.SYNOPSIS Creates the folder structure that will contain a Lab Virtual Machine. .DESCRIPTION Creates a standard Hyper-V Virtual Machine folder structure as well as additional folders for containing configuration files for DSC. .PARAMETER vmpath The path to the folder where the Virtual Machine files are stored. .EXAMPLE InitializeVMPaths -VMPath 'c:\VMs\Lab\Virtual Machine 1' The command will create the Virtual Machine structure for a Lab VM in the folder: 'c:\VMs\Lab\Virtual Machine 1' .OUTPUTS None. #> function InitializeVMPaths { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $VMPath ) if (-not (Test-Path -Path $VMPath)) { $Null = New-Item ` -Path $VMPath ` -ItemType Directory } # if if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$VMPath\Virtual Machines")) { $Null = New-Item ` -Path "$VMPath\Virtual Machines" ` -ItemType Directory } # if if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$VMPath\Virtual Hard Disks")) { $Null = New-Item ` -Path "$VMPath\Virtual Hard Disks" ` -ItemType Directory } # if if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$VMPath\LabBuilder Files")) { $Null = New-Item ` -Path "$VMPath\LabBuilder Files" ` -ItemType Directory } # if if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$VMPath\LabBuilder Files\DSC Modules")) { $Null = New-Item ` -Path "$VMPath\LabBuilder Files\DSC Modules" ` -ItemType Directory } # if } # InitializeVMPaths <# .SYNOPSIS Prepares the the files for initializing a new VM. .DESCRIPTION This function creates the following files in the LabBuilder Files for the a VM in preparation for them to be applied to the VM VHD before it is booted up for the first time: 1. Unattend.xml - a Windows Unattend.xml file. 2. SetupComplete.cmd - the command file that gets run after the Windows OOBE is complete. 3. SetupComplete.ps1 - this PowerShell script file that is run at the the end of the SetupComplete.cmd. .PARAMETER Lab Contains the Lab object that was produced by the Get-Lab cmdlet. .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab CreateVMInitializationFiles -Lab $Lab -VM $VMs[0] Prepare the first VM in the Lab c:\mylab\config.xml for initial boot. .OUTPUTS None. #> function CreateVMInitializationFiles { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Lab, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [LabVM] $VM ) # Get Path to LabBuilder files [String] $VMLabBuilderFiles = $VM.LabBuilderFilesPath # Generate an unattended setup file [String] $UnattendFile = GetUnattendFileContent ` -Lab $Lab ` -VM $VM $null = Set-Content ` -Path (Join-Path -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles -ChildPath 'Unattend.xml') ` -Value $UnattendFile -Force # Assemble the SetupComplete.* scripts. [String] $SetupCompleteCmd = '' # Write out the PS1 Setup Complete File if ($VM.OSType -eq [LabOSType]::Nano) { # For a Nano Server we also need to create the certificates # to upload to it (because it Nano Server can't generate them) $null = CreateHostSelfSignedCertificate ` -Lab $Lab ` -VM $VM # PowerShell currently can't find any basic Cmdlets when executed by # SetupComplete.cmd during the initialization phase, so create an empty # a SetupComplete.ps1 [String] $SetupCompletePs = '' } else { if ($VM.CertificateSource -eq [LabCertificateSource]::Host) { # Generate the PFX certificate on the host $null = CreateHostSelfSignedCertificate ` -Lab $Lab ` -VM $VM } [String] $GetCertPs = GetCertificatePsFileContent ` -Lab $Lab ` -VM $VM [String] $SetupCompletePs = @" Add-Content `` -Path "C:\WINDOWS\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log" `` -Value 'SetupComplete.ps1 Script Started...' `` -Encoding Ascii $GetCertPs Add-Content `` -Path `"`$(`$ENV:SystemRoot)\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log`" `` -Value 'Certificate identified and saved to C:\Windows\$Script:DSCEncryptionCert ...' `` -Encoding Ascii Enable-PSRemoting -SkipNetworkProfileCheck -Force Add-Content `` -Path `"`$(`$ENV:SystemRoot)\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log`" `` -Value 'Windows Remoting Enabled ...' `` -Encoding Ascii "@ } # if if ($VM.SetupComplete) { [String] $SetupComplete = $VM.SetupComplete if (-not (Test-Path -Path $SetupComplete)) { $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'SetupCompleteScriptMissingError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.SetupCompleteScriptMissingError ` -f $,$SetupComplete) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } [String] $Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($SetupComplete) Switch ($Extension.ToLower()) { '.ps1' { $SetupCompletePs += Get-Content -Path $SetupComplete Break } # 'ps1' '.cmd' { $SetupCompleteCmd += Get-Content -Path $SetupComplete Break } # 'cmd' } # Switch } # If # Write out the CMD Setup Complete File if ($VM.OSType -eq [LabOSType]::Nano) { $SetupCompleteCmd = @" @echo SetupComplete.cmd Script Started... >> %SYSTEMROOT%\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log $SetupCompleteCmd certoc.exe -ImportPFX -p $Script:DSCCertificatePassword root $ENV:SystemRoot\$Script:DSCEncryptionPfxCert >> %SYSTEMROOT%\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log @echo SetupComplete.cmd Script Finished... >> %SYSTEMROOT%\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log @echo Initial Setup Completed - this file indicates that setup has completed. >> %SYSTEMROOT%\Setup\Scripts\InitialSetupCompleted.txt "@ } else { $SetupCompleteCmd = @" @echo SetupComplete.cmd Script Started... >> %SYSTEMROOT%\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log`r $SetupCompleteCmd Timeout 30 powerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command `"%SYSTEMROOT%\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.ps1`" `r @echo SetupComplete.cmd Script Finished... >> %SYSTEMROOT%\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log @echo Initial Setup Completed - this file indicates that setup has completed. >> %SYSTEMROOT%\Setup\Scripts\InitialSetupCompleted.txt "@ } $null = Set-Content ` -Path (Join-Path -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles -ChildPath 'SetupComplete.cmd') ` -Value $SetupCompleteCmd -Force # Write out the PowerShell Setup Complete file $SetupCompletePs = @" Add-Content `` -Path `"$($ENV:SystemRoot)\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log`" `` -Value 'SetupComplete.ps1 Script Started...' `` -Encoding Ascii $SetupCompletePs Add-Content `` -Path `"$($ENV:SystemRoot)\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log`" `` -Value 'SetupComplete.ps1 Script Finished...' `` -Encoding Ascii "@ $null = Set-Content ` -Path (Join-Path -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles -ChildPath 'SetupComplete.ps1') ` -Value $SetupCompletePs -Force # If ODJ file specified copy it to the labuilder path. if ($VM.OSType -eq [LabOSType]::Nano ` -and -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VM.NanoODJPath)) { if ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($VM.NanoODJPath)) { $NanoODJPath = $VM.NanoODJPath } else { $NanoODJPath = Join-Path ` -Path $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.fullconfigpath ` -ChildPath $VM.NanoODJPath } # if $null = Copy-Item ` -Path (Join-Path -Path $NanoODJPath -ChildPath "$($VM.ComputerName).txt") ` -Destination $VMLabBuilderFiles ` -ErrorAction Stop } # if WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatedVMInitializationFiles ` -f $VM.Name) } # CreateVMInitializationFiles <# .SYNOPSIS Assembles the content of a Unattend XML file that should be used to initialize Windows on the specified VM. .DESCRIPTION This function will return the content of a standard Windows Unattend XML file that can be written to an VHD containing a copy of Windows that is still in OOBE mode. .PARAMETER Lab Contains the Lab object that was produced by the Get-Lab cmdlet. .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab GetUnattendFileContent -Lab $Lab -VM $VMs[0] Returns the content of the Unattend File for the first VM in the Lab c:\mylab\config.xml. .OUTPUTS The content of the Unattend File for the VM. #> function GetUnattendFileContent { [CmdLetBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Lab, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [LabVM] $VM ) if ($VM.UnattendFile) { [String] $UnattendContent = Get-Content -Path $VM.UnattendFile } Else { [String] $DomainName = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.settings.domainname [String] $Email = $ $UnattendContent = [String] @" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <settings pass="offlineServicing"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-LUA-Settings" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <EnableLUA>false</EnableLUA> </component> </settings> <settings pass="generalize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <SkipRearm>1</SkipRearm> </component> </settings> <settings pass="specialize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <InputLocale>0409:00000409</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>en-US</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> <UILanguageFallback>en-US</UILanguageFallback> <UserLocale>en-US</UserLocale> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-UX" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <SkipAutoActivation>true</SkipAutoActivation> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-SQMApi" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <CEIPEnabled>0</CEIPEnabled> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <ComputerName>$($VM.ComputerName)</ComputerName> </component> "@ if ($VM.OSType -eq [LabOSType]::Client) { $UnattendContent += @" <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Deployment" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <RunSynchronous> <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>1</Order> <Path>net user administrator /active:yes</Path> </RunSynchronousCommand> </RunSynchronous> </component> "@ } # If $UnattendContent += @" </settings> <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <OOBE> <HideEULAPage>true</HideEULAPage> <HideOEMRegistrationScreen>true</HideOEMRegistrationScreen> <HideOnlineAccountScreens>true</HideOnlineAccountScreens> <HideWirelessSetupInOOBE>true</HideWirelessSetupInOOBE> <NetworkLocation>Work</NetworkLocation> <ProtectYourPC>1</ProtectYourPC> <SkipUserOOBE>true</SkipUserOOBE> <SkipMachineOOBE>true</SkipMachineOOBE> </OOBE> <UserAccounts> <AdministratorPassword> <Value>$($VM.AdministratorPassword)</Value> <PlainText>true</PlainText> </AdministratorPassword> </UserAccounts> <RegisteredOrganization>$($DomainName)</RegisteredOrganization> <RegisteredOwner>$($Email)</RegisteredOwner> <DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet>false</DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet> <TimeZone>$($VM.TimeZone)</TimeZone> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-ehome-reg-inf" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="NonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <RestartEnabled>true</RestartEnabled> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-ehome-reg-inf" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="NonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <RestartEnabled>true</RestartEnabled> </component> </settings> </unattend> "@ } Return $UnattendContent } # GetUnattendFileContent <# .SYNOPSIS Assemble the the PowerShell commands required to create a self-signed certificate. .DESCRIPTION This function creates the content that can be written into a PS1 file to create a self-signed certificate. .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab $CertificatePS = GetCertificatePsFileContent -Lab $Lab -VM $VMs[0] Return the Create Self-Signed Certificate script for the first VM in the Lab c:\mylab\config.xml for DSC configuration. .PARAMETER Lab Contains the Lab object that was produced by the Get-Lab cmdlet. .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .PARAMETER CertificateSource A CertificateSource to use instead of the one contained in the VM. .OUTPUTS A string containing the Create Self-Signed Certificate PowerShell code. #> function GetCertificatePsFileContent { [CmdLetBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Lab, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [LabVM] $VM, [LabCertificateSource] $CertificateSource ) # If a CertificateSource is not provided get it from the VM. if (-not $CertificateSource) { $CertificateSource = $VM.CertificateSource } # if if ($CertificateSource -eq [LabCertificateSource]::Guest) { [String] $CreateCertificatePs = @" `$CertificateFriendlyName = '$($Script:DSCCertificateFriendlyName)' `$Cert = Get-ChildItem -Path cert:\LocalMachine\My `` | Where-Object { `$_.FriendlyName -eq `$CertificateFriendlyName } `` | Select-Object -First 1 if (-not `$Cert) { . `"`$(`$ENV:SystemRoot)\Setup\Scripts\New-SelfSignedCertificateEx.ps1`" New-SelfsignedCertificateEx `` -Subject 'CN=$($VM.ComputerName)' `` -EKU '','','' `` -KeyUsage 'DigitalSignature, KeyEncipherment, DataEncipherment' `` -SAN '$($VM.ComputerName)' `` -FriendlyName `$CertificateFriendlyName `` -Exportable `` -StoreLocation 'LocalMachine' `` -StoreName 'My' `` -KeyLength $($Script:SelfSignedCertKeyLength) `` -ProviderName '$($Script:SelfSignedCertProviderName)' `` -AlgorithmName $($Script:SelfSignedCertAlgorithmName) `` -SignatureAlgorithm $($Script:SelfSignedCertSignatureAlgorithm) # There is a slight delay before new cert shows up in Cert: # So wait for it to show. While (-not `$Cert) { `$Cert = Get-ChildItem -Path cert:\LocalMachine\My `` | Where-Object { `$_.FriendlyName -eq `$CertificateFriendlyName } } } Export-Certificate `` -Type CERT `` -Cert `$Cert `` -FilePath `"`$(`$ENV:SystemRoot)\$Script:DSCEncryptionCert`" Add-Content `` -Path `"`$(`$ENV:SystemRoot)\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log`" `` -Value 'Encryption Certificate Imported from CER ...' `` -Encoding Ascii "@ } else { [String] $CreateCertificatePs = @" if (Test-Path -Path `"`$(`$ENV:SystemRoot)\$Script:DSCEncryptionPfxCert`") { `$CertificatePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString `` -String '$Script:DSCCertificatePassword' `` -Force `` -AsPlainText Add-Content `` -Path `"`$(`$ENV:SystemRoot)\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log`" `` -Value 'Importing Encryption Certificate from PFX ...' `` -Encoding Ascii Import-PfxCertificate `` -Password '$Script:DSCCertificatePassword' `` -FilePath `"`$(`$ENV:SystemRoot)\$Script:DSCEncryptionPfxCert`" `` -CertStoreLocation cert:\localMachine\root Add-Content `` -Path `"`$(`$ENV:SystemRoot)\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.log`" `` -Value 'Encryption Certificate from PFX Imported...' `` -Encoding Ascii } "@ } # if Return $CreateCertificatePs } # GetCertificatePsFileContent <# .SYNOPSIS Download the existing self-signed certificate from a running VM. .DESCRIPTION This function uses PS Remoting to connect to a running VM and download the an existing Self-Signed certificate file that was written to the c:\windows folder of the guest operating system by the SetupComplete.ps1 script on the. The certificate will be downloaded to the VM's Labbuilder files folder. .PARAMETER Lab Contains the Lab object that was produced by the Get-Lab cmdlet. .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .PARAMETER Timeout The maximum amount of time that this function can take to download the certificate. If the timeout is reached before the process is complete an error will be thrown. The timeout defaults to 300 seconds. .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab Recieve-SelfSignedCertificate -Lab $Lab -VM $VMs[0] Downloads the existing Self-signed certificate for the VM to the Labbuilder files folder of the VM. .OUTPUTS The path to the certificate file that was downloaded. #> function Recieve-SelfSignedCertificate { [CmdLetBinding()] [OutputType([Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Lab, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [LabVM] $VM, [Int] $Timeout = 300 ) [String] $LabPath = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.SelectNodes('settings').labpath [DateTime] $StartTime = Get-Date [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession] $Session = $null [Boolean] $Complete = $False # Load path variables [String] $VMRootPath = $VM.VMRootPath # Get Path to LabBuilder files [String] $VMLabBuilderFiles = $VM.LabBuilderFilesPath while ((-not $Complete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -lt $TimeOut) { $Session = Connect-LabVM ` -VM $VM ` -ErrorAction Continue # Failed to connnect to the VM if (-not $Session) { $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'CertificateDownloadError' errorCategory = 'OperationTimeout' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.CertificateDownloadError ` -f $VM.Name) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters return } # if if (($Session) ` -and ($Session.State -eq 'Opened') ` -and (-not $Complete)) { # We connected OK - download the Certificate file while ((-not $Complete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -lt $TimeOut) { try { $null = Copy-Item ` -Path "c:\windows\$Script:DSCEncryptionCert" ` -Destination $VMLabBuilderFiles ` -FromSession $Session ` -ErrorAction Stop $Complete = $True } catch { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.WaitingForCertificateMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Script:RetryConnectSeconds) Start-Sleep -Seconds $Script:RetryConnectSeconds } # try } # while } # if # If the copy didn't complete and we're out of time throw an exception if ((-not $Complete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -ge $TimeOut) { # Disconnect from the VM Disconnect-LabVM ` -VM $VM ` -ErrorAction Continue $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'CertificateDownloadError' errorCategory = 'OperationTimeout' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.CertificateDownloadError ` -f $VM.Name) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } # if # Close the Session if it is opened and the download is complete if (($Session) ` -and ($Session.State -eq 'Opened') ` -and ($Complete)) { # Disconnect from the VM Disconnect-LabVM ` -VM $VM ` -ErrorAction Continue } # if } # while return (Get-Item -Path "$VMLabBuilderFiles\$($Script:DSCEncryptionCert)") } # Recieve-SelfSignedCertificate <# .SYNOPSIS Generate and download a new credential encryption certificate from a running VM. .DESCRIPTION This function uses PS Remoting to connect to a running VM and upload the GetDSCEncryptionCert.ps1 script and then run it. This wil create a new self-signed certificate that is written to the c:\windows folder of the guest operating system. The certificate will be downloaded to the VM's Labbuilder files folder. .PARAMETER Lab Contains the Lab object that was produced by the Get-Lab cmdlet. .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .PARAMETER Timeout The maximum amount of time that this function can take to download the certificate. If the timeout is reached before the process is complete an error will be thrown. The timeout defaults to 300 seconds. .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab Request-SelfSignedCertificate -Lab $Lab -VM $VMs[0] Causes a new self-signed certificate on the VM and download it to the Labbuilder files folder of th VM. .OUTPUTS The path to the certificate file that was downloaded. #> function Request-SelfSignedCertificate { [CmdLetBinding()] [OutputType([System.IO.FileInfo])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Lab, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [LabVM] $VM, [Int] $Timeout = 300 ) [DateTime] $StartTime = Get-Date [String] $LabPath = $Lab.labbuilderconfig.SelectNodes('settings').labpath [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession] $Session = $null [Boolean] $Complete = $False # Load path variables [String] $VMRootPath = $VM.VMRootPath # Get Path to LabBuilder files [String] $VMLabBuilderFiles = $VM.LabBuilderFilesPath # Ensure the certificate generation script has been created [String] $GetCertPs = GetCertificatePsFileContent ` -Lab $Lab ` -VM $VM ` -CertificateSource Guest $null = Set-Content ` -Path "$VMLabBuilderFiles\GetDSCEncryptionCert.ps1" ` -Value $GetCertPs ` -Force while ((-not $Complete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -lt $TimeOut) { $Session = Connect-LabVM ` -VM $VM ` -ErrorAction Continue # Failed to connnect to the VM if (-not $Session) { $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'CertificateDownloadError' errorCategory = 'OperationTimeout' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.CertificateDownloadError ` -f $VM.Name) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters return } # if $Complete = $False if (($Session) ` -and ($Session.State -eq 'Opened') ` -and (-not $Complete)) { # We connected OK - Upload the script while ((-not $Complete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -lt $TimeOut) { try { Copy-Item ` -Path "$VMLabBuilderFiles\GetDSCEncryptionCert.ps1" ` -Destination 'c:\windows\setup\scripts\' ` -ToSession $Session ` -Force ` -ErrorAction Stop $Complete = $True } catch { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.FailedToUploadCertificateCreateScriptMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Script:RetryConnectSeconds) Start-Sleep -Seconds $Script:RetryConnectSeconds } # try } # while } # if $Complete = $False if (($Session) ` -and ($Session.State -eq 'Opened') ` -and (-not $Complete)) { # Script uploaded, run it while ((-not $Complete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -lt $TimeOut) { try { Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock { C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\GetDSCEncryptionCert.ps1 } $Complete = $True } catch { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.FailedToExecuteCertificateCreateScriptMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Script:RetryConnectSeconds) Start-Sleep -Seconds $Script:RetryConnectSeconds } # try } # while } # if $Complete = $False if (($Session) ` -and ($Session.State -eq 'Opened') ` -and (-not $Complete)) { # Now download the Certificate while ((-not $Complete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -lt $TimeOut) { try { $null = Copy-Item ` -Path "c:\windows\$($Script:DSCEncryptionCert)" ` -Destination $VMLabBuilderFiles ` -FromSession $Session ` -ErrorAction Stop $Complete = $True } catch { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.FailedToDownloadCertificateMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Script:RetryConnectSeconds) Start-Sleep -Seconds $Script:RetryConnectSeconds } # Try } # While } # If # If the process didn't complete and we're out of time throw an exception if ((-not $Complete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -ge $TimeOut) { if ($Session) { Remove-PSSession -Session $Session } $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'CertificateDownloadError' errorCategory = 'OperationTimeout' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.CertificateDownloadError ` -f $VM.Name) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } # Close the Session if it is opened and the download is complete if (($Session) ` -and ($Session.State -eq 'Opened') ` -and ($Complete)) { Remove-PSSession -Session $Session } # If } # While return (Get-Item -Path "$VMLabBuilderFiles\$($Script:DSCEncryptionCert)") } # Request-SelfSignedCertificate <# .SYNOPSIS Generate a new credential encryption certificate on the Host for a VM. .DESCRIPTION This function will create a new self-signed certificate on the host that can be uploaded to the VM that it is created for. The certificate will be created in the LabBuilder files folder for the specified VM. .PARAMETER Lab Contains the Lab object that was produced by the Get-Lab cmdlet. .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab CreateHostSelfSignedCertificate -Lab $Lab -VM $VMs[0] Causes a new self-signed certificate for the VM and stores it to the Labbuilder files folder of th VM. .OUTPUTS The path to the certificate file that was created. #> function CreateHostSelfSignedCertificate { [CmdLetBinding()] [OutputType([System.IO.FileInfo])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Lab, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [LabVM] $VM ) # Load path variables [String] $VMRootPath = $VM.VMRootPath # Get Path to LabBuilder files [String] $VMLabBuilderFiles = $VM.LabBuilderFilesPath $CertificateFriendlyName = $Script:DSCCertificateFriendlyName $CertificateSubject = "CN=$($VM.ComputerName)" # Create the self-signed certificate for the destination VM . $Script:SupportGertGenPath New-SelfsignedCertificateEx ` -Subject $CertificateSubject ` -EKU 'Document Encryption','Server Authentication','Client Authentication' ` -KeyUsage 'DigitalSignature, KeyEncipherment, DataEncipherment' ` -SAN $VM.ComputerName ` -FriendlyName $CertificateFriendlyName ` -Exportable ` -StoreLocation 'LocalMachine' ` -StoreName 'My' ` -KeyLength $Script:SelfSignedCertKeyLength ` -ProviderName $Script:SelfSignedCertProviderName ` -AlgorithmName $Script:SelfSignedCertAlgorithmName ` -SignatureAlgorithm $Script:SelfSignedCertSignatureAlgorithm ` -ErrorAction Stop # Locate the newly created certificate $Certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path cert:\LocalMachine\My ` | Where-Object { ($_.FriendlyName -eq $CertificateFriendlyName) ` -and ($_.Subject -eq $CertificateSubject) } | Select-Object -First 1 # Export the certificate with the Private key in # preparation for upload to the VM $CertificatePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString ` -String $Script:DSCCertificatePassword ` -Force ` -AsPlainText $CertificatePfxDestination = Join-Path ` -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles ` -ChildPath $Script:DSCEncryptionPfxCert $null = Export-PfxCertificate ` -FilePath $CertificatePfxDestination ` -Cert $Certificate ` -Password $CertificatePassword ` -ErrorAction Stop # Export the certificate without a private key $CertificateDestination = Join-Path ` -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles ` -ChildPath $Script:DSCEncryptionCert $null = Export-Certificate ` -Type CERT ` -FilePath $CertificateDestination ` -Cert $Certificate ` -ErrorAction Stop # Remove the certificate from the Local Machine store $Certificate | Remove-Item return (Get-Item -Path $CertificateDestination) } # CreateHostSelfSignedCertificate <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the Management IP Address for a running Lab VM. .DESCRIPTION This function will return the IPv4 address assigned to the network adapter that is connected to the Management switch for the specified VM. The VM must be running, otherwise an error will be thrown. .PARAMETER Lab Contains the Lab object that was produced by the Get-Lab cmdlet. .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab $IPAddress = GetVMManagementIPAddress -Lab $Lab -VM $VM[0] .OUTPUTS The IP Managment IP Address. #> function GetVMManagementIPAddress { [CmdLetBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Lab, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [LabVM] $VM ) [String] $ManagementSwitchName = GetManagementSwitchName ` -Lab $Lab [String] $IPAddress = (Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VM.Name).` Where({$_.SwitchName -eq $ManagementSwitchName}).` IPAddresses.Where({$_.Contains('.')}) if (-not $IPAddress) { $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'ManagmentIPAddressError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.ManagmentIPAddressError ` -f $ManagementSwitchName,$VM.Name) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } # if return $IPAddress } # GetVMManagementIPAddress <# .SYNOPSIS Waits for a VM to complete setup. .DESCRIPTION When a VM starts up for the first time various scripts are run that prepare the Virtual Machine to be managed as part of a Lab. This function will wait for these scripts to complete. It determines if the setup has been completed by using PowerShell remoting to connect to the VM and downloading the c:\windows\Setup\Scripts\InitialSetupCompleted.txt file. If this file does not exist then the initial setup has not been completed. The cmdlet will wait for a maximum of 300 seconds for this process to be completed. .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .PARAMETER Timeout The maximum amount of time that this function will wait for the setup to complete. If the timeout is reached before the process is complete an error will be thrown. The timeout defaults to 300 seconds. .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab WaitVMInitializationComplete -VM $VMs[0] Waits for the initial setup to complete on the first VM in the config.xml. .OUTPUTS The path to the local copy of the Initial Setup complete file in the Labbuilder files folder for this VM. #> function WaitVMInitializationComplete { [CmdLetBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [LabVM] $VM, [Int] $Timeout = 300 ) [DateTime] $StartTime = Get-Date [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession] $Session = $null [Boolean] $Complete = $False # Get the root path of the VM [String] $VMRootPath = $VM.VMRootPath # Get Path to LabBuilder files [String] $VMLabBuilderFiles = $VM.LabBuilderFilesPath # Make sure the VM has started WaitVMStarted -VM $VM [String] $InitialSetupCompletePath = Join-Path ` -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles ` -ChildPath 'InitialSetupCompleted.txt' # Check the initial setup on this VM hasn't already completed if (Test-Path -Path $InitialSetupCompletePath) { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.InitialSetupIsAlreadyCompleteMessaage ` -f $VM.Name) return $InitialSetupCompletePath } while ((-not $Complete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -lt $TimeOut) { # Connect to the VM $Session = Connect-LabVM ` -VM $VM ` -ErrorAction Continue # Failed to connnect to the VM if (! $Session) { $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'InitialSetupCompleteError' errorCategory = 'OperationTimeout' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.InitialSetupCompleteError ` -f $VM.Name) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters return } if (($Session) ` -and ($Session.State -eq 'Opened') ` -and (-not $Complete)) { # We connected OK - Download the script while ((-not $Complete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -lt $TimeOut) { try { $null = Copy-Item ` -Path "c:\windows\Setup\Scripts\InitialSetupCompleted.txt" ` -Destination $VMLabBuilderFiles ` -FromSession $Session ` -Force ` -ErrorAction Stop $Complete = $True } catch { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.WaitingForInitialSetupCompleteMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Script:RetryConnectSeconds) Start-Sleep ` -Seconds $Script:RetryConnectSeconds } # try } # while } # if # If the process didn't complete and we're out of time throw an exception if ((-not $Complete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -ge $TimeOut) { # Disconnect from the VM Disconnect-LabVM ` -VM $VM ` -ErrorAction Continue $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'InitialSetupCompleteError' errorCategory = 'OperationTimeout' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.InitialSetupCompleteError ` -f $VM.Name) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } # Close the Session if it is opened if (($Session) ` -and ($Session.State -eq 'Opened')) { # Disconnect from the VM Disconnect-LabVM ` -VM $VM ` -ErrorAction Continue } # if } # while return $InitialSetupCompletePath } # WaitVMInitializationComplete <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .EXAMPLE Example of how to use this cmdlet .OUTPUTS None. #> function WaitVMStarted { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [LabVM] $VM ) # If the VM is not running then throw an exception if ((Get-VM -VMName $VM.Name).State -ne 'Running') { $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'VMNotRunningHeartbeatMessage' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.VMNotRunningHeartbeatMessage ` -f $ } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } # if # Names of IntegrationServices are not culture neutral, but have an ID $heartbeatCultureNeutral = ( Get-VMIntegrationService -VMName $VM.Name | Where-Object { $_.ID -match "84EAAE65-2F2E-45F5-9BB5-0E857DC8EB47" } ).Name $heartbeat = Get-VMIntegrationService -VMName $VM.Name -Name $heartbeatCultureNeutral while (($heartbeat.PrimaryStatusDescription -ne 'OK') -and (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($heartbeat.PrimaryStatusDescription))) { $heartbeat = Get-VMIntegrationService -VMName $VM.Name -Name $heartbeatCultureNeutral WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.WaitingForVMHeartbeatMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Script:RetryHeartbeatSeconds) Start-Sleep -Seconds $Script:RetryHeartbeatSeconds } # while } # WaitVMStarted <# .SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .EXAMPLE Example of how to use this cmdlet .OUTPUTS None. #> function WaitVMOff { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [LabVM] $VM ) $RunningVM = Get-VM -Name $VM.Name while ($RunningVM.State -ne 'Off') { $RunningVM = Get-VM -Name $VM.Name Start-Sleep -Seconds $Script:RetryHeartbeatSeconds } # while } # WaitVMOff <# .SYNOPSIS Get list of Integration Service names (localized) .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will get the list of Integration services available on a Hyper-V host. The list of Integration Services will contain the localized names. .EXAMPLE GetIntegrationServiceNames .OUTPUTS An array of localized Integration Serivce names. #> function GetIntegrationServiceNames { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( ) $Captions = @() $Classes = @( 'Msvm_VssComponentSettingData' 'Msvm_ShutdownComponentSettingData' 'Msvm_TimeSyncComponentSettingData' 'Msvm_HeartbeatComponentSettingData' 'Msvm_GuestServiceInterfaceComponentSettingData' 'Msvm_KvpExchangeComponentSettingData' ) foreach ($Class in $Classes) { $Captions += (Get-CimInstance ` -Class $Class ` -Namespace Root\Virtualization\V2 ` -Property Caption | Select-Object -First 1).Caption } # foreach # This Integration Service is registered in CIM but are not exposed in Hyper-V # 'Msvm_RdvComponentSettingData' return $Captions } # GetIntegrationServiceNames <# .SYNOPSIS Updates the VM Integration Services to match the VM Configuration. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will take the VM object provided and ensure the integration services specified in it are enabled. The function will use comma delimited list of integration services in the VM object passed and enable the integration services listed for this VM. If the IntegrationServices property of the VM is not set or set to null then ALL integration services will be ENABLED. If the IntegrationServices property of the VM is set but is blank then ALL integration services will be DISABLED. The IntegrationServices property should contain a comma delimited list of Integration Services that should be enabled. The currently available Integration Services are: - Guest Service Interface - Heartbeat - Key-Value Pair Exchange - Shutdown - Time Synchronization - VSS .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab UpdateVMIntegrationServices -VM VM[0] This will update the Integration Services for the first VM in the configuration file c:\mylab\config.xml. .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .OUTPUTS None. #> function UpdateVMIntegrationServices { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory, Position=1)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [LabVM] $VM ) # Configure the Integration services $IntegrationServices = $VM.IntegrationServices if ($null -eq $IntegrationServices) { # Get the full list of Integration Service names localized $IntegrationServices = ((GetIntegrationServiceNames) -Join ',') } $EnabledIntegrationServices = $IntegrationServices -split ',' $ExistingIntegrationServices = Get-VMIntegrationService ` -VMName $VM.Name ` -ErrorAction Stop # Loop through listed integration services and enable them foreach ($ExistingIntegrationService in $ExistingIntegrationServices) { if ($ExistingIntegrationService.Name -in $EnabledIntegrationServices) { # This integration service should be enabled if (-not $ExistingIntegrationService.Enabled) { # It is disabled so enable it $ExistingIntegrationService | Enable-VMIntegrationService WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.EnableVMIntegrationServiceMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$ExistingIntegrationService.Name) } # if } else { # This integration service should be disabled if ($ExistingIntegrationService.Enabled) { # It is enabled so disable it $ExistingIntegrationService | Disable-VMIntegrationService WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.DisableVMIntegrationServiceMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$ExistingIntegrationService.Name) } # if } # if } # foreach } # UpdateVMIntegrationServices <# .SYNOPSIS Updates the VM Data Disks to match the VM Configuration. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will take the VM configuration provided and ensure that that data disks that are attached to the VM. The function will use the array of items in the DataVHDs property of the VM to create and attach any data disk VHDs that are missing. If the data disk VHD file exists but is not attached it will be attached to the VM. If the data disk VHD file does not exist then it will be created and attached. .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab UpdateVMDataDisks -Lab $Lab -VM VM[0] This will update the data disks for the first VM in the configuration file c:\mylab\config.xml. .PARAMETER Lab Contains the Lab object that was produced by the Get-Lab cmdlet. .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .OUTPUTS None. #> function UpdateVMDataDisks { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory, Position=0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Lab, [Parameter( Mandatory, Position=1)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [LabVM] $VM ) # If there are no data VHDs just return if (-not $VM.DataVHDs) { return } # Get the root path of the VM [String] $VMRootPath = $VM.VMRootPath # Get the Virtual Hard Disk Path [String] $VHDPath = Join-Path ` -Path $VMRootPath ` -ChildPath 'Virtual Hard Disks' foreach ($DataVhd in @($VM.DataVHDs)) { $Vhd = $DataVhd.Vhd if (Test-Path -Path $Vhd) { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.VMDiskAlreadyExistsMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Vhd,'Data') # Check the parameters of the VHD match $ExistingVhd = Get-VHD -Path $Vhd # Check the VHD Type if (($DataVhd.VhdType) ` -and ($ExistingVhd.VhdType.ToString() -ne $DataVhd.VhdType.ToString())) { # The type of disk can't be changed. $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'VMDataDiskVHDConvertError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.VMDataDiskVHDConvertError ` -f $,$Vhd,$DataVhd.VhdType) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } # Check the size if ($DataVhd.Size) { if ($ExistingVhd.Size -lt $DataVhd.Size) { # Expand the disk WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.ExpandingVMDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Vhd,'Data',$DataVhd.Size) $null = Resize-VHD ` -Path $Vhd ` -SizeBytes $DataVhd.Size } elseif ($ExistingVhd.Size -gt $DataVhd.Size) { # The disk size can't be reduced. # This could be revisited later. $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'VMDataDiskVHDShrinkError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.VMDataDiskVHDShrinkError ` -f $,$Vhd,$DataVhd.Size) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } # if } # if } else { # The data disk VHD does not exist so create it $SourceVhd = $DataVhd.SourceVhd if ($SourceVhd) { # A source VHD was specified to create the new VHD using if (! (Test-Path -Path $SourceVhd)) { $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'VMDataDiskSourceVHDNotFoundError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.VMDataDiskSourceVHDNotFoundError ` -f $,$SourceVhd) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } # if # Should the Source VHD be copied or moved if ($DataVhd.MoveSourceVHD) { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatingVMDiskByMovingSourceVHDMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Vhd,$SourceVhd) $null = Move-Item ` -Path $SourceVhd ` -Destination $VHDPath ` -Force ` -ErrorAction Stop } else { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatingVMDiskByCopyingSourceVHDMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Vhd,$SourceVhd) $null = Copy-Item ` -Path $SourceVhd ` -Destination $VHDPath ` -Force ` -ErrorAction Stop } # if } else { $Size = $DataVhd.size switch ($DataVhd.VhdType) { 'fixed' { # Create a new Fixed VHD WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatingVMDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Vhd,'Fixed Data') $null = New-VHD ` -Path $Vhd ` -SizeBytes $Size ` -Fixed ` -ErrorAction Stop break; } # 'fixed' 'dynamic' { # Create a new Dynamic VHD WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatingVMDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Vhd,'Dynamic Data') $null = New-VHD ` -Path $Vhd ` -SizeBytes $Size ` -Dynamic ` -ErrorAction Stop break; } # 'dynamic' 'differencing' { # A differencing disk is specified so check the Parent VHD # is specified and exists $ParentVhd = $DataVhd.ParentVhd if (-not $ParentVhd) { $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'VMDataDiskParentVHDMissingError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.VMDataDiskParentVHDMissingError ` -f $ } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } # if if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ParentVhd)) { $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'VMDataDiskParentVHDNotFoundError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.VMDataDiskParentVHDNotFoundError ` -f $,$ParentVhd) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } # if # Create a new Differencing VHD WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CreatingVMDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Vhd,"Differencing Data using Parent '$ParentVhd'") $null = New-VHD ` -Path $Vhd ` -SizeBytes $Size ` -Differencing ` -ParentPath $ParentVhd ` -ErrorAction Stop break; } # 'differencing' default { $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'VMDataDiskUnknownTypeError' errorCategory = 'InvalidArgument' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.VMDataDiskUnknownTypeError ` -f $VM.Name,$Vhd,$DataVhd.VhdType) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } # default } # switch } # if # Do folders need to be copied to this Data Disk? if ($null -ne $DataVhd.CopyFolders) { # Files need to be copied to this Data VHD so # set up a mount folder for it to be mounted to. # Get Path to LabBuilder files [String] $VMLabBuilderFiles = $VM.LabBuilderFilesPath [String] $MountPoint = Join-Path ` -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles ` -ChildPath 'VHDMount' if (-not (Test-Path -Path $MountPoint -PathType Container)) { $null = New-Item ` -Path $MountPoint ` -ItemType Directory } # Yes, initialize the disk (or check it is) $InitializeVHDParams = @{ Path = $VHD AccessPath = $MountPoint } # Are we allowed to initialize/format the disk? if ($DataVHD.PartitionStyle -and $DataVHD.FileSystem) { # Yes, initialize the disk $InitializeVHDParams += @{ PartitionStyle = $DataVHD.PartitionStyle FileSystem = $DataVHD.FileSystem } # Set a FileSystemLabel too? if ($DataVHD.FileSystemLabel) { $InitializeVHDParams += @{ FileSystemLabel = $DataVHD.FileSystemLabel } } } WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.InitializingVMDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$VHD) InitializeVHD ` @InitializeVHDParams ` -ErrorAction Stop # Copy each folder to the VM Data Disk foreach ($CopyFolder in @($DataVHD.CopyFolders)) { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CopyingFoldersToVMDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$VHD,$CopyFolder) Copy-item ` -Path $CopyFolder ` -Destination $MountPoint ` -Recurse ` -Force } # Dismount the VM Data Disk WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.DismountingVMDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$VHD) Dismount-VHD ` -Path $VHD ` -ErrorAction Stop } else { # No folders need to be copied but check if we # need to initialize the new disk. if ($DataVHD.PartitionStyle -and $DataVHD.FileSystem) { $InitializeVHDParams = @{ Path = $VHD PartitionStyle = $DataVHD.PartitionStyle FileSystem = $DataVHD.FileSystem } if ($DataVHD.FileSystemLabel) { $InitializeVHDParams += @{ FileSystemLabel = $DataVHD.FileSystemLabel } } # if WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.InitializingVMDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$VHD) InitializeVHD ` @InitializeVHDParams ` -ErrorAction Stop # Dismount the VM Data Disk WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.DismountingVMDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$VHD) Dismount-VHD ` -Path $VHD ` -ErrorAction Stop } # if } # if } # if # Get a list of disks attached to the VM $VMHardDiskDrives = Get-VMHardDiskDrive ` -VMName $VM.Name # The data disk VHD will now exist so ensure it is attached if (($VMHardDiskDrives | Where-Object -Property Path -eq $Vhd).Count -eq 0) { # The data disk is not yet attached WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.AddingVMDiskMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$Vhd,'Data') # Determine the ControllerLocation and ControllerNumber to # attach the VHD to. $ControllerLocation = ($VMHardDiskDrives | Measure-Object -Property ControllerLocation -Maximum).Maximum + 1 $NewHardDiskParams = @{ VMName = $VM.Name Path = $Vhd ControllerType = 'SCSI' ControllerLocation = $ControllerLocation ControllerNumber = 0 ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ($DataVhd.Shared -or $DataVHD.SupportPR) { $NewHardDiskParams += @{ SupportPersistentReservations = $true } } # if $Null = Add-VMHardDiskDrive @NewHardDiskParams } # if } # foreach } # UpdateVMDataDisks <# .SYNOPSIS Updates the VM DVD Drives to match the VM Configuration. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will take the VM configuration provided and ensure that the DVD Drives are attached to the VM and with the specified ISO. The function will use the array of items in the DVDDrives property of the VM to create and attach any DVD Drives that are missing. If an ISO File is specified in the DVD Drive then it will be mounted to the DVD Drive. .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab UpdateVMDVDDrives -Lab $Lab -VM VM[0] This will update the DVD Drives for the first VM in the configuration file c:\mylab\config.xml. .PARAMETER Lab Contains the Lab object that was produced by the Get-Lab cmdlet. .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .OUTPUTS None. #> function UpdateVMDVDDrives { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory, Position=0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Lab, [Parameter( Mandatory, Position=1)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [LabVM] $VM ) # If there are no DVD Drives just return if (-not $VM.DVDDrives) { return } [int] $DVDDriveCount = 0 foreach ($DVDDrive in @($VM.DVDDrives)) { # Get a list of DVD Drives attached to the VM $VMDVDDrives = @(Get-VMDVDDrive ` -VMName $VM.Name) # The DVD Drive will now exist so ensure it is attached if ($VMDVDDrives[$DVDDriveCount]) { # The DVD Drive is already attached then make sure the correct ISO if ($VMDVDDrives[$DVDDriveCount].Path -ne $DVDDrive.Path) { if ($DVDDrive.Path) { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.MountingVMDVDDriveISOMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$DVDDrive.Path) } else { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.DismountingVMDVDDriveISOMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$VMDVDDrives[$DVDDriveCount].Path) } # if Set-VMDVDDrive ` -VMName $VM.Name ` -ControllerNumber $VMDVDDrives[$DVDDriveCount].ControllerNumber ` -ControllerLocation $VMDVDDrives[$DVDDriveCount].ControllerLocation ` -Path $DVDDrive.Path } # if } else { # The DVD Drive does not exist WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.AddingVMDVDDriveMessage ` -f $VM.Name) $NewDVDDriveParams = @{ VMName = $VM.Name ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ($DVDDrive.Path) { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.MountingVMDVDDriveISOMessage ` -f $VM.Name,$DVDDrive.Path) $NewDVDDriveParams += @{ Path = $DVDDrive.Path } } # if $null = Add-VMDVDDrive @NewDVDDriveParams } # if $DVDDriveCount++ } # foreach } # UpdateVMDVDDrives <# .SYNOPSIS Uploads Precreated ODJ files to Nano systems or others as required. .DESCRIPTION This function will perform the following tasks: 1. Connect to the VM via remoting. 2. Upload the ODJ file to c:\windows\setup\ODJFiles folder of the VM. If the ODJ file does not exist in the LabFiles folder for the VM then the copy will not be performed. .PARAMETER Lab Contains the Lab object that was produced by the Get-Lab cmdlet. .PARAMETER VM A LabVM object pulled from the Lab Configuration file using Get-LabVM .PARAMETER Timeout The maximum amount of time that this function can take to perform the copy. If the timeout is reached before the process is complete an error will be thrown. The timeout defaults to 300 seconds. .EXAMPLE $Lab = Get-Lab -ConfigPath c:\mylab\config.xml $VMs = Get-LabVM -Lab $Lab CopyODJ -Lab $Lab -VM $VMs[0] .OUTPUTS None. #> function CopyODJ { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Lab, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [LabVM] $VM, [Int] $Timeout = 300 ) [DateTime] $StartTime = Get-Date [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession] $Session = $null [Boolean] $Complete = $False [Boolean] $ODJCopyComplete = $False [String] $ODJFilename = Join-Path ` -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles ` -ChildPath "$($VM.ComputerName).txt" # If ODJ file does not exist then return if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ODJFilename)) { return } # if # Get Path to LabBuilder files [String] $VMLabBuilderFiles = $VM.LabBuilderFilesPath While ((-not $Complete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -lt $TimeOut) { # Connect to the VM $Session = Connect-LabVM ` -VM $VM ` -ErrorAction Continue # Failed to connnect to the VM if (-not $Session) { $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'ODJCopyError' errorCategory = 'OperationTimeout' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.ODJCopyError ` -f $VM.Name,$ODJFilename) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters return } # if if (($Session) ` -and ($Session.State -eq 'Opened') ` -and (-not $ODJCopyComplete)) { $CopyParameters = @{ Destination = 'C:\Windows\Setup\ODJFiles\' ToSession = $Session Force = $True ErrorAction = 'Stop' } # Connection has been made OK, upload the ODJ files While ((-not $ODJCopyComplete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -lt $TimeOut) { Try { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CopyingFilesToVMMessage ` -f $VM.Name,'ODJ') Copy-Item ` @CopyParameters ` -Path (Join-Path ` -Path $VMLabBuilderFiles ` -ChildPath "$($VM.ComputerName).txt") ` -Verbose $ODJCopyComplete = $True } Catch { WriteMessage -Message $($LocalizedData.CopyingFilesToVMFailedMessage ` -f $VM.Name,'ODJ',$Script:RetryConnectSeconds) Start-Sleep -Seconds $Script:RetryConnectSeconds } # try } # while } # if # If the copy didn't complete and we're out of time throw an exception if ((-not $ODJCopyComplete) ` -and (((Get-Date) - $StartTime).TotalSeconds) -ge $TimeOut) { # Disconnect from the VM Disconnect-LabVM ` -VM $VM ` -ErrorAction Continue $ExceptionParameters = @{ errorId = 'ODJCopyError' errorCategory = 'OperationTimeout' errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.ODJCopyError ` -f $VM.Name,$ODJFilename) } ThrowException @ExceptionParameters } # if # Disconnect from the VM Disconnect-LabVM ` -VM $VM ` -ErrorAction Continue $Complete = $True } # while } # CopyODJ |