function Install-BiosUpdate { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('ExternalProcessResult')] Param ( [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -LiteralPath $_ -PathType Container })] [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$PackageDirectory ) $BitLockerOSDrive = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.ProtectionStatus -eq 'On' } if ($BitLockerOSDrive) { Write-Verbose "Operating System drive is BitLocker-encrypted, suspending protection for BIOS update. BitLocker will automatically resume after the next bootup.`r`n" $null = $BitLockerOSDrive | Suspend-BitLocker } if (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$PackageDirectory\winuptp.exe" -PathType Leaf) { Write-Verbose "This is a ThinkPad-style BIOS update`r`n" if (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$PackageDirectory\winuptp.log" -PathType Leaf) { Remove-Item -LiteralPath "$PackageDirectory\winuptp.log" -Force } $installProcess = Invoke-PackageCommand -Path $PackageDirectory -Executable "$PackageDirectory\winuptp.exe" -Arguments '-s' -RuntimeLimit ([TimeSpan]::Zero) if ($installProcess.Err) { return $installProcess } else { # Collect and trim content of winuptp.log file if it exists [array]$LogMessage = if ($Log = Get-Content -LiteralPath "$PackageDirectory\winuptp.log" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $NonEmptyPredicate = [Predicate[string]] { -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($args[0]) } $LogFirstNonEmpty = [array]::FindIndex([string[]]$Log, $NonEmptyPredicate) if ($LogFirstNonEmpty -ne -1) { $LogLastNonEmpty = [array]::FindLastIndex([string[]]$Log, $NonEmptyPredicate) $Log[$LogFirstNonEmpty..$LogLastNonEmpty] } } else { # Ensures LogMessage is not null or AutomationNull (#84) # See: and "" } return [ExternalProcessResult]::new( $installProcess.Err, [BiosUpdateInfo]@{ 'FilePath' = $installProcess.Info.FilePath 'Arguments' = $installProcess.Info.Arguments 'WorkingDirectory' = $installProcess.Info.WorkingDirectory 'Timestamp' = [datetime]::Now.ToFileTime() 'ExitCode' = $installProcess.Info.ExitCode 'StandardOutput' = $installProcess.Info.StandardOutput 'StandardError' = $installProcess.Info.StandardError 'LogMessage' = $LogMessage 'Runtime' = $installProcess.Info.Runtime 'ActionNeeded' = 'REBOOT' 'SuccessOverrideValue' = $installProcess.Info.ExitCode -in @(0, 1) # winuptp return codes: } ) } } elseif ((Test-Path -LiteralPath "$PackageDirectory\Flash.cmd" -PathType Leaf) -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$PackageDirectory\wflash2.exe" -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Verbose "This is a ThinkCentre-style BIOS update`r`n" # Get a random non-existant directory name to copy wflash2 to as a safe testbed do { [string]$wflashTestPath = Join-Path -Path "$PackageDirectory" -ChildPath ( [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() ) } until ( -not [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($wflashTestPath) ) $null = New-Item -Path "$wflashTestPath" -ItemType Directory Copy-Item -LiteralPath "$PackageDirectory\wflash2.exe" -Destination "$wflashTestPath" [bool]$SCCMParameterIsSupported = Test-Wflash2ForSCCMParameter -PathToWFLASH2EXE "$wflashTestPath\wflash2.exe" Remove-Item -LiteralPath "$wflashTestPath" -Recurse -Force if ($SCCMParameterIsSupported) { $installProcess = Invoke-PackageCommand -Path $PackageDirectory -Executable "$PackageDirectory\Flash.cmd" -Arguments '/ign /sccm /quiet' -RuntimeLimit ([TimeSpan]::Zero) # Handle the case where $installProcess indicates an error because the process never started if ($installProcess.Err) { return $installProcess } else { return [ExternalProcessResult]::new( $installProcess.Err, [BiosUpdateInfo]@{ 'FilePath' = $installProcess.Info.FilePath 'Arguments' = $installProcess.Info.Arguments 'WorkingDirectory' = $installProcess.Info.WorkingDirectory 'Timestamp' = [datetime]::Now.ToFileTime() 'ExitCode' = $installProcess.Info.ExitCode 'StandardOutput' = $installProcess.Info.StandardOutput 'StandardError' = $installProcess.Info.StandardError 'LogMessage' = '' 'Runtime' = $installProcess.Info.Runtime 'ActionNeeded' = 'SHUTDOWN' 'SuccessOverrideValue' = $null } ) } } else { Write-Warning "This BIOS-Update uses an older version of wflash2.exe that cannot be installed without forcing a reboot - skipping!" return [ExternalProcessResult]::new( [ExternalProcessError]::OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED, $null ) } } } |