function Check-KubernetesVersion { $versionInfo = kubectl version -o json | ConvertFrom-Json $k8sVersion = $versionInfo.serverVersion.gitVersion # Fetch latest stable Kubernetes version $latestVersion = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "").Content.Trim() if ($k8sVersion -lt $latestVersion) { return "ā ļø Cluster is running an outdated version: $k8sVersion (Latest: $latestVersion)" } else { return "ā Cluster is up to date ($k8sVersion)" } } function Show-ClusterSummary { param( [switch]$Html ) if (-not $Global:MakeReport -and -not $Html ) { Clear-Host } Write-Host "`n[š Cluster Summary]" -ForegroundColor Cyan # Retrieve Kubernetes Version Write-Host -NoNewline "`nš¤ Fetching Cluster Information..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $versionInfo = kubectl version -o json | ConvertFrom-Json $k8sVersion = if ($versionInfo.serverVersion.gitVersion) { $versionInfo.serverVersion.gitVersion } else { "Unknown" } $clusterName = (kubectl config current-context) Write-Host "`rš¤ Cluster Information fetched." -ForegroundColor Green if (-not $Global:MakeReport) { Write-Host "`nCluster Name " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "is " -NoNewline Write-Host "$clusterName" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "Kubernetes Version " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "is " -NoNewline Write-Host "$k8sVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow kubectl cluster-info } # Kubernetes Version Check Write-Host -NoNewline "`nš¤ Checking Kubernetes Version Compatibility..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $versionCheck = Check-KubernetesVersion Write-Host "`rš¤ Kubernetes Version Compatibility checked." -ForegroundColor Green if (-not $Global:MakeReport ) { Write-Host "`n$versionCheck" } # Cluster Metrics Write-Host -NoNewline "`nš¤ Fetching Cluster Metrics..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $summary = Show-HeroMetrics Write-Host "`rš¤ Cluster Metrics fetched." -ForegroundColor Green if (-not $Global:MakeReport ) { Write-Host "`n$summary" } # **Fetch Event Counts** Write-Host -NoNewline "`nš¤ Counting Kubernetes Events..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $events = kubectl get events -A --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp -o json | ConvertFrom-Json $warningCount = ($events.items | Where-Object { $_.type -eq "Warning" }).Count $errorCount = ($events.items | Where-Object { $_.reason -match "Failed|Error" }).Count Write-Host "`rš¤ Kubernetes Events counted." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "`nā Errors: $errorCount ā ļø Warnings: $warningCount" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Log to report if in report mode if ($Global:MakeReport) { Write-ToReport "Cluster Name: $clusterName" Write-ToReport "Kubernetes Version: $k8sVersion" if ($Global:MakeReport) { $info = kubectl cluster-info | Out-String Write-ToReport $info } Write-ToReport "Compatibility Check: $versionCheck" Write-ToReport "`nMetrics: $summary" Write-ToReport "`nā Errors: $errorCount ā ļø Warnings: $warningCount" } if (-not $Global:MakeReport -and -not $Html) { Read-Host "`nPress Enter to return to the main menu" } } function Get-NodeSummary { $nodes = kubectl get nodes -o json | ConvertFrom-Json $totalNodes = $nodes.items.Count $healthyNodes = ($nodes.items | Where-Object { ($_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty status).conditions | Where-Object { $_.type -eq "Ready" -and $_.status -eq "True" } }).Count $issueNodes = $totalNodes - $healthyNodes return [PSCustomObject]@{ Total = $totalNodes Healthy = $healthyNodes Issues = $issueNodes } } # Function: Get Pod Summary function Get-PodSummary { $pods = kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o json | ConvertFrom-Json $totalPods = $pods.items.Count $runningPods = ($pods.items | Where-Object { $_.status.phase -eq "Running" }).Count $failedPods = ($pods.items | Where-Object { $_.status.phase -eq "Failed" }).Count return [PSCustomObject]@{ Total = $totalPods Running = $runningPods Failed = $failedPods } } # Function: Get Restart Summary (Now Uses Configurable Thresholds) function Get-RestartSummary { # Load thresholds if (-not $Global:MakeReport -and -not $Html) { $thresholds = Get-KubeBuddyThresholds } else { $thresholds = Get-KubeBuddyThresholds -Silent } $pods = kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o json | ConvertFrom-Json # Ensure restart counts are always integers (default to 0 if null) $totalRestarts = ($pods.items | ForEach-Object { ($_.status.containerStatuses | Where-Object { $_.restartCount -gt 0 }).restartCount } | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum # Convert to integer explicitly to avoid any decimal issues $totalRestarts = [int]($totalRestarts -as [int]) $warningRestarts = ($pods.items | Where-Object { ($_.status.containerStatuses | Where-Object { $_.restartCount -ge $thresholds.restarts_warning }).Count -gt 0 }).Count $criticalRestarts = ($pods.items | Where-Object { ($_.status.containerStatuses | Where-Object { $_.restartCount -ge $thresholds.restarts_critical }).Count -gt 0 }).Count return [PSCustomObject]@{ Total = $totalRestarts Warning = $warningRestarts Critical = $criticalRestarts } } function Show-HeroMetrics { # Get summaries $nodeSummary = Get-NodeSummary $podSummary = Get-PodSummary $restartSummary = Get-RestartSummary # Fetch pod distribution per node $nodePodCounts = (kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o json | ConvertFrom-Json).items | Group-Object { $_.spec.nodeName } $podCounts = $nodePodCounts | ForEach-Object { $_.Count } $avgPods = [math]::Round(($podCounts | Measure-Object -Average).Average, 1) $maxPods = ($podCounts | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum $minPods = ($podCounts | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum # Fetch live CPU & Memory usage $nodeUsageRaw = kubectl top nodes --no-headers $totalCPU = 0; $totalMem = 0; $usedCPU = 0; $usedMem = 0 $nodeUsageRaw | ForEach-Object { $fields = $_ -split "\s+" if ($fields.Count -ge 5) { $cpuValue = $fields[1] -replace "m", "" $memValue = $fields[3] -replace "Mi", "" # Only add if not "<unknown>" if ($cpuValue -match "^\d+$") { $usedCPU += [int]$cpuValue } if ($memValue -match "^\d+$") { $usedMem += [int]$memValue } # Assume 1000m per core for CPU, 64GB per node for memory $totalCPU += 1000 $totalMem += 65536 } } # Prevent divide-by-zero issues $cpuUsagePercent = if ($totalCPU -gt 0) { [math]::Round(($usedCPU / $totalCPU) * 100, 2) } else { 0 } $memUsagePercent = if ($totalMem -gt 0) { [math]::Round(($usedMem / $totalMem) * 100, 2) } else { 0 } $cpuStatus = if ($cpuUsagePercent -ge 80) { "š“ Critical" } elseif ($cpuUsagePercent -ge 50) { "š” Warning" } else { "š© Normal" } $memStatus = if ($memUsagePercent -ge 80) { "š“ Critical" } elseif ($memUsagePercent -ge 50) { "š” Warning" } else { "š© Normal" } # Get pending pods count $pendingPods = (kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o json | ConvertFrom-Json).items | Where-Object { $_.status.phase -eq "Pending" } $totalPending = $pendingPods.Count $stuckPods = (kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o json | ConvertFrom-Json).items | Where-Object { ($_.status.containerStatuses.state.waiting.reason -match "CrashLoopBackOff") -or ($_.status.phase -eq "Pending" -and $_.status.PSObject.Properties['startTime'] -and ` ((New-TimeSpan -Start $_.status.startTime -End (Get-Date)).TotalMinutes -gt 15)) -or ($_.status.conditions.reason -match "ContainersNotReady") -or ($_.status.conditions.reason -match "PodInitializing") -or ($_.status.conditions.reason -match "ImagePullBackOff") } $totalStuckPods = $stuckPods.Count # Get failed jobs count $failedJobs = (kubectl get jobs --all-namespaces -o json | ConvertFrom-Json).items | Where-Object { $_.status.failed -gt 0 } $totalFailedJobs = $failedJobs.Count $totalNodes = $nodeSummary.Total # Table formatting $col2 = 10 # Total Count $col3 = 14 # Status $col4 = 16 # Issues # Store output $output = @() $output += "`nš Cluster Metrics Summary" $output += "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" $output += "š Nodes: {0,$col2} š© Healthy: {1,$col3} š„ Issues: {2,$col4}" -f $nodeSummary.Total, $nodeSummary.Healthy, $nodeSummary.Issues $output += "š¦ Pods: {0,$col2} š© Running: {1,$col3} š„ Failed: {2,$col4}" -f $podSummary.Total, $podSummary.Running, $podSummary.Failed $output += "š Restarts: {0,$col2} šØ Warnings:{1,$col3} š„ Critical: {2,$col4}" -f $restartSummary.Total, $restartSummary.Warning, $restartSummary.Critical $output += "ā³ Pending Pods: {0,$col2} š” Waiting: {1,$col3} " -f $totalPending, $totalPending $output += "ā ļø Stuck Pods: {0,$col2} ā Stuck: {1,$col3} " -f $totalStuckPods, $totalStuckPods $output += "š Job Failures: {0,$col2} š“ Failed: {1,$col3} " -f $totalFailedJobs, $totalFailedJobs $output += "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" $output += "" $output += "š Pod Distribution: Avg: {0} | Max: {1} | Min: {2} | Total Nodes: {3}" -f $avgPods, $maxPods, $minPods, $totalNodes $output += "" $output += "" $output += "š¾ Resource Usage" $output += "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" $output += "š„ CPU Usage: {0,$col2}% {1,$col3}" -f $cpuUsagePercent, $cpuStatus $output += "š¾ Memory Usage: {0,$col2}% {1,$col3}" -f $memUsagePercent, $memStatus $output += "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" return $output -join "`n" } |