function Remove-AllEmojis { param ([string]$text) # Improved regex to match and remove ALL emojis, including: # - Standard emojis (Symbols) # - Flags (Regional Indicators) # - ZWJ Sequences (Family, Handshake) # - Variation Selectors (⚠️ vs ⚠) # - Skin Tones $emojiRegex = "[\p{So}\p{Sk}\p{Cn}\u200D\uFE0F\uD83C-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]?" # Remove all emojis from the text return ($text -replace $emojiRegex, "") } function Get-DisplayWidth($text) { if ($text -eq "") { return 0 } # Handle empty lines correctly # Enumerate characters for width calculation $runes = $text.EnumerateRunes() $visibleWidth = 0 foreach ($rune in $runes) { $visibleWidth += 1 # Each character is one space wide } return $visibleWidth } function Write-SpeechBubble { param ( [string[]]$msg, [string]$color = "Cyan", [string]$icon = "🤖", # No emojis [string]$lastColor = "Red", [int]$delay = 50 # Typing effect speed (milliseconds per word) ) # Remove all emojis before processing $msg = $msg | ForEach-Object { Remove-AllEmojis $_ } # Calculate the max line width dynamically $maxLength = ($msg | ForEach-Object { Get-DisplayWidth $_ } | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum $boxWidth = $maxLength + 4 # Display the bot icon Write-Host " $icon" -ForegroundColor $color Write-Host " ◤" -ForegroundColor $color Write-Host " ◢" -ForegroundColor $color Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 # Short delay before speaking starts # Build rounded speech bubble top (connecting to the speech tail) $topBorder = " ╭" + ("─" * $boxWidth) + "╮" Write-Host "$topBorder" -ForegroundColor $color # Print each message line inside the bubble with word-by-word effect for ($i = 0; $i -lt $msg.Length; $i++) { $lineText = $msg[$i] $rightBorder = " │" $lineColor = $color # Move last line forward and keep its `│` cyan if ($i -eq $msg.Length - 1) { $lineText = " " + $lineText $rightBorder = " │" $lineColor = $lastColor } # Pad the line to fit the box width correctly $paddedLine = $lineText.PadRight($maxLength + 1) # Print left border in cyan Write-Host " │ " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $color # Print the text **word-by-word** with delay $words = $paddedLine -split " " # Split into words foreach ($word in $words) { if ($word -match "^\s*$") { # Skip empty words and spaces Write-Host " " -NoNewline continue } Write-Host "$word " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $lineColor if ($delay -gt 0) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $delay } # Only delay on actual words } # Print right border in cyan Write-Host "$rightBorder" -ForegroundColor $color } # Build rounded speech bubble bottom $bottomBorder = " ╰" + ("─" * $boxWidth) + "╯" Write-Host "$bottomBorder" -ForegroundColor $color Write-Host "" } |