function Get-KubectlSnapshot { param ( [string]$Namespace, [string]$ResourceKind, [string]$ResourceName ) Write-Host "Fetching current cluster state for $ResourceKind/$ResourceName in namespace $Namespace`n" -ForegroundColor Green $kubectlCmd = "get $ResourceKind $ResourceName -n $Namespace -o yaml" try { $processInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $processInfo.FileName = "kubectl" $processInfo.Arguments = $kubectlCmd $processInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true $processInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true $processInfo.UseShellExecute = $false $processInfo.CreateNoWindow = $true $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $process.StartInfo = $processInfo # Start the kubectl process $process.Start() | Out-Null # Capture output and error $output = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() $stderr = $process.StandardError.ReadToEnd() $process.WaitForExit() if ($stderr) { Write-Host "`nError fetching cluster snapshot:`n" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $stderr -ForegroundColor Red return $null } # Return the YAML content from the cluster return $output } catch { Write-Host "Unexpected error while fetching the snapshot: $_" -ForegroundColor Red return $null } } function Parse-YamlFile { param ( [string]$FilePath ) # Import the YAML content as a PSCustomObject $yamlContent = Get-Content $FilePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Yaml # Extract the relevant information: kind, name, and namespace $kind = $yamlContent.kind $name = $ $namespace = if ($yamlContent.metadata.namespace) { $yamlContent.metadata.namespace } else { "default" } return [PSCustomObject]@{ Kind = $kind Name = $name Namespace = $namespace } } function Remove-UnwantedBlocks { param ( [string[]]$lines ) $result = @() $insideStatusBlock = $false foreach ($line in $lines) { # Skip the 'status' block if ($line -match "^\s*status:") { $insideStatusBlock = $true continue } # Skip the 'creationTimestamp' line if ($line -match "^\s*creationTimestamp:") { continue } # Detect the end of the 'status' block (next unindented key or end of file) if ($insideStatusBlock -and $line -match "^\S") { $insideStatusBlock = $false } # If not inside 'status', add the line to the result if (-not $insideStatusBlock) { $result += $line } } return $result } function Compare-Lines { param ( [string]$LocalFile, # The local manifest file path [string]$CompareFile, # The file to compare against [switch]$IsCluster # Switch to indicate if the second file is from the cluster ) $content1 = Get-Content $LocalFile -Raw $content2 = Get-Content $CompareFile -Raw # Determine labels based on whether we are comparing with the cluster $file1Label = "File1" $file2Label = if ($IsCluster) { "Cluster" } else { "File2" } # Split into lines and remove trailing whitespace $lines1 = $content1 -split "`n" | ForEach-Object { $_.TrimEnd() } $lines2 = $content2 -split "`n" | ForEach-Object { $_.TrimEnd() } # Remove unwanted blocks like 'status' and 'creationTimestamp' $lines1 = Remove-UnwantedBlocks -lines $lines1 $lines2 = Remove-UnwantedBlocks -lines $lines2 # Create hashsets of the lines for easy comparison, ignoring line order $set1 = @{ } $set2 = @{ } # Track line numbers for File1 and File2 (or Cluster) for ($i = 0; $i -lt $lines1.Length; $i++) { $line = $lines1[$i] $set1[$line.TrimStart()] = @{ LineNumber = $i + 1; Content = $line } } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $lines2.Length; $i++) { $line = $lines2[$i] $set2[$line.TrimStart()] = @{ LineNumber = $i + 1; Content = $line } } # Table to store the differences $comparisonResults = @() # Replace spaces with visible marker for leading/trailing whitespace issues function ShowWhitespace($line) { return $line -replace " ", "␣" } # Compare lines in File1 against File2 (or Cluster) foreach ($line in $set1.Keys) { if (-not $set2.ContainsKey($line)) { $comparisonResults += [PSCustomObject]@{ LineNumber = $set1[$line].LineNumber File = $file1Label Content = ShowWhitespace($set1[$line].Content) Difference = "Only in $file1Label" } } elseif ($set1[$line].Content -ne $set2[$line].Content) { if ($set1[$line].Content.TrimStart() -eq $set2[$line].Content.TrimStart()) { $comparisonResults += [PSCustomObject]@{ LineNumber = "$($set1[$line].LineNumber)/$($set2[$line].LineNumber)" File = "Both Files" Content = "Leading whitespace difference" Difference = "${file1Label}: $($set1[$line].Content -replace ' ', '␣')`n${file2Label}: $($set2[$line].Content -replace ' ', '␣')" } } else { $comparisonResults += [PSCustomObject]@{ LineNumber = "$($set1[$line].LineNumber)/$($set2[$line].LineNumber)" File = "Both Files" Content = "Content difference" Difference = "${file1Label}: $($set1[$line].Content -replace ' ', '␣')`n${file2Label}: $($set2[$line].Content -replace ' ', '␣')" } } } } # Compare lines in File2 (or Cluster) against File1 to find lines only in File2/Cluster foreach ($line in $set2.Keys) { if (-not $set1.ContainsKey($line)) { $comparisonResults += [PSCustomObject]@{ LineNumber = $set2[$line].LineNumber File = $file2Label Content = ShowWhitespace($set2[$line].Content) Difference = "Only in $file2Label" } } } # Set the max width for each box $boxWidth = 50 # Display file path information Write-Host "File1 = $LocalFile" -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($IsCluster) { Write-Host "Cluster" -ForegroundColor Cyan } else { Write-Host "File2 = $CompareFile" -ForegroundColor Cyan } # Add a note for whitespace representation Write-Host "`nNote: Spaces are represented as '␣' in the output." -ForegroundColor Magenta # Boxed output format for the results Write-Host "" Write-Host "╔════════════════════════════════════════════════╗" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "║ Comparison Summary ║" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "╠════════════════════════════════════════════════╣" -ForegroundColor Magenta if ($comparisonResults.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($result in $comparisonResults) { $lineFormatted = "Line: $($result.LineNumber)" $fileFormatted = "File: $($result.File)" $contentFormatted = "Content: $($result.Content)" $lineFormatted = $lineFormatted.PadRight($boxWidth - 4) + "║" $fileFormatted = $fileFormatted.PadRight($boxWidth - 4) + "║" $contentFormatted = $contentFormatted.PadRight($boxWidth - 4) + "║" Write-Host "║ $lineFormatted" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "║ $fileFormatted" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "║ $contentFormatted" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "║" (" " * ($boxWidth - 4)) "║" -ForegroundColor Magenta } Write-Host "╚════════════════════════════════════════════════╝" -ForegroundColor Magenta } else { Write-Host "║ No differences found ║" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "╚════════════════════════════════════════════════╝" -ForegroundColor Magenta } } function CompareFiles { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$LocalFile, # The local manifest file path [string]$CompareFile # The second file to compare against (optional) ) # If CompareFile is not provided, fetch the cluster snapshot for comparison if (-not $CompareFile) { # Parse the YAML file to extract the kind, name, and namespace $resourceInfo = Parse-YamlFile -FilePath $LocalFile if (-not $resourceInfo) { Write-Host "Error: Could not extract resource information from the file." -ForegroundColor Red return } # Fetch the cluster snapshot and store it in a temporary file $clusterSnapshot = Get-KubectlSnapshot -Namespace $resourceInfo.Namespace -ResourceKind $resourceInfo.Kind -ResourceName $resourceInfo.Name if ($clusterSnapshot) { $CompareFile = "$env:TEMP\$($resourceInfo.Name)-cluster-snapshot.yaml" $clusterSnapshot | Out-File -FilePath $CompareFile -Force } else { Write-Host "Error: Could not fetch the cluster snapshot." -ForegroundColor Red return } } # Compare the local file with the provided comparison file (either cluster snapshot or another local file) Compare-Lines -LocalFile $LocalFile -CompareFile $CompareFile -IsCluster:($CompareFile -like "*-cluster-snapshot.yaml") # If we created a temporary cluster snapshot, clean it up after comparison if ($CompareFile -like "*-cluster-snapshot.yaml") { Remove-Item $CompareFile -Force } } |