$resourceManagementChecks = @( @{ ID = "RES001"; Category = "Resource Management"; Name = "Cluster Autoscaler"; Value = { $clusterInfo.autoScalerProfile -ne $null }; Expected = $true; FailMessage = "Cluster Autoscaler is not enabled, leading to potential resource inefficiencies and over-provisioning."; Severity = "Medium"; Recommendation = "Enable Cluster Autoscaler to automatically scale nodes up or down based on demand, improving cost efficiency and resource utilization."; URL = ""; }, @{ ID = "RES002"; Category = "Resource Management"; Name = "AKS Built-in Cost Tooling Enabled"; Value = { $clusterInfo.metricsProfile.costAnalysis.enabled }; Expected = $true; FailMessage = "AKS built-in cost tooling (Open Costs) is not enabled, making cost allocation and optimization harder."; Severity = "Medium"; Recommendation = "Enable cost analysis in the AKS metrics profile to gain insights into resource spending and optimize cost management."; URL = ""; } ) |