
--- Kubernetes Cluster Report ---
Timestamp: 03/19/2025 12:54:18
[🌐 Cluster Summary]
Cluster Name: aks-0402-dev-uks
Kubernetes Version: v1.30.9
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at
Metrics-server is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
Compatibility Check: ⚠️ Cluster is running an outdated version: v1.30.9 (Latest: v1.32.3)
📊 Cluster Metrics Summary
🚀 Nodes: 5 🟩 Healthy: 5 🟥 Issues: 0
📦 Pods: 80 🟩 Running: 77 🟥 Failed: 0
🔄 Restarts: 2 🟨 Warnings: 0 🟥 Critical: 0
⏳ Pending Pods: 0 🟡 Waiting: 0
⚠️ Stuck Pods: 0 ❌ Stuck: 0
📉 Job Failures: 0 🔴 Failed: 0
📊 Pod Distribution: Avg: 16 | Max: 24 | Min: 6 | Total Nodes: 5
💾 Resource Usage
🖥 CPU Usage: 10.76% 🟩 Normal
💾 Memory Usage: 4.1% 🟩 Normal
❌ Errors: 0 ⚠️ Warnings: 0
[🌍 Node Conditions]
⚠️ Total Not Ready Nodes in the Cluster: 0
Node Status Issues
---- ------ ------
aks-systempool-19995743-vmss00000c ✅ Healthy None
aks-systempool-19995743-vmss00000d ✅ Healthy None
aks-systempool-19995743-vmss00000e ✅ Healthy None
aks-workloadpool-10479701-vmss000004 ✅ Healthy None
akswinnp000001 ✅ Healthy None
[📊 Node Resource Usage]
⚠️ Total Resource Warnings Across All Nodes: 2
Node CPU Status CPU % CPU Used CPU Total Mem Status Mem % Mem Used Mem Total Disk % Disk Status
---- ---------- ----- -------- --------- ---------- ----- -------- --------- ------ -----------
aks-systempool-19995743-vmss00000c ✅ Normal 8% 152 mC 1900 mC 🟡 Warning 53.02% 3464 Mi 6533 Mi 53% ✅ Normal
aks-systempool-19995743-vmss00000d ✅ Normal 7.26% 138 mC 1900 mC 🟡 Warning 53.71% 3509 Mi 6533 Mi 53% ✅ Normal
aks-systempool-19995743-vmss00000e ✅ Normal 7.05% 134 mC 1900 mC ✅ Normal 46.72% 3052 Mi 6533 Mi 46% ✅ Normal
aks-workloadpool-10479701-vmss000004 ✅ Normal 2.75% 106 mC 3860 mC ✅ Normal 12.11% 1766 Mi 14584 Mi 12% ✅ Normal
akswinnp000001 ✅ Normal 0.42% 8 mC 1900 mC ✅ Normal 29.74% 1634 Mi 5494 Mi 29% ✅ Normal
[📂 Empty Namespaces]
⚠️ Total Empty Namespaces: 3
[🔄 DaemonSets Not Fully Running]
✅ All DaemonSets are fully running.
[🔁 Pods with High Restarts]
✅ No pods with excessive restarts detected.
[⏳ Long Running Pods]
✅ No long-running pods detected.
[🔴 Failed Pods]
✅ No failed pods found.
[⏳ Pending Pods]
✅ No pending pods found.
[🔴 CrashLoopBackOff Pods]
✅ No CrashLoopBackOff pods found.
[🐞 Leftover Debug Pods]
✅ No leftover debug pods detected.
[⏳ Stuck Kubernetes Jobs]
✅ No jobs found in the cluster.
[🔴 Failed Kubernetes Jobs]
✅ No jobs found in the cluster.
[🔍 Services Without Endpoints]
⚠️ Total Services Without Endpoints: 1
Namespace Service Type Status
--------- ------- ---- ------
kube-system network-observability ClusterIP ⚠️ No Endpoints
[💾 Unused Persistent Volume Claims]
✅ No unused PVCs found.
[RBAC Misconfigurations]
⚠️ Total RBAC Misconfigurations Detected: 9
Namespace Type RoleBinding Subject Issue
--------- ---- ----------- ------- -----
kube-system 🔹 Namespace Role system::leader-locking-kube-controller-manager ServiceAccount/kube-controller-manager ❌ ServiceAccount does not exist
kube-system 🔹 Namespace Role system::leader-locking-kube-scheduler ServiceAccount/kube-scheduler ❌ ServiceAccount does not exist
kube-system 🔹 Namespace Role system:controller:cloud-provider ServiceAccount/cloud-provider ❌ ServiceAccount does not exist
🌍 Cluster-Wide 🔸 Cluster Role secretproviderrotation-rolebinding ServiceAccount/secrets-store-csi-driver ❌ ServiceAccount does not exist
🌍 Cluster-Wide 🔸 Cluster Role system:azure-cloud-provider ServiceAccount/azure-cloud-provider ❌ ServiceAccount does not exist
🌍 Cluster-Wide 🔸 Cluster Role system:azure-cloud-provider-secret-getter ServiceAccount/azure-cloud-provider ❌ ServiceAccount does not exist
🌍 Cluster-Wide 🔸 Cluster Role system:controller:route-controller ServiceAccount/route-controller ❌ ServiceAccount does not exist
🌍 Cluster-Wide 🔸 Cluster Role system:controller:service-controller ServiceAccount/service-controller ❌ ServiceAccount does not exist
🌍 Cluster-Wide 🔸 Cluster Role system:kube-dns ServiceAccount/kube-dns ❌ ServiceAccount does not exist
[📜 Orphaned ConfigMaps]
⚠️ Total Orphaned ConfigMaps Found: 12
Namespace Type Name
--------- ---- ----
default 📜 ConfigMap kube-root-ca.crt
gatekeeper-system 📜 ConfigMap kube-root-ca.crt
kube-node-lease 📜 ConfigMap kube-root-ca.crt
kube-public 📜 ConfigMap kube-root-ca.crt
kube-system 📜 ConfigMap azure-ip-masq-agent-config-reconciled
kube-system 📜 ConfigMap cluster-autoscaler-status
kube-system 📜 ConfigMap container-azm-ms-aks-k8scluster
kube-system 📜 ConfigMap coredns-autoscaler
kube-system 📜 ConfigMap extension-apiserver-authentication
kube-system 📜 ConfigMap kube-apiserver-legacy-service-account-token-tracking
kube-system 📜 ConfigMap kube-root-ca.crt
kube-system 📜 ConfigMap overlay-upgrade-data
[🔑 Orphaned Secrets]
⚠️ Total Orphaned Secrets Found: 3
Namespace Type Name
--------- ---- ----
kube-system 🔑 Secret aad-msi-auth-token
kube-system 🔑 Secret azure-policy-webhook-cert
kube-system 🔑 Secret omsagent-aad-msi-token
[📢 Kubernetes Warnings]
⚠️ Warnings: 0
[✅ AKS Best Practices Check]
[Best Practices] Allowed Container Images Policy Enforcement - Status: ❌ FAIL
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: The 'Only Allowed Images' policy is either missing or not enforcing deny mode, increasing the risk of running untrusted images.
   🔹 More Info:
[Best Practices] No Privileged Containers Policy Enforcement - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: No Privileged Containers Policy Enforcement is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Best Practices] Multiple Node Pools - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: Multiple Node Pools is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Best Practices] Azure Linux as Host OS - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: Azure Linux as Host OS is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Best Practices] Ephemeral OS Disks Enabled - Status: ❌ FAIL
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: One or more agent pools are not using ephemeral OS disks, leading to slower disk performance and increased costs.
   🔹 More Info:
[Best Practices] Non-Ephemeral Disks with Adequate Size - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: Non-Ephemeral Disks with Adequate Size is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Best Practices] System Node Pool Taint - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: System Node Pool Taint is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Best Practices] Auto Upgrade Channel Configured - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: Auto Upgrade Channel Configured is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Best Practices] Node OS Upgrade Channel Configured - Status: ❌ FAIL
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: Node OS upgrade channel is not configured, which may leave your node OS outdated and vulnerable.
   🔹 More Info:
[Best Practices] Customized MC_ Resource Group Name - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: Customized MC_ Resource Group Name is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Disaster Recovery] Agent Pools with Availability Zones - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: Agent Pools with Availability Zones is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Disaster Recovery] Control Plane SLA - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: Control Plane SLA is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Identity & Access] RBAC Enabled - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: RBAC Enabled is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Identity & Access] Managed Identity - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: Managed Identity is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Identity & Access] Workload Identity Enabled - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: Workload Identity Enabled is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Identity & Access] Managed Identity Used - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: Managed Identity Used is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Identity & Access] AAD RBAC Authorization Integrated - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: AAD RBAC Authorization Integrated is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Identity & Access] AAD Managed Authentication Enabled - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: AAD Managed Authentication Enabled is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Identity & Access] Local Accounts Disabled - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: Local Accounts Disabled is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Monitoring & Logging] Azure Monitor - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: Azure Monitor is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Monitoring & Logging] Managed Prometheus Enabled - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: Managed Prometheus Enabled is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Networking] Authorized IP Ranges - Status: ❌ FAIL
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: No authorized IP ranges configured. This allows unrestricted access to the API server.
   🔹 More Info:
[Networking] Network Policy Check - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: Network Policy Check is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Networking] Web App Routing Enabled - Status: ❌ FAIL
   🔹 Severity: Low
   🔹 Recommendation: Web App Routing is not enabled, which may limit external access management.
   🔹 More Info:
[Networking] Azure CNI Networking Recommended - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: Azure CNI Networking Recommended is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Resource Management] Cluster Autoscaler - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: Cluster Autoscaler is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Resource Management] AKS Built-in Cost Tooling Enabled - Status: ❌ FAIL
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: AKS built-in cost tooling (Open Costs) is not enabled, making cost allocation and optimization harder.
   🔹 More Info:
[Security] Private Cluster - Status: ❌ FAIL
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: Cluster API server is publicly accessible, increasing security risks.
   🔹 More Info:
[Security] Azure Policy Add-on - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: Azure Policy Add-on is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Security] Defender for Containers - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: Defender for Containers is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Security] OIDC Issuer Enabled - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: OIDC Issuer Enabled is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Security] Azure Key Vault Integration - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: Azure Key Vault Integration is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Security] Image Cleaner Enabled - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: Medium
   🔹 Recommendation: Image Cleaner Enabled is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
[Security] Kubernetes Dashboard Disabled - Status: ✅ PASS
   🔹 Severity: High
   🔹 Recommendation: Kubernetes Dashboard Disabled is enabled.
   🔹 More Info:
Summary & Rating:
Passed Failed Total Score (%) Rating
✅ 27 ❌ 7 34 79.41