DSC Template Configuration File For use by LabBuilder .Title STANDALONE_JENKINS .Desription Builds a Windows Server and installs Jenkins CI on it. .Parameters: JenkinsPort = 80 ###################################################################################################> Configuration STANDALONE_JENKINS { Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' Import-DscResource -ModuleName cChoco Import-DscResource -ModuleName xNetworking Node $AllNodes.NodeName { WindowsFeature NetFrameworkCore { Ensure = "Present" Name = "NET-Framework-Core" } # Install Chocolatey cChocoInstaller installChoco { InstallDir = "c:\choco" DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]NetFrameworkCore" } # Install JDK8 cChocoPackageInstaller installJdk8 { Name = "jdk8" DependsOn = "[cChocoInstaller]installChoco" } # Install Jenkins cChocoPackageInstaller installJenkins { Name = "Jenkins" DependsOn = "[cChocoInstaller]installChoco" } # Set the Jenkins Port $JenkinsPort = 8080 if ($Node.JenkinsPort) { $JenkinsPort = $Node.JenkinsPort } Script SetJenkinsPort { SetScript = { Write-Verbose -Message "Setting Jenkins Port to $Using:JenkinsPort" $Config = Get-Content ` -Path "${ENV:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Jenkins\Jenkins.xml" $NewConfig = $Config ` -replace '--httpPort=[0-9]*\s', "--httpPort=$Using:JenkinsPort " Set-Content ` -Path "${ENV:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Jenkins\Jenkins.xml" ` -Value $NewConfig ` -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Restarting Jenkins" Restart-Service ` -Name Jenkins } GetScript = { $Config = Get-Content ` -Path "${ENV:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Jenkins\Jenkins.xml" $Matches = @([regex]::matches($Config, "--httpPort=([0-9]*)\s", 'IgnoreCase')) $CurrentPort = $Matches.Groups[1].Value Return @{ 'JenkinsPort' = $CurrentPort } } TestScript = { $Config = Get-Content ` -Path "${ENV:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Jenkins\Jenkins.xml" $Matches = @([regex]::matches($Config, "--httpPort=([0-9]*)\s", 'IgnoreCase')) $CurrentPort = $Matches.Groups[1].Value if ($Using:JenkinsPort -ne $CurrentPort) { # Jenkins port must be changed Return $False } # Jenkins is already on correct port Return $True } DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]installJenkins" } } } |