#Requires -Version 5.0 Set-StrictMode -Version 1.0 enum Severity { Critical = 1 Recommended = 2 Optional = 3 } # Source for this information is: page 57 enum PackageType { Reserved = 0 Application = 1 Driver = 2 BIOS = 3 Firmware = 4 } enum DependencyParserState { DO_HAVE = 0 DO_NOT_HAVE = 1 } # Check for old Windows versions in a manner that is compatible with PowerShell 2.0 all the way up to 7.1 $WindowsVersion = (New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher' -ArgumentList "SELECT Version FROM Win32_OperatingSystem").Get() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version if ($WindowsVersion -notlike "10.*") { throw "This module requires Windows 10 or 11." } $script:LSUClientConfiguration = [LSUClientConfiguration]::new() [int]$script:XMLTreeDepth = 0 # Public class LSUClientConfiguration { [Uri] $Proxy [PSCredential] $ProxyCredential [bool] $ProxyUseDefaultCredential [TimeSpan] $MaxExternalDetectionRuntime [TimeSpan] $MaxExtractRuntime [TimeSpan] $MaxInstallerRuntime # Default constructor setting default values LSUClientConfiguration () { $this.MaxExternalDetectionRuntime = [TimeSpan]::FromMinutes(10) $this.MaxExtractRuntime = [TimeSpan]::FromMinutes(20) $this.MaxInstallerRuntime = [TimeSpan]::Zero # No timeout } # Clone-constructor from another instance of the class LSUClientConfiguration ([LSUClientConfiguration]$from) { $this.Proxy = $from.Proxy $this.ProxyCredential = $from.ProxyCredential $this.ProxyUseDefaultCredential = $from.ProxyUseDefaultCredential $this.MaxExternalDetectionRuntime = $from.MaxExternalDetectionRuntime $this.MaxExtractRuntime = $from.MaxExtractRuntime $this.MaxInstallerRuntime = $from.MaxInstallerRuntime } } # Internal class PackageFilePointer { [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Container [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $AbsoluteLocation [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $LocationType [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Kind [string] $Checksum [Int64] $Size # Constructor with file name PackageFilePointer ( [string] $Name, [string] $AbsoluteLocation, [string] $LocationType, [string] $Kind, [string] $Checksum, [Int64] $Size ) { $this.AbsoluteLocation = $AbsoluteLocation $this.Name = $Name -replace '^.*[\\/]' $this.Container = $AbsoluteLocation -replace '[^\\/]*$' $this.LocationType = $LocationType $this.Kind = $Kind $this.Checksum = $Checksum $this.Size = $Size } # Constructor without explicit file name PackageFilePointer ( [string] $AbsoluteLocation, [string] $LocationType, [string] $Kind, [string] $Checksum, [Int64] $Size ) { $this.AbsoluteLocation = $AbsoluteLocation $this.Name = $AbsoluteLocation -replace '^.*[\\/]' $this.Container = $AbsoluteLocation -replace '[^\\/]*$' $this.LocationType = $LocationType $this.Kind = $Kind $this.Checksum = $Checksum $this.Size = $Size } } # Internal class PackageXmlPointer : PackageFilePointer { [string] $Category # Constructor with file name PackageXmlPointer ( [string] $Name, [string] $AbsoluteLocation, [string] $LocationType, [string] $Kind, [string] $Checksum, [Int64] $Size, [string] $Category ) : base ( $Name, $AbsoluteLocation, $LocationType, $Kind, $Checksum, $Size ) { $this.Category = $Category } # Constructor without explicit file name PackageXmlPointer ( [string] $AbsoluteLocation, [string] $LocationType, [string] $Kind, [string] $Checksum, [Int64] $Size, [string] $Category ) : base ( $AbsoluteLocation, $LocationType, $Kind, $Checksum, $Size ) { $this.Category = $Category } } # Private class PackageDependenciesInfo { [string] $Version [System.Xml.XmlElement] $Dependencies [string] $LocalPackageRoot [Nullable[bool]] $IsInstalled } # Public class LenovoPackage { [string] $ID hidden [string] $Name [string] $Title [Nullable[PackageType]] $Type [string] $Category [version] $Version [Severity] $Severity [DateTime] $ReleaseDate [int] $RebootType [string] $Vendor [Int64] $Size [string] $URL hidden [System.Collections.Generic.List[PackageFilePointer]] $Files hidden [PackageExtractInfo] $Extracter # Unused, kept for backwards compatibility [PackageInstallInfo] $Installer [Nullable[bool]] $IsApplicable [Nullable[bool]] $IsInstalled } # Public # Unused, kept for backwards compatibility with # scripts in case anyone uses these properties. class PackageExtractInfo { [string] $Command [string] $FileName [int64] $FileSize [string] $FileSHA PackageExtractInfo ([System.Xml.XmlElement]$PackageXML) { $this.Command = $PackageXML.ExtractCommand $this.FileName = $PackageXML.Files.Installer.File.Name $this.FileSize = $PackageXML.Files.Installer.File.Size $this.FileSHA = $PackageXML.Files.Installer.File.CRC } } # Public class PackageInstallInfo { [bool] $Unattended [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $InstallType [int64[]] $SuccessCodes [string[]] $FailureCodes # FailureCodes are hex values, so need to be strings [int64[]] $CancelCodes [string] $InfFile [string] $ExtractCommand [string] $Command PackageInstallInfo ([System.Xml.XmlElement]$PackageXML) { $this.InstallType = $PackageXML.Install.GetAttribute('type') $this.SuccessCodes = $PackageXML.Install.GetAttribute('rc').Split(',').Where({ $_ }) # Avoids issue #87 $this.FailureCodes = $PackageXML.Install.GetAttribute('rcfailure').Split(',') $this.CancelCodes = $PackageXML.Install.GetAttribute('rccancel').Split(',').Where({ $_ }) # Avoids issue #87 $this.InfFile = $PackageXML.Install.INFCmd.INFfile $this.ExtractCommand = $PackageXML.ExtractCommand $this.Command = $PackageXML.Install.Cmdline.'#text' <# This PDF contains the definition of Reboot Types 0-4 - This page introduces Reboot Type 5, delayed reboot - All known Reboot Types 0 - No reboot 1 - Forces a reboot 2 - Reserved 3 - Requires reboot 4 - Power off 5 - Reboot Delayed (Multiple updates can be applied and one reboot can work for all of them) #> if (($PackageXML.Reboot.type -in 0, 3, 5) -or ($PackageXML.Install.Cmdline.'#text' -match 'winuptp\.exe|Flash\.cmd') -or ($PackageXML.Install.type -eq 'INF')) { $this.Unattended = $true } else { $this.Unattended = $false } } } # Internal class ProcessReturnInformation { [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $FilePath [string] $Arguments [string] $WorkingDirectory [string[]] $StandardOutput [string[]] $StandardError [Int64] $ExitCode [TimeSpan] $Runtime } # Internal class BiosUpdateInfo : ProcessReturnInformation { [int64] $Timestamp [string[]] $LogMessage [ValidateSet('REBOOT', 'SHUTDOWN')] [string] $ActionNeeded [Nullable[bool]] $SuccessOverrideValue } # Enum internal, but members exposed as strings # through PackageInstallResult.FailureReason enum ExternalProcessError { NONE = 0 # No error aka Success UNKNOWN = 1 OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED RUNSPACE_DIED_UNEXPECTEDLY CANCELLED_BY_USER ACCESS_DENIED FILE_NOT_FOUND FILE_NOT_EXECUTABLE PROCESS_NONE_CREATED PROCESS_REQUIRES_ELEVATION PROCESS_KILLED_TIMELIMIT } # Public enum PackagePendingAction { NONE = 0 REBOOT_SUGGESTED = 1 REBOOT_MANDATORY = 2 # 3 reserved for SHUTDOWN_SUGGESTED even though unlikely SHUTDOWN = 4 } # Internal class ExternalProcessResult { [ExternalProcessError] $Err [ProcessReturnInformation] $Info ExternalProcessResult ( [ExternalProcessError] $Err, [ProcessReturnInformation] $Info ) { $this.Err = $Err $this.Info = $Info } } # Public class PackageInstallResult { [string] $ID [string] $Title [Nullable[PackageType]] $Type [bool] $Success [string] $FailureReason [PackagePendingAction] $PendingAction [Nullable[Int64]] $ExitCode [string[]] $StandardOutput [string[]] $StandardError [string[]] $LogOutput [TimeSpan] $Runtime } # Internal class MachineCharacteristics { [string]${_OS} [Int32]${_WindowsBuildVersion} [UInt16]${_CPUAddressWidth} [string]${_Bios} [Object[]]${_PnPID} [string]${_EmbeddedControllerVersion} MachineCharacteristics ( [bool]$IncludePhantomDevices, [hashtable]$Overrides ) { [Version]$WindowsVersion = Get-WindowsVersion $SMBiosInformation = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS -Verbose:$false if ($Overrides.ContainsKey('_OS')) { $this._OS = $Overrides['_OS'] } else { $this._OS = if ($WindowsVersion -ge [Version]::new(10, 0, 22000, 0)) { '11' } else { '10' } } if ($Overrides.ContainsKey('_WindowsBuildVersion')) { $this._WindowsBuildVersion = $Overrides['_WindowsBuildVersion'] } else { $this._WindowsBuildVersion = $WindowsVersion.Build } if ($Overrides.ContainsKey('_CPUAddressWidth')) { $this._CPUAddressWidth = $Overrides['_CPUAddressWidth'] } else { # Get() always returns an indexable ManagementObjectCollection and in case we are on a multi-socket machine or # VM we just take the first processors AddressWidth because I don't believe it is possible to run dual-socket # with mixed 32-bit and 64-bit processors. See issue #99. $this._CPUAddressWidth = [System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher]::new('SELECT AddressWidth FROM Win32_Processor').Get().AddressWidth[0] } if ($Overrides.ContainsKey('_Bios')) { $this._Bios = $Overrides['_Bios'] } else { $this._Bios = $SMBiosInformation.SMBIOSBIOSVersion } if ($Overrides.ContainsKey('_PnPID')) { $this._PnPID = $Overrides['_PnPID'] } else { $this._PnPID = if ($IncludePhantomDevices) { Get-PnpDevice } else { Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly } } if ($Overrides.ContainsKey('_EmbeddedControllerVersion')) { $this._EmbeddedControllerVersion = $Overrides['_EmbeddedControllerVersion'] } else { $this._EmbeddedControllerVersion = @($SMBiosInformation.EmbeddedControllerMajorVersion, $SMBiosInformation.EmbeddedControllerMinorVersion) -join '.' } } } if (-not ('LSUClient.ImportTest' -as [Type])) { Add-Type -LiteralPath "$PSScriptRoot\LSUClient.Types.cs" -Debug:$false } # Import all private functions foreach ($function in (Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\private" -File -ErrorAction Ignore)) { . $function.FullName } # Import all public functions foreach ($function in (Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\public" -File -ErrorAction Ignore)) { . $function.FullName } |