.SYNOPSIS Initialized a VM VHD for first boot by applying any required files to the image. .DESCRIPTION This function mounts a VM boot VHD image and applies the following files from the LabBuilder Files folder to it: 1. Unattend.xml - a Windows Unattend.xml file. 2. SetupComplete.cmd - the command file that gets run after the Windows OOBE is complete. 3. SetupComplete.ps1 - this PowerShell script file that is run at the the end of the SetupComplete.cmd. The files should have already been prepared by the CreateVMInitializationFiles function. The VM VHD image should contain an installed copy of Windows still in OOBE mode. This function also applies optional MSU package files from the Lab resource folder if specified in the packages list in the VM. .PARAMETER Lab Contains the Lab object that was produced by the Get-Lab cmdlet. .PARAMETER VM A VMLab object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM. .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab InitializeBootVHD ` -Lab $Lab ` -VM $VMs[0] ` -VMBootDiskPath $BootVHD[0] Prepare the boot VHD in for the first VM in the Lab c:\mylab\config.xml for initial boot. .OUTPUTS None. #> function InitializeBootVHD { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Lab, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [LabVM] $VM, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $VMBootDiskPath ) # Get path to Lab [System.String] $LabPath = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.labpath # Get Path to LabBuilder files [System.String] $VMLabBuilderFiles = $VM.LabBuilderFilesPath # Mount the VMs Boot VHD so that files can be loaded into it Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.MountingVMBootDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$VMBootDiskPath) # Create a mount point for mounting the Boot VHD [System.String] $MountPoint = Join-Path ` -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles ` -ChildPath 'Mount' if (-not (Test-Path -Path $MountPoint -PathType Container)) { $null = New-Item ` -Path $MountPoint ` -ItemType Directory } # Mount the VHD to the Mount point $null = Mount-WindowsImage ` -ImagePath $VMBootDiskPath ` -Path $MountPoint ` -Index 1 try { $Packages = $VM.Packages if ($VM.OSType -eq [LabOSType]::Nano) { # Now specify the Nano Server packages to add. [System.String] $NanoPackagesFolder = Join-Path ` -Path $LabPath ` -ChildPath 'NanoServerPackages' if (-not (Test-Path -Path $NanoPackagesFolder)) { $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'NanoServerPackagesFolderMissingError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.NanoServerPackagesFolderMissingError ` -f $NanoPackagesFolder) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # Add DSC Package to packages list if missing if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($Packages)) { $Packages = '' } else { if (@($Packages -split ',') -notcontains '') { $Packages = "$Packages," } # if } # if } # if # Apply any listed packages to the Image if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($Packages)) { # Get the list of Lab Resource MSUs $ResourceMSUs = Get-LabResourceMSU ` -Lab $Lab foreach ($Package in @($Packages -split ',')) { if (([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($Package) -eq '.cab') ` -and ($VM.OSType -eq [LabOSType]::Nano)) { # This is a Nano Server .CAB package # Generate the path to the Nano Package $PackagePath = Join-Path ` -Path $NanoPackagesFolder ` -ChildPath $Package # Does it exist? if (-not (Test-Path -Path $PackagePath)) { $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'NanoPackageNotFoundError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.NanoPackageNotFoundError ` -f $PackagePath) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # Add the package Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.ApplyingVMBootDiskFileMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Package,$PackagePath) $null = Add-WindowsPackage ` -PackagePath $PackagePath ` -Path $MountPoint # Generate the path to the Nano Language Package $PackageLangFile = $Package -replace '.cab',"_$($Script:NanoPackageCulture).cab" $PackageLangFile = Join-Path ` -Path $NanoPackagesFolder ` -ChildPath "$($Script:NanoPackageCulture)\$PackageLangFile" # Does it exist? if (-not (Test-Path -Path $PackageLangFile)) { $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'NanoPackageNotFoundError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.NanoPackageNotFoundError ` -f $PackageLangFile) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.ApplyingVMBootDiskFileMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Package,$PackageLangFile) # Add the package $null = Add-WindowsPackage ` -PackagePath $PackageLangFile ` -Path $MountPoint } else { # Tihs is a ResourceMSU type package [Boolean] $Found = $False foreach ($ResourceMSU in $ResourceMSUs) { if ($ResourceMSU.Name -eq $Package) { # Found the package $Found = $True break } # if } # foreach if (-not $Found) { $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'PackageNotFoundError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.PackageNotFoundError ` -f $Package) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # if $PackagePath = $ResourceMSU.Filename if (-not (Test-Path -Path $PackagePath)) { $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'PackageMSUNotFoundError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.PackageMSUNotFoundError ` -f $Package,$PackagePath) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # if # Apply a Package Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.ApplyingVMBootDiskFileMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Package,$PackagePath) $null = Add-WindowsPackage ` -PackagePath $PackagePath ` -Path $MountPoint } # if } # foreach } # if } catch { # Dismount Disk Image before throwing exception Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.DismountingVMBootDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$VMBootDiskPath) $null = Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $MountPoint -Save $null = Remove-Item -Path $MountPoint -Recurse -Force Throw $_ } # try # Create the scripts folder where setup scripts will be put $null = New-Item ` -Path "$MountPoint\Windows\Setup\Scripts" ` -ItemType Directory # Create the ODJ folder where Offline domain join files can be put $null = New-Item ` -Path "$MountPoint\Windows\Setup\ODJFiles" ` -ItemType Directory # Apply an unattended setup file Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.ApplyingVMBootDiskFileMessage ` -f $VM.Name,'Unattend','Unattend.xml') if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$MountPoint\Windows\Panther" -PathType Container)) { Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatingVMBootDiskPantherFolderMessage ` -f $VM.Name) $null = New-Item ` -Path "$MountPoint\Windows\Panther" ` -ItemType Directory } # if $null = Copy-Item ` -Path (Join-Path -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles -ChildPath 'Unattend.xml') ` -Destination "$MountPoint\Windows\Panther\Unattend.xml" ` -Force # If a Certificate PFX file is available, copy it into the c:\Windows # folder of the VM. $CertificatePfxPath = Join-Path ` -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles ` -ChildPath $Script:DSCEncryptionPfxCert if (Test-Path -Path $CertificatePfxPath) { # Apply the CMD Setup Complete File Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.ApplyingVMBootDiskFileMessage ` -f $VM.Name,'Credential Certificate PFX',$Script:DSCEncryptionPfxCert) $null = Copy-Item ` -Path $CertificatePfxPath ` -Destination "$MountPoint\Windows\$Script:DSCEncryptionPfxCert" ` -Force } # Apply the CMD Setup Complete File Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.ApplyingVMBootDiskFileMessage ` -f $VM.Name,'Setup Complete CMD','SetupComplete.cmd') $null = Copy-Item ` -Path (Join-Path -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles -ChildPath 'SetupComplete.cmd') ` -Destination "$MountPoint\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.cmd" ` -Force # Apply the PowerShell Setup Complete file Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.ApplyingVMBootDiskFileMessage ` -f $VM.Name,'Setup Complete PowerShell','SetupComplete.ps1') $null = Copy-Item ` -Path (Join-Path -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles -ChildPath 'SetupComplete.ps1') ` -Destination "$MountPoint\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.ps1" ` -Force # Apply the Certificate Generator script if not a Nano Server if ($VM.OSType -ne [LabOSType]::Nano) { $CertGenFilename = Split-Path -Path $Script:SupportGertGenPath -Leaf Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.ApplyingVMBootDiskFileMessage ` -f $VM.Name,'Certificate Create Script',$CertGenFilename) $null = Copy-Item ` -Path $Script:SupportGertGenPath ` -Destination "$MountPoint\Windows\Setup\Scripts\"` -Force } # Dismount the VHD in preparation for boot Write-LabMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.DismountingVMBootDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$VMBootDiskPath) $null = Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $MountPoint -Save $null = Remove-Item -Path $MountPoint -Recurse -Force } # InitializeBootVHD <# .SYNOPSIS This function mounts the VHDx passed and ensures it is OK to be written to. .DESCRIPTION The function checks that the disk has been paritioned and that it contains a volume that has been formatted. This function will work for the following situations: 0. VHDx is not mounted. 1. VHDx is not initialized and PartitionStyle is passed. 2. VHDx is initialized but has 0 partitions and FileSystem is passed. 3. VHDx has 1 partition but 0 volumes and FileSystem is passed. 4. VHDx has 1 partition and 1 volume that is unformatted and FileSystem is passed. 5. VHDx has 1 partition and 1 volume that is formatted. If the VHDx is any other state an exception will be thrown. If the FileSystemLabel passed is different to the current label then it will be updated. This function will not change the File System and/or Partition Type on the VHDx if it is different to the values provided. .PARAMETER Path This is the path to the VHD/VHDx file to mount and initialize. .PARAMETER PartitionStyle The Partition Style to set an uninitialized VHD/VHDx to. It can be MBR or GPT. If it is not passed and the VHD is not initialized then an exception will be thrown. .PARAMETER FileSystem The File System to format the new parition with on an VHD/VHDx. It can be FAT, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, ReFS. If it is not passed and the VHD does not contain any formatted volumes then an exception will be thrown. .PARAMETER FileSystemLabel This parameter will allow the File System Label of the disk to be changed to this value. .PARAMETER DriveLetter Setting this parameter to a drive letter that is not in use will cause the VHD to be assigned to this drive letter. .PARAMETER AccessPath Setting this parameter to an existing folder will cause the VHD to be assigned to the AccessPath defined. The folder must already exist otherwise an exception will be thrown. .EXAMPLE InitializeVhd -Path c:\VMs\Tools.VHDx -AccessPath c:\mount The VHDx c:\VMs\Tools.VHDx will be mounted and and assigned to the c:\mount folder if it is initialized and contains a formatted partition. .EXAMPLE InitializeVhd -Path c:\VMs\Tools.VHDx -PartitionStyle GPT -FileSystem NTFS The VHDx c:\VMs\Tools.VHDx will be mounted and initialized with GPT if not already initialized. It will also be partitioned and formatted with NTFS if no partitions already exist. .EXAMPLE InitializeVhd ` -Path c:\VMs\Tools.VHDx ` -PartitionStyle GPT ` -FileSystem NTFS ` -FileSystemLabel ToolsDisk -DriveLetter X The VHDx c:\VMs\Tools.VHDx will be mounted and initialized with GPT if not already initialized. It will also be partitioned and formatted with NTFS if no partitions already exist. The File System label will also be set to ToolsDisk and the disk will be mounted to X drive. .OUTPUTS It will return the Volume object that can then be mounted to a Drive Letter or path. #> function InitializeVhd { [OutputType([Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance])] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'AssignDriveLetter')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Path, [LabPartitionStyle] $PartitionStyle, [LabFileSystem] $FileSystem, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $FileSystemLabel, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DriveLetter')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $DriveLetter, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AccessPath')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $AccessPath ) # Check file exists if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Path)) { $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'FileNotFoundError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.FileNotFoundError ` -f "VHD",$Path) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # if # Check disk is not already mounted $VHD = Get-VHD ` -Path $Path if (-not $VHD.Attached) { Write-LabMessage -Message ($LocalizedData.InitializeVHDMountingMessage ` -f $Path) $null = Mount-VHD ` -Path $Path ` -ErrorAction Stop $VHD = Get-VHD ` -Path $Path } # if # Check partition style $DiskNumber = $VHD.DiskNumber if ((Get-Disk -Number $DiskNumber).PartitionStyle -eq 'RAW') { if (-not $PartitionStyle) { $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'InitializeVHDNotInitializedError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.InitializeVHDNotInitializedError ` -f $Path) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # if Write-LabMessage -Message ($LocalizedData.InitializeVHDInitializingMessage ` -f $Path,$PartitionStyle) $null = Initialize-Disk ` -Number $DiskNumber ` -PartitionStyle $PartitionStyle ` -ErrorAction Stop } # if # Check for a partition that is not 'reserved' $Partitions = @(Get-Partition ` -DiskNumber $DiskNumber ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if (-not ($Partitions) ` -or (($Partitions | Where-Object -Property Type -ne 'Reserved').Count -eq 0)) { Write-LabMessage -Message ($LocalizedData.InitializeVHDCreatePartitionMessage ` -f $Path) $Partitions = @(New-Partition ` -DiskNumber $DiskNumber ` -UseMaximumSize ` -ErrorAction Stop) } # if # Find the best partition to work with # This will usually be the one just created if it was # Otherwise we'll try and match by FileSystem and then # format and failing that the first partition. foreach ($Partition in $Partitions) { $VolumeFileSystem = (Get-Volume ` -Partition $Partition).FileSystem if ($FileSystem) { if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($VolumeFileSystem)) { # Found a formatted partition $FoundFormattedPartition = $Partition } # if if ($FileSystem -eq $VolumeFileSystem) { # Found a parition with a matching file system $FoundPartition = $Partition break } # if } else { if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($VolumeFileSystem)) { # Found an formatted partition $FoundFormattedPartition = $Partition break } # if } # if } # foreach if ($FoundPartition) { # Use the formatted partition $Partition = $FoundPartition } elseif ($FoundFormattedPartition) { # An unformatted partition was found $Partition = $FoundFormattedPartition } else { # There are no formatted partitions so use the first one $Partition = $Partitions[0] } # if $PartitionNumber = $Partition.PartitionNumber # Check for volume $Volume = Get-Volume ` -Partition $Partition # Check for file system if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($Volume.FileSystem)) { # This volume is not formatted if (-not $FileSystem) { # A File System wasn't specified so can't continue $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'InitializeVHDNotFormattedError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.InitializeVHDNotFormattedError ` -f $Path) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # Format the volume Write-LabMessage -Message ($LocalizedData.InitializeVHDFormatVolumeMessage ` -f $Path,$FileSystem,$PartitionNumber) $FormatProperties = @{ InputObject = $Volume FileSystem = $FileSystem } if ($FileSystemLabel) { $FormatProperties += @{ NewFileSystemLabel = $FileSystemLabel } } $Volume = Format-Volume ` @FormatProperties ` -ErrorAction Stop } else { # Check the File System Label if (($FileSystemLabel) -and ` ($Volume.FileSystemLabel -ne $FileSystemLabel)) { Write-LabMessage -Message ($LocalizedData.InitializeVHDSetLabelVolumeMessage ` -f $Path,$FileSystemLabel) $Volume = Set-Volume ` -InputObject $Volume ` -NewFileSystemLabel $FileSystemLabel ` -ErrorAction Stop } } # Assign an access path or Drive letter if ($DriveLetter -or $AccessPath) { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'DriveLetter' { # Mount the partition to a Drive Letter $null = Set-Partition ` -DiskNumber $Disknumber ` -PartitionNumber $PartitionNumber ` -NewDriveLetter $DriveLetter ` -ErrorAction Stop $Volume = Get-Volume ` -Partition $Partition Write-LabMessage -Message ($LocalizedData.InitializeVHDDriveLetterMessage ` -f $Path,$DriveLetter.ToUpper()) } 'AccessPath' { # Check the Access folder exists if (-not (Test-Path -Path $AccessPath -Type Container)) { $exceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'InitializeVHDAccessPathNotFoundError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.InitializeVHDAccessPathNotFoundError ` -f $Path,$AccessPath) } New-LabException @exceptionParameters } # Add the Partition Access Path $null = Add-PartitionAccessPath ` -DiskNumber $DiskNumber ` -PartitionNumber $partitionNumber ` -AccessPath $AccessPath ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-LabMessage -Message ($LocalizedData.InitializeVHDAccessPathMessage ` -f $Path,$AccessPath) } } } # Return the Volume to the pipeline Return $Volume } # InitializeVhd |