot Disk for VM '{0}'.
    CreatingVMBootDiskPantherFolderMessage = Creating Panther folder to VHD Boot Disk for VM '{0}'.
    DismountingVMBootDiskMessage = Dismounting VM '{0}' VHD Boot Disk '{1}'.
    MountingTemplateBootDiskMessage = Mounting Template '{0}' VHD Boot Disk '{1}'.
    ApplyingTemplateBootDiskFileMessage = Applying {1} file '{2}' to VHD Boot Disk for Template '{0}'.
    DismountingTemplateBootDiskMessage = Dismounting Template '{0}' VHD Boot Disk '{1}'.
    AddingIPAddressToTrustedHostsMessage = Adding IP Address '{1}' to WS-Man Trusted Hosts to allow remoting to '{0}'.
    RemovingIPAddressFromTrustedHostsMessage = Removing IP Address '{1}' from WS-Man Trusted Hosts.
    WaitingForIPAddressAssignedMessage = Waiting for valid IP Address to be assigned to VM '{0}', retrying in {1} seconds.
    WaitingForInitialSetupCompleteMessage = Waiting for Initial Setup to be complete on VM '{0}', retrying in {1} seconds.
    WaitingForCertificateMessage = Waiting for Certificate file on VM '{0}', retrying in {1} seconds.
    FailedToUploadCertificateCreateScriptMessage = Failed to upload certificate create script to VM '{0}', retrying in {1} seconds.
    FailedToDownloadCertificateMessage = Failed to download certificate from VM '{0}', retrying in {1} seconds.
    FailedToExecuteCertificateCreateScriptMessage = Failed to execute certificate create script to VM '{0}', retrying in {1} seconds.
    InitialSetupIsAlreadyCompleteMessaage = Initial Setup on VM '{0}' has already been completed.
    CertificateDownloadStartedMessage = Certificate download from VM '{0}' started.
    CertificateDownloadCompleteMessage = Certificate download from VM '{0}' complete.
    VMNotFoundMessage = VM '{0}' was not found in Hyper-V server.
    EnableVMIntegrationServiceMessage = The '{1}' Integration Service has been enabled in VM '{0}'.
    DisableVMIntegrationServiceMessage = The '{1}' Integration Service has been disabled in VM '{0}'.
    ISONotFoundDownloadURLMessage = The ISO '{1}' for VM template VHD '{0}' could not be found. It can be downloaded from '{2}'.
    CreatingMountFolderMessage = Creating a temporary mount folder '{0}'.
    CreatingVMTemplateVHDMessage = Creating the '{0}' VM Template VHD '{1}'.
    CachingNanoServerPackagesMessage = Caching Nano Server packages from '{0}' to '{1}'.
    ConvertingWIMtoVHDMessage = Converting '{3}' in '{0}' to a bootable {4} {5} {2} '{1}'.
    CreatedVMInitializationFiles = Created Initialization files for VM '{0}'.
    MountingVMTemplateVHDISOMessage = Mounting {1} to use source WIM to create Template VHD {0}
    LabInstallCompleteMessage = The Lab '{0}' has been installed into folder '{1}'.
    LabUpdateCompleteMessage = The Lab '{0}' in folder '{1}' has been updated.
    LabUninstallCompleteMessage = The Lab '{0}' has been uninstalled from folder '{1}'.
    LabStartCompleteMessage = The Lab '{0}' in folder '{1}' has been started.
    LabStopCompleteMessage = The Lab '{0}' in folder '{1}' has been stopped.
    ConfigurationXMLValidationMessage = Lab Configuration XML '{0}'- {1}
    InstallPackageProviderMessage = Installing Package Provider '{0}'.
    RegisterPackageSourceMessage = Registering Package Source '{0}' with '{1}'.
    WaitingForVMHeartbeatMessage = Waiting for Virtual Machine '{0}' heartbeat, retrying in {1} seconds.
    ShouldUninstallLab = Uninstall the Lab '{0}' in folder '{1}'
    ShouldRemoveVMTemplate = Delete the Parent VM Template VHDs used by Lab '{0}' in folder '{1}'
    ShouldRemoveSwitch = Delete the virtual switches used by Lab '{0}'
    ShouldRemoveVMTemplateVHD = Delete the VM Template VHDs used by Lab '{0}'.
    ShouldRemoveLabFolder = Delete the folder '{1}' containing Lab '{0}'
    ShouldOverwriteLab = Install a new Lab into the existing folder '{0}'
    ShouldOverwriteLabConfig = Overwrite the existing Lab Configuration file '{0}'
    DismountingVMTemplateVHDISOMessage = Dismounting {1} used for source WIM to create Template VHD {0}
    ShouldInstallPackageProvider = Install Package Provider '{0}'
    ShouldRegisterPackageSource = Register Package Source '{0}' with '{1}'
    ShouldTrustPackageSource = Trust Package Source '{0}' with '{1}'