
    Gets an array of switches from a Lab.
    Takes a provided Lab and returns the array of LabSwitch objects required for this Lab.
    This list is usually passed to Initialize-LabSwitch to configure the switches required for this lab.
    Contains the Lab object that was loaded by the Get-Lab object.
    An optional array of Switch names.
    Only Switches matching names in this list will be pulled into the returned in the array.
    $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml
    $Switches = Get-LabSwitch -Lab $Lab
    Loads a Lab and pulls the array of switches from it.
    Returns an array of LabSwitch objects.

function Get-LabSwitch
            Position = 1,
            Mandatory = $true)]

            Position = 2)]
        [String[]] $Name

    [System.String] $LabId = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labid
    [LabSwitch[]] $Switches = @()
    $ConfigSwitches = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.Switches.Switch

    foreach ($ConfigSwitch in $ConfigSwitches)
        # It can't be switch because if the name attrib/node is missing the name property on the
        # XML object defaults to the name of the parent. So we can't easily tell if no name was
        # specified or if they actually specified 'switch' as the name.
        $SwitchName = $ConfigSwitch.Name
        if ($Name -and ($SwitchName -notin $Name))
            # A names list was passed but this swtich wasn't included
        } # if

        if ($SwitchName -eq 'switch')
            $exceptionParameters = @{
                errorId       = 'SwitchNameIsEmptyError'
                errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.SwitchNameIsEmptyError)
            New-LabException @exceptionParameters

        # Convert the switch type string to a LabSwitchType
        $SwitchType = [LabSwitchType]::$($ConfigSwitch.Type)

        # If the SwitchType string doesn't match any enum value it will be
        # set to null.
        if (-not $SwitchType)
            $exceptionParameters = @{
                errorId       = 'UnknownSwitchTypeError'
                errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.UnknownSwitchTypeError `
                        -f $ConfigSwitch.Type, $SwitchName)
            New-LabException @exceptionParameters
        } # if

        # if a LabId is set for the lab, prepend it to the Switch name as long as it isn't
        # an external switch.
        if ($LabId -and ($SwitchType -ne [LabSwitchType]::External))
            $SwitchName = "$LabId$SwitchName"
        } # if

        # Assemble the list of Mangement OS Adapters if any are specified for this switch
        # Only Intenal and External switches are allowed Management OS adapters.
        if ($ConfigSwitch.Adapters)
            [LabSwitchAdapter[]] $ConfigAdapters = @()
            foreach ($Adapter in $ConfigSwitch.Adapters.Adapter)
                $AdapterName = $Adapter.Name
                # if a LabId is set for the lab, prepend it to the adapter name.
                # But only if it is not an External switch.
                if ($LabId -and ($SwitchType -ne [LabSwitchType]::External))
                    $AdapterName = "$LabId$AdapterName"

                $ConfigAdapter = [LabSwitchAdapter]::New($AdapterName)
                $ConfigAdapter.MACAddress = $Adapter.MacAddress
                $ConfigAdapters += @( $ConfigAdapter )
            } # foreach
            if (($ConfigAdapters.Count -gt 0) `
                    -and ($SwitchType -notin [LabSwitchType]::External, [LabSwitchType]::Internal))
                $exceptionParameters = @{
                    errorId       = 'AdapterSpecifiedError'
                    errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                    errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.AdapterSpecifiedError `
                            -f $SwitchType, $SwitchName)
                New-LabException @exceptionParameters
            } # if
            $ConfigAdapters = $null
        } # if

        # Create the new Switch object
        [LabSwitch] $NewSwitch = [LabSwitch]::New($SwitchName, $SwitchType)
        $NewSwitch.VLAN = $ConfigSwitch.VLan
        $NewSwitch.BindingAdapterName = $ConfigSwitch.BindingAdapterName
        $NewSwitch.BindingAdapterMac = $ConfigSwitch.BindingAdapterMac
        $NewSwitch.BindingAdapterMac = $ConfigSwitch.BindingAdapterMac
        $NewSwitch.NatSubnet = $ConfigSwitch.NatSubnet
        $NewSwitch.NatGatewayAddress = $ConfigSwitch.NatGatewayAddress
        $NewSwitch.Adapters = $ConfigAdapters
        $Switches += @( $NewSwitch )
    } # foreach
    return $Switches
} # Get-LabSwitch

    Creates Hyper-V Virtual Switches from a provided array of LabSwitch objects.
    Takes an array of LabSwitch objectsthat were pulled from a Lab object by calling
    Get-LabSwitch and ensures that they Hyper-V Virtual Switches on the system
    are configured to match.
    Contains Lab object that was loaded by the Get-Lab object.
    An optional array of Switch names.
    Only Switches matching names in this list will be initialized.
    The array of LabSwitch objects pulled from the Lab using Get-LabSwitch.
    If not provided it will attempt to pull the array from the Lab object provided.
    $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml
    $Switches = Get-LabSwitch -Lab $Lab
    Initialize-LabSwitch -Lab $Lab -Switches $Switches
    Initializes the Hyper-V switches in the configured in the Lab c:\mylab\config.xml
    $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml
    Initialize-LabSwitch -Lab $Lab
    Initializes the Hyper-V switches in the configured in the Lab c:\mylab\config.xml

function Initialize-LabSwitch
            Position = 1,
            Mandatory = $true)]

            Position = 2)]
        [String[]] $Name,

            Position = 3)]
        [LabSwitch[]] $Switches

    # if switches was not passed, pull it.
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('switches'))
        [LabSwitch[]] $Switches = Get-LabSwitch `

    # Create Hyper-V Switches
    foreach ($VMSwitch in $Switches)
        if ($Name -and ($ -notin $Name))
            # A names list was passed but this swtich wasn't included
        } # if

        if ((Get-VMSwitch | Where-Object -Property Name -eq $($VMSwitch.Name)).Count -eq 0)
            [System.String] $SwitchName = $VMSwitch.Name
            if (-not $SwitchName)
                $exceptionParameters = @{
                    errorId       = 'SwitchNameIsEmptyError'
                    errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                    errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.SwitchNameIsEmptyError)
                New-LabException @exceptionParameters
            [LabSwitchType] $SwitchType = $VMSwitch.Type
            Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatingVirtualSwitchMessage `
                    -f $SwitchType, $SwitchName)
            Switch ($SwitchType)
                    # Determine which Physical Adapter to bind this switch to
                    if ($VMSwitch.BindingAdapterMac)
                        $BindingAdapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object {
                            ($_.MacAddress -replace '-', '') -eq $VMSwitch.BindingAdapterMac
                        $ErrorDetail = "with a MAC address '$($VMSwitch.BindingAdapterMac)' "
                    elseif ($VMSwitch.BindingAdapterName)
                        $BindingAdapter = Get-NetAdapter `
                            -Name $VMSwitch.BindingAdapterName `
                            -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                        $ErrorDetail = "with a name '$($VMSwitch.BindingAdapterName)' "
                        $BindingAdapter = Get-NetAdapter | `
                            Where-Object {
                            ($_.Status -eq 'Up') `
                                -and (-not $_.Virtual) `
                        } | Select-Object -First 1
                        $ErrorDetail = ''
                    } # if

                    # Check that a Binding Adapter was found
                    if (-not $BindingAdapter)
                        $exceptionParameters = @{
                            errorId       = 'BindingAdapterNotFoundError'
                            errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                            errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.BindingAdapterNotFoundError `
                                    -f $SwitchName, $ErrorDetail)
                        New-LabException @exceptionParameters
                    } # if

                    # Check this adapter is not already bound to a switch
                    $VMSwitchNames = (Get-VMSwitch | Where-Object {
                            $_.SwitchType -eq 'External'
                    $MacAddress = @()

                    foreach ($VmSwitchName in $VmSwitchNames)
                        $MacAddress += (Get-VMNetworkAdapter `
                                -ManagementOS `
                                -SwitchName $VmSwitchName `
                                -Name $VmSwitchName `
                                -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).MacAddress
                    } # foreach

                    $UsedAdapters = @((Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object {
                                ($_.MacAddress -replace '-', '') -in $MacAddress
                    if ($BindingAdapter.Name -in $UsedAdapters)
                        $exceptionParameters = @{
                            errorId       = 'BindingAdapterUsedError'
                            errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                            errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.BindingAdapterUsedError `
                                    -f $SwitchName, $BindingAdapter.Name)
                        New-LabException @exceptionParameters
                    } # if

                    # Create the swtich
                    $null = New-VMSwitch `
                        -Name $SwitchName `
                        -NetAdapterName $BindingAdapter.Name
                } # 'External'

                    $null = New-VMSwitch `
                        -Name $SwitchName `
                        -SwitchType Private
                } # 'Private'

                    $null = New-VMSwitch `
                        -Name $SwitchName `
                        -SwitchType Internal
                } # 'Internal'

                    if ($Script:CurrentBuild -lt 14295)
                        $exceptionParameters = @{
                            errorId       = 'NatSwitchNotSupportedError'
                            errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                            errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.NatSwitchNotSupportedError -f $SwitchName)
                        New-LabException @exceptionParameters

                    $NatSubnet = $VMSwitch.NatSubnet
                    # Check Nat Subnet is set
                    if (-not $NatSubnet)
                        $exceptionParameters = @{
                            errorId       = 'NatSubnetEmptyError'
                            errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                            errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.NatSubnetEmptyError `
                                    -f $SwitchName)
                        New-LabException @exceptionParameters
                    } # if
                    # Ensure Nat Subnet looks valid
                    if ($NatSubnet -notmatch '[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+/[0-9]+')
                        $exceptionParameters = @{
                            errorId       = 'NatSubnetInvalidError'
                            errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                            errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.NatSubnetInvalidError `
                                    -f $SwitchName, $NatSubnet)
                        New-LabException @exceptionParameters
                    } # if
                    $NatSubnetComponents = ($NatSubnet -split '/')
                    $NatSubnetAddress = $NatSubnetComponents[0]
                    # Validate the Nat Subnet Address
                    if (-not ([System.Net.Ipaddress]::TryParse($NatSubnetAddress, [ref]0)))
                        $exceptionParameters = @{
                            errorId       = 'NatSubnetAddressInvalidError'
                            errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                            errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.NatSubnetAddressInvalidError `
                                    -f $SwitchName, $NatSubnetAddress)
                        New-LabException @exceptionParameters
                    } # if
                    # Validate the Nat Subnet Prefix Length
                    [int] $NatSubnetPrefixLength = $NatSubnetComponents[1]
                    if (($NatSubnetPrefixLength -lt 1) -or ($NatSubnetPrefixLength -gt 31))
                        $exceptionParameters = @{
                            errorId       = 'NatSubnetPrefixLengthInvalidError'
                            errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                            errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.NatSubnetPrefixLengthInvalidError `
                                    -f $SwitchName, $NatSubnetPrefixLength)
                        New-LabException @exceptionParameters
                    } # if
                    $NatGatewayAddress = $VMSwitch.NatGatewayAddress

                    # Create the Internal Switch
                    $null = New-VMSwitch `
                        -Name $SwitchName `
                        -SwitchType Internal `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
                    # Set the IP Address on the default adapter connected to the NAT switch
                    $MacAddress = (Get-VMNetworkAdapter `
                            -ManagementOS `
                            -SwitchName $SwitchName `
                            -Name $SwitchName `
                            -ErrorAction Stop).MacAddress
                    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($MacAddress))
                        $exceptionParameters = @{
                            errorId       = 'NatSwitchDefaultAdapterMacEmptyError'
                            errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                            errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.NatSwitchDefaultAdapterMacEmptyError `
                                    -f $SwitchName)
                        New-LabException @exceptionParameters
                    } # if
                    $Adapter = Get-NetAdapter |
                        Where-Object { ($_.MacAddress -replace '-', '') -eq $MacAddress }
                    if (-not $Adapter)
                        $exceptionParameters = @{
                            errorId       = 'NatSwitchDefaultAdapterNotFoundError'
                            errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                            errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.NatSwitchDefaultAdapterNotFoundError `
                                    -f $SwitchName)
                        New-LabException @exceptionParameters
                    $null = $Adapter | New-NetIPAddress `
                        -IPAddress $NatGatewayAddress `
                        -PrefixLength $NatSubnetPrefixLength `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
                    # Does the NAT already exist?
                    $NetNat = Get-NetNat `
                        -Name $SwitchName `
                        -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    if ($NetNat)
                        # If the NAT already exists, remove it so it can be recreated
                        $null = $NetNat | Remove-NetNat -Confirm:$False
                    # Create the new NAT
                    $null = New-NetNat `
                        -Name $SwitchName `
                        -InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix $NatSubnet `
                        -ErrorAction Stop
                } # 'NAT'
                    $exceptionParameters = @{
                        errorId       = 'UnknownSwitchTypeError'
                        errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                        errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.UnknownSwitchTypeError `
                                -f $SwitchType, $SwitchName)
                    New-LabException @exceptionParameters
            } # switch

            if ($SwitchType -ne 'Private')
                # Configure the VLan on the default Management Adapter
                $Splat = @{
                    Name       = $SwitchName
                    SwitchName = $SwitchName
                if ($VMSwitch.VLan)
                    $Splat += @{ VlanId = $VMSwitch.Vlan }
                } # if
                UpdateSwitchManagementAdapter @Splat

                # Add any management OS adapters to the switch
                if ($VMSwitch.Adapters)
                    foreach ($Adapter in $VMSwitch.Adapters)
                        $Splat = @{
                            Name       = $Adapter.Name
                            SwitchName = $SwitchName
                        if ($Adapter.MacAddress)
                            $Splat += @{ StaticMacAddress = $Adapter.MacAddress }
                        } # if
                        if ($VMSwitch.VLan)
                            $Splat += @{ VlanId = $VMSwitch.Vlan }
                        } # if
                        UpdateSwitchManagementAdapter @Splat
                    } # foreach
                } # if
            } # if
        } # if
    } # foreach
} # Initialize-LabSwitch

    Removes all Hyper-V Virtual Switches provided.
    This cmdlet is used to remove any Hyper-V Virtual Switches that were created by
    the Initialize-LabSwitch cmdlet.
    Contains the Lab object that was loaded by the Get-Lab object.
    An optional array of Switch names.
    Only Switches matching names in this list will be removed.
    The array of LabSwitch objects pulled from the Lab using Get-LabSwitch.
    If not provided it will attempt to pull the array from the Lab object.
    $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml
    $Switches = Get-LabSwitch -Lab $Lab
    Remove-LabSwitch -Lab $Lab -Switches $Switches
    Removes any Hyper-V switches in the configured in the Lab c:\mylab\config.xml
    $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml
    Remove-LabSwitch -Lab $Lab
    Removes any Hyper-V switches in the configured in the Lab c:\mylab\config.xml

function Remove-LabSwitch
            Position = 1,
            Mandatory = $true)]

            Position = 2)]
        [String[]] $Name,

            Position = 3)]
        [LabSwitch[]] $Switches

    # if switches were not passed so pull them
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('switches'))
        [LabSwitch[]] $Switches = Get-LabSwitch `

    # Delete Hyper-V Switches
    foreach ($VMSwitch in $Switches)
        if ($Name -and ($ -notin $Name))
            # A names list was passed but this swtich wasn't included
        } # if

        if ((Get-VMSwitch | Where-Object -Property Name -eq $VMSwitch.Name).Count -ne 0)
            [System.String] $SwitchName = $VMSwitch.Name
            if (-not $SwitchName)
                $exceptionParameters = @{
                    errorId       = 'SwitchNameIsEmptyError'
                    errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                    errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.SwitchNameIsEmptyError)
                New-LabException @exceptionParameters
            [LabSwitchType] $SwitchType = $VMSwitch.Type
            Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.DeleteingVirtualSwitchMessage `
                    -f $SwitchType, $SwitchName)
            Switch ($SwitchType)
                    if ($VMSwitch.Adapters)
                        $VMSwitch.Adapters.foreach( {
                                $null = Remove-VMNetworkAdapter `
                                    -ManagementOS `
                                    -Name $_.Name
                            } )
                    } # if
                    Remove-VMSwitch `
                        -Name $SwitchName
                } # 'External'
                    Remove-VMSwitch `
                        -Name $SwitchName
                } # 'Private'
                    Remove-VMSwitch `
                        -Name $SwitchName
                    if ($VMSwitch.Adapters)
                        $VMSwitch.Adapters.foreach( {
                                $null = Remove-VMNetworkAdapter `
                                    -ManagementOS `
                                    -Name $_.Name
                            } )
                    } # if
                } # 'Internal'
                    Remove-NetNat `
                        -Name $SwitchName
                    Remove-VMSwitch `
                        -Name $SwitchName
                } # 'Internal'

                    $exceptionParameters = @{
                        errorId       = 'UnknownSwitchTypeError'
                        errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                        errorMessage  = $($LocalizedData.UnknownSwitchTypeError `
                                -f $SwitchType, $SwitchName)
                    New-LabException @exceptionParameters
            } # Switch
        } # if
    } # foreach
} # Remove-LabSwitch