
$bestPracticesChecks = @(
        ID             = "BP001";
        Category       = "Best Practices";
        Name           = "Allowed Container Images Policy Enforcement";
        Value          = { ($ClusterInfo.kubeData.Constraints.items | Where-Object { $_.kind -eq "K8sAzureV2ContainerAllowedImages"}).spec.enforcementAction -contains "deny" };
        Expected       = $true;
        FailMessage    = "The 'Only Allowed Images' policy is either missing or not enforcing deny mode, increasing the risk of running untrusted images.";
        Severity       = "High";
        Recommendation = "Deploy and enforce the 'Only Allowed Images' policy with deny mode to restrict unapproved images.";
        URL            = "";
        ID             = "BP002";
        Category       = "Best Practices";
        Name           = "No Privileged Containers Policy Enforcement";
        Value          = { ($ClusterInfo.kubeData.Constraints.items | Where-Object { $_.kind -eq "K8sAzureV2NoPrivilege"}).spec.enforcementAction -contains "deny" };
        Expected       = $true;
        FailMessage    = "The 'No Privileged Containers' policy is either missing or not enforcing deny mode, allowing potentially insecure workloads.";
        Severity       = "High";
        Recommendation = "Deploy and enforce the 'No Privileged Containers' policy in deny mode to block privileged containers and enhance security.";
        URL            = "";
        ID          = "BP003";
        Category    = "Best Practices";
        Name        = "Multiple Node Pools";
        Value       = { $clusterInfo.agentPoolProfiles.Count -gt 1 };
        Expected    = $true;
        FailMessage = "Only a single node pool is in use, reducing flexibility and workload separation.";
        Severity    = "Medium";
        Recommendation = "Use multiple node pools to optimize workload performance, security, and resource utilization.";
        URL         = "";
        ID             = "BP004";
        Category       = "Best Practices";
        Name           = "Azure Linux as Host OS";
        Value          = { ($clusterInfo.agentPoolProfiles | Where-Object { $_.osType -eq "Linux" -and $_.osSKU -ne "AzureLinux" }).Count };
        Expected       = 0;
        FailMessage    = "One or more Linux node pools are not using Azure Linux as the host OS, which may impact compatibility and support.";
        Severity       = "High";
        Recommendation = "Migrate Linux node pools to Azure Linux to ensure better performance and compatibility.";
        URL            = "";
        ID             = "BP005";
        Category       = "Best Practices";
        Name           = "Ephemeral OS Disks Enabled";
        Value          = { ($clusterInfo.agentPoolProfiles | Where-Object { $_.osDiskType -ne "Ephemeral" }).Count };
        Expected       = 0;
        FailMessage    = "One or more agent pools are not using ephemeral OS disks, leading to slower disk performance and increased costs.";
        Severity       = "Medium";
        Recommendation = "Configure all agent pools to use ephemeral OS disks for faster disk performance and lower costs.";
        URL            = "";
        ID             = "BP006";
        Category       = "Best Practices";
        Name           = "Non-Ephemeral Disks with Adequate Size";
        Value          = { ($clusterInfo.agentPoolProfiles | Where-Object { $_.osDiskType -ne "Ephemeral" -and $_.osDiskSizeGb -lt 128 }).Count };
        Expected       = 0;
        FailMessage    = "One or more node pools have OS disks smaller than 128GB, which may impact performance under high workloads.";
        Severity       = "Medium";
        Recommendation = "Increase OS disk size to 128GB or more for non-ephemeral disks to optimize workload performance.";
        URL            = "";
        ID             = "BP007";
        Category       = "Best Practices";
        Name           = "System Node Pool Taint";
        Value          = { ($clusterInfo.agentPoolProfiles | Where-Object { $_.mode -eq "System" }).nodeTaints -contains "CriticalAddonsOnly=true:NoSchedule" };
        Expected       = $true;
        FailMessage    = "The system node pool does not have the required taint 'CriticalAddonsOnly=true:NoSchedule', potentially affecting system pod placement.";
        Severity       = "High";
        Recommendation = "Apply the 'CriticalAddonsOnly=true:NoSchedule' taint to the system node pool to ensure only critical system pods run on it.";
        URL            = "";
        ID             = "BP008";
        Category       = "Best Practices";
        Name           = "Auto Upgrade Channel Configured";
        Value          = { $clusterInfo.autoUpgradeProfile.upgradeChannel -ne "none" };
        Expected       = $true;
        FailMessage    = "Auto upgrade channel is not configured, meaning the cluster will not automatically receive security patches and updates.";
        Severity       = "Medium";
        Recommendation = "Set the auto upgrade channel to an appropriate option (e.g., 'patch' or 'stable') to keep your AKS cluster updated.";
        URL            = "";
        ID             = "BP009";
        Category       = "Best Practices";
        Name           = "Node OS Upgrade Channel Configured";
        Value          = { ($clusterInfo.autoUpgradeProfile.nodeOSUpgradeChannel -ne "None") };
        Expected       = $true;
        FailMessage    = "Node OS upgrade channel is not configured, which may leave your node OS outdated and vulnerable.";
        Severity       = "Medium";
        Recommendation = "Configure the node OS upgrade channel to ensure timely updates and security patches.";
        URL            = "";
        ID             = "BP010";
        Category       = "Best Practices";
        Name           = "Customized MC_ Resource Group Name";
        Value          =  { -not ($clusterInfo.nodeResourceGroup -like "MC_*") };
        Expected       = $true;
        FailMessage    = "The node resource group is using the default 'MC_' prefix, which makes management less intuitive.";
        Severity       = "Medium";
        Recommendation = "Specify a custom node resource group name during AKS cluster creation for better organization and clarity.";
        URL            = "";