.SYNOPSIS Loads a Lab Builder Configuration file and returns a Lab object .DESCRIPTION Takes the path to a valid LabBuilder Configiration XML file and loads it. It will perform simple validation on the XML file and throw an exception if any of the validation tests fail. At load time it will also add temporary configuration attributes to the in memory configuration that are used by other LabBuilder functions. So loading XML Configurartion without using this function is not advised. .PARAMETER ConfigPath This is the path to the Lab Builder configuration file to load. .PARAMETER LabPath This is an optional path that is used to Override the LabPath in the config file passed. .EXAMPLE $MyLab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\MyLab\LabConfig1.xml Loads the LabConfig1.xml configuration and returns Lab object. .OUTPUTS The Lab object representing the Lab Configuration that was loaded. #> function Get-Lab { [CmdLetBinding()] [OutputType([XML])] param ( [Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $ConfigPath, [Parameter( Position=2)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $LabPath, [Parameter( Position=3)] [Switch] $SkipXMLValidation ) # Param # If a relative path to the config has been specified # then convert it to absolute path if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($ConfigPath)) { $ConfigPath = Join-Path ` -Path (Get-Location).Path ` -ChildPath $ConfigPath } # if if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ConfigPath)) { $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'ConfigurationFileNotFoundError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.ConfigurationFileNotFoundError ` -f $ConfigPath) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # if $Content = Get-Content -Path $ConfigPath -Raw if (-not $Content) { $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'ConfigurationFileEmptyError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.ConfigurationFileEmptyError ` -f $ConfigPath) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # if if (-not $SkipXMLValidation) { # Validate the XML Assert-ValidConfigurationXMLSchema ` -ConfigPath $ConfigPath ` -ErrorAction Stop } # The XML passes the Schema check so load it. [XML] $Lab = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument $Lab.PreserveWhitespace = $true $Lab.LoadXML($Content) # Check the Required Windows Build $RequiredWindowsBuild = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.requiredwindowsbuild if ($RequiredWindowsBuild -and ` ($Script:CurrentBuild -lt $RequiredWindowsBuild)) { $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'RequiredBuildNotMetError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.RequiredBuildNotMetError ` -f $Script:CurrentBuild,$RequiredWindowsBuild) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # if # Figure out the Config path and load it into the XML object (if we can) # This path is used to find any additional configuration files that might # be provided with config [System.String] $ConfigPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($ConfigPath) [System.String] $XMLConfigPath = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.configpath if ($XMLConfigPath) { if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($XMLConfigurationPath)) { # A relative path was provided in the config path so add the actual path of the # XML to it [System.String] $FullConfigPath = Join-Path ` -Path $ConfigPath ` -ChildPath $XMLConfigPath } # if } else { [System.String] $FullConfigPath = $ConfigPath } $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.setattribute('fullconfigpath',$FullConfigPath) # if the LabPath was passed as a parameter, set it in the config if ($LabPath) { $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.SetAttribute('labpath',$LabPath) } else { [System.String] $LabPath = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath } # Get the VHDParentPathFull - if it isn't supplied default [System.String] $VHDParentPath = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.vhdparentpath if (-not $VHDParentPath) { $VHDParentPath = 'Virtual Hard Disk Templates' } # if the resulting parent path is not rooted make the root the Lab Path if (-not ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($VHDParentPath))) { $VHDParentPath = Join-Path ` -Path $LabPath ` -ChildPath $VHDParentPath } # if $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.setattribute('vhdparentpathfull',$VHDParentPath) # Get the DSCLibraryPathFull - if it isn't supplied default [System.String] $DSCLibraryPath = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.dsclibrarypath if (-not $DSCLibraryPath) { $DSCLibraryPath = 'DSCLibrary' } # if # if the resulting parent path is not rooted make the root the Full config path if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($DSCLibraryPath)) { $DSCLibraryPath = Join-Path ` -Path $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.fullconfigpath ` -ChildPath $DSCLibraryPath } # if $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.setattribute('dsclibrarypathfull',$DSCLibraryPath) # Get the ResourcePathFull - if it isn't supplied default [System.String] $ResourcePath = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.resourcepath if (-not $ResourcePath) { $ResourcePath = 'Resource' } # if # if the resulting Resource path is not rooted make the root the Lab Path if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($ResourcePath)) { $ResourcePath = Join-Path ` -Path $LabPath ` -ChildPath $ResourcePath } # if $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.setattribute('resourcepathfull',$ResourcePath) # Determine the ModulePath where alternate Lab PowerShell Modules can be found. # If a path is specified but it is relative, make it relative to the lab path. # Otherwise use it as is. [System.String] $ModulePath = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.modulepath if ($ModulePath) { if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($ModulePath)) { $ModulePath = Join-Path ` -Path $LabPath ` -ChildPath $ModulePath } # if # If the path is not included in the PSModulePath add it if (-not $env:PSModulePath.ToLower().Contains($ModulePath.ToLower() + ';')) { $env:PSModulePath = "$ModulePath;" + $env:PSModulePath } # if } # if Return $Lab } # Get-Lab <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Lab Builder Configuration file and Lab folder. .DESCRIPTION This function will take a path to a new Lab folder and a path or filename for a new Lab Configuration file and creates them using the standard XML template. It will also copy the DSCLibrary folder as well as the create an empty ISOFiles and VHDFiles folder in the Lab folder. After running this function the VMs, VMTemplates, Switches and VMTemplateVHDs in the new Lab Configuration file would normally be customized to for the new Lab. .PARAMETER ConfigPath This is the path to the Lab Builder configuration file to create. If it is not rooted the configuration file is created in the LabPath folder. .PARAMETER LabPath This is a required path of the new Lab to create. .PARAMETER Name This is a required name of the Lab that gets added to the new Lab Configration file. .PARAMETER Version This is a required version of the Lab that gets added to the new Lab Configration file. .PARAMETER Id This is the optional Lab Id that gets set in the new Lab Configuration file. .PARAMETER Description This is the optional Lab description that gets set in the new Lab Configuration file. .PARAMETER DomainName This is the optional Lab domain name that gets set in the new Lab Configuration file. .PARAMETER Email This is the optional Lab email address that gets set in the new Lab Configuration file. .EXAMPLE $MyLab = New-Lab ` -ConfigPath c:\MyLab\LabConfig1.xml ` -LabPath c:\MyLab ` -LabName 'MyLab' ` -LabVersion '1.2' Creates a new Lab Configration file LabConfig1.xml and also a Lab folder c:\MyLab and populates it with default DSCLibrary file and supporting folders. .OUTPUTS The Lab object representing the new Lab Configuration that was created. #> function New-Lab { [CmdLetBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] [OutputType([XML])] param ( [Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $ConfigPath, [Parameter( Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $LabPath, [Parameter( Position=3, Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Name, [Parameter( Position=4)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Version = '1.0', [Parameter( Position=5)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Id, [Parameter( Position=6)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Description, [Parameter( Position=7)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $DomainName, [Parameter( Position=8)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Email ) # Param # Determine the full Lab Path if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($LabPath)) { $LabPath = Join-Path ` -Path Get-Location ` -ChildPath $LabPath } # if # Does the Lab Path exist? if (Test-Path -Path $LabPath -Type Container) { # It does - exit if the user declines if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( 'LocalHost', ` ($LocalizedData.ShouldOverwriteLab ` -f $LabPath ))) { return } } else { Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatingLabFolderMessage ` -f 'LabPath',$LabPath) New-Item ` -Path $LabPath ` -Type Directory } # if # Determine the full Lab configuration Path if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($ConfigPath)) { $ConfigPath = Join-Path ` -Path $LabPath ` -ChildPath $ConfigPath } # if # Does the lab configuration path already exist? if (Test-Path -Path $ConfigPath) { # It does - exit if the user declines if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( 'LocalHost', ` ($LocalizedData.ShouldOverwriteLabConfig ` -f $ConfigPath ))) { return } } # if # Get the Config Template into a variable $Content = Get-Content ` -Path $Script:ConfigurationXMLTemplate # The XML passes the Schema check so load it. [XML] $Lab = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument $Lab.PreserveWhitespace = $true $Lab.LoadXML($Content) # Populate the Lab Entries $ = $Name $Lab.labbuilderconfig.version = $Version $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath = $LabPath if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Id')) { $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.SetAttribute('Id',$Id) } # if if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description')) { $Lab.labbuilderconfig.description = $Description } # if if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DomainName')) { $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.SetAttribute('DomainName',$DomainName) } # if if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Email')) { $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.SetAttribute('Email',$Email) } # if # Save Configiration XML $Lab.Save($ConfigPath) # Create ISOFiles folder New-Item ` -Path (Join-Path -Path $LabPath -ChildPath 'ISOFiles')` -Type Directory ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Create VDFFiles folder New-Item ` -Path (Join-Path -Path $LabPath -ChildPath 'VHDFiles')` -Type Directory ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Copy the DSCLibrary Copy-Item ` -Path $Script:DSCLibraryPath ` -Destination $LabPath ` -Recurse ` -Force ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Return (Get-Lab ` -ConfigPath $ConfigPath ` -LabPath $LabPath) } # New-Lab <# .SYNOPSIS Installs or Update a Lab. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will install an entire Hyper-V lab environment defined by the LabBuilder configuration file provided. If components of the Lab already exist, they will be updated if they differ from the settings in the Configuration file. The Hyper-V component can also be optionally installed if it is not. .PARAMETER ConfigPath The path to the LabBuilder configuration XML file. .PARAMETER LabPath The optional path to install the Lab to - overrides the LabPath setting in the configuration file. .PARAMETER Lab The Lab object returned by Get-Lab of the lab to install. .PARAMETER CheckEnvironment Whether or not to check if Hyper-V is installed and install it if missing. .PARAMETER Force This will force the Lab to be installed, automatically suppressing any confirmations. .EXAMPLE Install-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml Install the lab defined in the c:\mylab\config.xml LabBuilder configuration file. .EXAMPLE Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml | Install-Lab Install the lab defined in the c:\mylab\config.xml LabBuilder configuration file. .OUTPUTS None #> Function Install-Lab { [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Lab")] param ( [parameter( Position=1, ParameterSetName="File", Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $ConfigPath, [parameter( Position=2, ParameterSetName="File")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $LabPath, [Parameter( Position=3, ParameterSetName="Lab", Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Lab, [Parameter( Position=4)] [Switch] $CheckEnvironment, [Parameter( Position=5)] [Switch] $Force, [Parameter( Position=6)] [Switch] $OffLine ) # Param begin { # Create a splat array containing force if it is set $ForceSplat = @{} if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Force')) { $ForceSplat = @{ Force = $true } } # if # Remove some PSBoundParameters so we can Splat $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('CheckEnvironment') $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Force') if ($CheckEnvironment) { # Check Hyper-V Install-LabHyperV ` -ErrorAction Stop } # if # Ensure WS-Man is enabled Enable-LabWSMan ` @ForceSplat ` -ErrorAction Stop if (!($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OffLine'))) { # Install Package Providers Install-LabPackageProvider ` @ForceSplat ` -ErrorAction Stop # Register Package Sources Register-LabPackageSource ` @ForceSplat ` -ErrorAction Stop } $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Offline') if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'File') { # Read the configuration $Lab = Get-Lab ` @PSBoundParameters ` -ErrorAction Stop } # if } # begin process { # Initialize the core Lab components # Check Lab Folder structure Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.InitializingLabFoldersMesage) # Check folders are defined [System.String] $LabPath = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath if (-not (Test-Path -Path $LabPath)) { Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatingLabFolderMessage ` -f 'LabPath',$LabPath) $null = New-Item ` -Path $LabPath ` -Type Directory } [System.String] $VHDParentPath = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.vhdparentpathfull if (-not (Test-Path -Path $VHDParentPath)) { Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatingLabFolderMessage ` -f 'VHDParentPath',$VHDParentPath) $null = New-Item ` -Path $VHDParentPath ` -Type Directory } [System.String] $ResourcePath = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.resourcepathfull if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ResourcePath)) { Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatingLabFolderMessage ` -f 'ResourcePath',$ResourcePath) $null = New-Item ` -Path $ResourcePath ` -Type Directory } # Install Hyper-V Components Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.InitializingHyperVComponentsMesage) # Create the LabBuilder Management Network switch and assign VLAN # Used by host to communicate with Lab VMs [System.String] $ManagementSwitchName = GetManagementSwitchName ` -Lab $Lab if ($Lab.labbuilderconfig.switches.ManagementVlan) { [Int32] $ManagementVlan = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.switches.ManagementVlan } else { [Int32] $ManagementVlan = $Script:DefaultManagementVLan } if ((Get-VMSwitch | Where-Object -Property Name -eq $ManagementSwitchName).Count -eq 0) { $null = New-VMSwitch ` -SwitchType Internal ` -Name $ManagementSwitchName ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatingLabManagementSwitchMessage ` -f $ManagementSwitchName,$ManagementVlan) } # Check the Vlan ID of the adapter on the switch $ExistingManagementAdapter = Get-VMNetworkAdapter ` -ManagementOS ` -Name $ManagementSwitchName ` -ErrorAction Stop $ExistingVlan = (Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan ` -VMNetworkAdaptername $ExistingManagementAdapter.Name ` -ManagementOS).AccessVlanId if ($ExistingVlan -ne $ManagementVlan) { Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.UpdatingLabManagementSwitchMessage ` -f $ManagementSwitchName,$ManagementVlan) Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan ` -VMNetworkAdapterName $ManagementSwitchName ` -ManagementOS ` -Access ` -VlanId $ManagementVlan ` -ErrorAction Stop } # Download any Resource Modules required by this Lab $ResourceModules = Get-LabResourceModule ` -Lab $Lab Initialize-LabResourceModule ` -Lab $Lab ` -ResourceModules $ResourceModules ` -ErrorAction Stop # Download any Resource MSUs required by this Lab $ResourceMSUs = Get-LabResourceMSU ` -Lab $Lab Initialize-LabResourceMSU ` -Lab $Lab ` -ResourceMSUs $ResourceMSUs ` -ErrorAction Stop # Initialize the Switches $Switches = Get-LabSwitch ` -Lab $Lab Initialize-LabSwitch ` -Lab $Lab ` -Switches $Switches ` -ErrorAction Stop # Initialize the VM Template VHDs $VMTemplateVHDs = Get-LabVMTemplateVHD ` -Lab $Lab Initialize-LabVMTemplateVHD ` -Lab $Lab ` -VMTemplateVHDs $VMTemplateVHDs ` -ErrorAction Stop # Initialize the VM Templates $VMTemplates = Get-LabVMTemplate ` -Lab $Lab Initialize-LabVMTemplate ` -Lab $Lab ` -VMTemplates $VMTemplates ` -ErrorAction Stop # Initialize the VMs $VMs = Get-LabVM ` -Lab $Lab ` -VMTemplates $VMTemplates ` -Switches $Switches Initialize-LabVM ` -Lab $Lab ` -VMs $VMs ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.LabInstallCompleteMessage ` -f $,$Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath) } # process end { } # end } # Install-Lab <# .SYNOPSIS Update a Lab. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will update the existing Hyper-V lab environment defined by the LabBuilder configuration file provided. If components of the Lab are missing they will be added. If components of the Lab already exist, they will be updated if they differ from the settings in the Configuration file. .PARAMETER ConfigPath The path to the LabBuilder configuration XML file. .PARAMETER LabPath The optional path to update the Lab in - overrides the LabPath setting in the configuration file. .PARAMETER Lab The Lab object returned by Get-Lab of the lab to update. .EXAMPLE Update-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml Update the lab defined in the c:\mylab\config.xml LabBuilder configuration file. .EXAMPLE Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml | Update-Lab Update the lab defined in the c:\mylab\config.xml LabBuilder configuration file. .OUTPUTS None #> Function Update-Lab { [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Lab")] param ( [parameter( Position=1, ParameterSetName="File", Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $ConfigPath, [parameter( Position=2, ParameterSetName="File")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $LabPath, [Parameter( Position=3, ParameterSetName="Lab", Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Lab ) # Param begin { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'File') { # Read the configuration $Lab = Get-Lab ` @PSBoundParameters } # if } # begin process { Install-Lab ` @PSBoundParameters Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.LabUpdateCompleteMessage ` -f $,$Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.fullconfigpath) } # process end { } # end } # Update-Lab <# .SYNOPSIS Uninstall the components of an existing Lab. .DESCRIPTION This function will attempt to remove the components of the lab specified in the provided LabBuilder configuration file. It will always remove any Lab Virtual Machines, but can also optionally remove: Switches VM Templates VM Template VHDs .PARAMETER ConfigPath The path to the LabBuilder configuration XML file. .PARAMETER LabPath The optional path to uninstall the Lab from - overrides the LabPath setting in the configuration file. .PARAMETER Lab The Lab object returned by Get-Lab of the lab to uninstall. .PARAMETER RemoveSwitch Causes the switches defined by this to be removed. .PARAMETER RemoveVMTemplate Causes the VM Templates created by this to be be removed. .PARAMETER RemoveVMFolder Causes the VM folder created to contain the files for any the VMs in this Lab to be removed. .PARAMETER RemoveVMTemplateVHD Causes the VM Template VHDs that are used in this lab to be deleted. .PARAMETER RemoveLabFolder Causes the entire folder containing this Lab to be deleted. .EXAMPLE Uninstall-Lab ` -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml ` -RemoveSwitch` -RemoveVMTemplate ` -RemoveVMFolder ` -RemoveVMTemplateVHD ` -RemoveLabFolder Completely uninstall all components in the lab defined in the c:\mylab\config.xml LabBuilder configuration file. .EXAMPLE Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml | Uninstall-Lab ` -RemoveSwitch` -RemoveVMTemplate ` -RemoveVMFolder ` -RemoveVMTemplateVHD ` -RemoveLabFolder Completely uninstall all components in the lab defined in the c:\mylab\config.xml LabBuilder configuration file. .OUTPUTS None #> Function Uninstall-Lab { [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Lab", SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param ( [parameter( Position=1, ParameterSetName="File", Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $ConfigPath, [parameter( Position=2, ParameterSetName="File")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $LabPath, [Parameter( Position=3, ParameterSetName="Lab", Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Lab, [Parameter( Position=4)] [Switch] $RemoveSwitch, [Parameter( Position=5)] [Switch] $RemoveVMTemplate, [Parameter( Position=6)] [Switch] $RemoveVMFolder, [Parameter( Position=7)] [Switch] $RemoveVMTemplateVHD, [Parameter( Position=8)] [Switch] $RemoveLabFolder ) # Param begin { # Remove some PSBoundParameters so we can Splat $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('RemoveSwitch') $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('RemoveVMTemplate') $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('RemoveVMFolder') $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('RemoveVMTemplateVHD') $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('RemoveLabFolder') if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'File') { # Read the configuration $Lab = Get-Lab ` @PSBoundParameters } # if } # begin process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( 'LocalHost', ` ($LocalizedData.ShouldUninstallLab ` -f $,$Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath ))) { # Remove the VMs $VMSplat = @{} if ($RemoveVMFolder) { $VMSplat += @{ RemoveVMFolder = $true } } # if $null = Remove-LabVM ` -Lab $Lab ` @VMSplat # Remove the VM Templates if ($RemoveVMTemplate) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( 'LocalHost', ` ($LocalizedData.ShouldRemoveVMTemplate ` -f $,$Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath ))) { $null = Remove-LabVMTemplate ` -Lab $Lab } # if } # if # Remove the VM Switches if ($RemoveSwitch) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( 'LocalHost', ` ($LocalizedData.ShouldRemoveSwitch ` -f $,$Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath ))) { $null = Remove-LabSwitch ` -Lab $Lab } # if } # if # Remove the VM Template VHDs if ($RemoveVMTemplateVHD) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( 'LocalHost', ` ($LocalizedData.ShouldRemoveVMTemplateVHD ` -f $,$Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath ))) { $null = Remove-LabVMTemplateVHD ` -Lab $Lab } # if } # if # Remove the Lab Folder if ($RemoveLabFolder) { if (Test-Path -Path $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( 'LocalHost', ` ($LocalizedData.ShouldRemoveLabFolder ` -f $,$Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath ))) { Remove-Item ` -Path $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath ` -Recurse ` -Force } # if } # if } # if # Remove the LabBuilder Management Network switch [System.String] $ManagementSwitchName = GetManagementSwitchName ` -Lab $Lab if ((Get-VMSwitch | Where-Object -Property Name -eq $ManagementSwitchName).Count -ne 0) { $null = Remove-VMSwitch ` -Name $ManagementSwitchName Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.RemovingLabManagementSwitchMessage ` -f $ManagementSwitchName) } Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.LabUninstallCompleteMessage ` -f $,$Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath ) } # if } # process end { } # end } # Uninstall-Lab <# .SYNOPSIS Starts an existing Lab. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will start all the Hyper-V virtual machines definied in a Lab configuration. It will use the Bootorder attribute (if defined) for any VMs to determine the order they should be booted in. If a Bootorder is not specified for a machine, it will be booted after all machines with a defined boot order. The lower the Bootorder value for a machine the earlier it will be started in the start process. Machines will be booted in series, with each machine starting once the previous machine has completed startup and has a management IP address. If a Virtual Machine in the Lab is already running, it will be ignored and the next machine in series will be started. If more than one Virtual Machine shares the same Bootorder value, then these machines will be booted in parallel, with the boot process only continuing onto the next Bootorder when all these machines are booted. If a Virtual Machine specified in the configuration is not found an exception will be thrown. If a Virtual Machine takes longer than the StartupTimeout then an exception will be thown but the Start process will continue. If a Bootorder of 0 is specifed then the Virtual Machine will not be booted at all. This is useful for things like Root CA VMs that only need to started when the Lab is created. .PARAMETER ConfigPath The path to the LabBuilder configuration XML file. .PARAMETER LabPath The optional path to install the Lab to - overrides the LabPath setting in the configuration file. .PARAMETER Lab The Lab object returned by Get-Lab of the lab to start. .PARAMETER StartupTimeout The maximum number of seconds that the process will wait for a VM to startup. Defaults to 90 seconds. .EXAMPLE Start-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml Start the lab defined in the c:\mylab\config.xml LabBuilder configuration file. .EXAMPLE Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml | Start-Lab Start the lab defined in the c:\mylab\config.xml LabBuilder configuration file. .OUTPUTS None #> Function Start-Lab { [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Lab")] param ( [parameter( Position=1, ParameterSetName="File", Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $ConfigPath, [parameter( Position=2, ParameterSetName="File")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $LabPath, [Parameter( Position=3, ParameterSetName="Lab", Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Lab, [Parameter( Position=4)] [Int] $StartupTimeout = $Script:StartupTimeout ) # Param begin { # Remove some PSBoundParameters so we can Splat $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('StartupTimeout') if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'File') { # Read the configuration $Lab = Get-Lab ` @PSBoundParameters } # if } # begin process { # Get the VMs $VMs = Get-LabVM ` -Lab $Lab # Get the bootorders by lowest first and ignoring 0 and call $BootOrders = @( ($VMs | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($_.Bootorder -gt 0) } ).Bootorder ) $BootPhases = @( ($Bootorders | Sort-Object -Unique) ) # Step through each of these "Bootphases" waiting for them to complete foreach ($BootPhase in $BootPhases) { # Process this "Bootphase" Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.StartingBootPhaseVMsMessage ` -f $BootPhase) # Get all VMs in this "Bootphase" $BootVMs = @( $VMs | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($_.BootOrder -eq $BootPhase) } ) [DateTime] $StartPhase = Get-Date [boolean] $PhaseComplete = $False [boolean] $PhaseAllBooted = $True [int] $VMCount = $BootVMs.Count [int] $VMNumber = 0 # Loop through all the VMs in this "Bootphase" repeatedly # until timeout occurs or PhaseComplete is marked as complete while (-not $PhaseComplete ` -and ((Get-Date) -lt $StartPhase.AddSeconds($StartupTimeout))) { # Get the VM to boot/check $VM = $BootVMs[$VMNumber] $VMName = $VM.Name # Get the actual Hyper-V VM object $VMObject = Get-VM ` -Name $VMName ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $VMObject) { # if the VM does not exist then throw a non-terminating exception $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'VMDoesNotExistError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.VMDoesNotExistError ` -f $VMName) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # if # Start the VM if it is off if ($VMObject.State -eq 'Off') { Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.StartingVMMessage ` -f $VMName) Start-VM ` -VM $VMObject } # if # Use the allocation of a Management IP Address as an indicator # the machine has booted $ManagementIP = GetVMManagementIPAddress ` -Lab $Lab ` -VM $VM ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not ($ManagementIP)) { # It has not booted $PhaseAllBooted = $False } # if $VMNumber++ if ($VMNumber -eq $VMCount) { # We have stepped through all VMs in this Phase so check # if all have booted, otherwise reset the loop. if ($PhaseAllBooted) { # if we have gone through all VMs in this "Bootphase" # and they're all marked as booted then we can mark # this phase as complete and allow moving on to the next one Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.AllBootPhaseVMsStartedMessage ` -f $BootPhase) $PhaseComplete = $True } else { $PhaseAllBooted = $True } # if # Reset the VM Loop $VMNumber = 0 } # if } # while # Did we timeout? if (-not ($PhaseComplete)) { # Yes, throw an exception $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'BootPhaseVMsTimeoutError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.BootPhaseStartVMsTimeoutError ` -f $BootPhase) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # if } # foreach Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.LabStartCompleteMessage ` -f $,$Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.fullconfigpath) } # process end { } # end } # Start-Lab <# .SYNOPSIS Stop an existing Lab. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will stop all the Hyper-V virtual machines definied in a Lab configuration. It will use the Bootorder attribute (if defined) for any VMs to determine the order they should be shutdown in. If a Bootorder is not specified for a machine, it will be shutdown before all machines with a defined boot order. The higher the Bootorder value for a machine the earlier it will be shutdown in the stop process. The Virtual Machines will be shutdown in REVERSE Bootorder. Machines will be shutdown in series, with each machine shutting down once the previous machine has completed shutdown. If a Virtual Machine in the Lab is already shutdown, it will be ignored and the next machine in series will be shutdown. If more than one Virtual Machine shares the same Bootorder value, then these machines will be shutdown in parallel, with the shutdown process only continuing onto the next Bootorder when all these machines are shutdown. If a Virtual Machine specified in the configuration is not found an exception will be thrown. If a Virtual Machine takes longer than the ShutdownTimeout then an exception will be thown but the Stop process will continue. .PARAMETER ConfigPath The path to the LabBuilder configuration XML file. .PARAMETER LabPath The optional path to install the Lab to - overrides the LabPath setting in the configuration file. .PARAMETER Lab The Lab object returned by Get-Lab of the lab to start. .PARAMETER ShutdownTimeout The maximum number of seconds that the process will wait for a VM to shutdown. Defaults to 30 seconds. .EXAMPLE Stop-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml Stop the lab defined in the c:\mylab\config.xml LabBuilder configuration file. .EXAMPLE Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml | Stop-Lab Stop the lab defined in the c:\mylab\config.xml LabBuilder configuration file. .OUTPUTS None #> Function Stop-Lab { [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Lab")] param ( [parameter( Position=1, ParameterSetName="File", Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $ConfigPath, [parameter( Position=2, ParameterSetName="File")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $LabPath, [Parameter( Position=3, ParameterSetName="Lab", Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Lab ) # Param begin { # Remove some PSBoundParameters so we can Splat if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'File') { # Read the configuration $Lab = Get-Lab ` @PSBoundParameters } # if } # begin process { # Get the VMs $VMs = Get-LabVM ` -Lab $Lab # Get the bootorders by highest first and ignoring 0 $BootOrders = @( ($VMs | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($_.Bootorder -gt 0) } ).Bootorder ) $BootPhases = @( ($Bootorders | Sort-Object -Unique -Descending) ) # Step through each of these "Bootphases" waiting for them to complete foreach ($BootPhase in $BootPhases) { # Process this "Bootphase" Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.StoppingBootPhaseVMsMessage ` -f $BootPhase) # Get all VMs in this "Bootphase" $BootVMs = @( $VMs | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($_.BootOrder -eq $BootPhase) } ) [DateTime] $StartPhase = Get-Date [boolean] $PhaseComplete = $False [boolean] $PhaseAllStopped = $True [int] $VMCount = $BootVMs.Count [int] $VMNumber = 0 # Loop through all the VMs in this "Bootphase" repeatedly while (-not $PhaseComplete) { # Get the VM to boot/check $VM = $BootVMs[$VMNumber] $VMName = $VM.Name # Get the actual Hyper-V VM object $VMObject = Get-VM ` -Name $VMName ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $VMObject) { # if the VM does not exist then throw a non-terminating exception $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'VMDoesNotExistError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.VMDoesNotExistError ` -f $VMName) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # if # Shutodwn the VM if it is off if ($VMObject.State -eq 'Running') { Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.StoppingVMMessage ` -f $VMName) $null = Stop-VM ` -VM $VMObject ` -Force ` -ErrorAction Continue } # if # Determine if the VM has stopped. if ((Get-VM -VMName $VMName).State -ne 'Off') { # It has not stopped $PhaseAllStopped = $False } # if $VMNumber++ if ($VMNumber -eq $VMCount) { # We have stepped through all VMs in this Phase so check # if all have stopped, otherwise reset the loop. if ($PhaseAllStopped) { # if we have gone through all VMs in this "Bootphase" # and they're all marked as stopped then we can mark # this phase as complete and allow moving on to the next one Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.AllBootPhaseVMsStoppedMessage ` -f $BootPhase) $PhaseComplete = $True } else { $PhaseAllStopped = $True } # if # Reset the VM Loop $VMNumber = 0 } # if } # while } # foreach Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.LabStopCompleteMessage ` -f $,$Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.fullconfigpath) } # process end { } # end } # Stop-Lab |