
function show-mainMenu {
    do {
        if ($firstRun) {
            $firstRun = $false
        else {
        Write-Host "`n[šŸ  Main Menu]" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkGray

        # Main menu options
        $options = @(
            "[1] Cluster Summary šŸ“Š"
            "[2] Node Details šŸ–„ļø"
            "[3] Namespace Management šŸ“‚"
            "[4] Workload Management āš™ļø"
            "[5] Pod Management šŸš€"
            "[6] Kubernetes Jobs šŸ¢"
            "[7] Service & Networking šŸŒ"
            "[8] Storage Management šŸ“¦"
            "[9] RBAC & Security šŸ”"
            "[10] Cluster Warning Events āš ļø"
            "[11] Infrastructure Best Practices āœ…"
            "[Q] Exit āŒ"
        foreach ($option in $options) { Write-Host $option }
        # Get user choice
        $choice = Read-Host "`nšŸ¤– Enter your choice"
        switch ($choice) {
            "1" { Show-ClusterSummary }
            "2" { Show-NodeMenu }
            "3" { Show-NamespaceMenu }
            "4" { Show-WorkloadMenu }
            "5" { Show-PodMenu }
            "6" { Show-JobsMenu }
            "7" { Show-ServiceMenu }
            "8" { Show-StorageMenu }
            "9" { Show-RBACMenu }
            "10" { Show-KubeEvents }
            "11" { Show-InfraBestPracticesMenu }
            "Q" { Write-Host "šŸ‘‹ Goodbye! Have a great day! šŸš€"; return }
            default { Write-Host "āš ļø Invalid choice. Please try again!" -ForegroundColor Red }
    } while ($true)

function Show-WorkloadMenu {
    do {
        Write-Host "`n[āš™ļø Workload Management]" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkGray

        $options = @(
            "[1] Check DaemonSet Health šŸ› ļø"
            "[2] Check Deployment Issues šŸš€"
            "[3] Check StatefulSet Issues šŸ—ļø"
            "[4] Check ReplicaSet Health šŸ“ˆ"
            "šŸ”™ Back [B] | āŒ Exit [Q]"

        foreach ($option in $options) { Write-Host $option }

        $choice = Read-Host "`nšŸ¤– Enter your choice"

        switch ($choice) {
            "1" { Show-DaemonSetIssues }

            "2" {
                $msg = @(
                    "šŸ¤– Deployment Issues Check is coming soon!",
                    " - This feature will identify failing or unhealthy Deployments, rollout failures, and unavailable pods.",
                    " - Stay tuned! šŸš€"

                Write-SpeechBubble -msg $msg -color "Cyan" -icon "šŸ¤–" -lastColor "Cyan" -delay 50
                Read-Host "šŸ¤– Press Enter to return to the menu"

            "3" {
                $msg = @(
                    "šŸ¤– StatefulSet Health Check is coming soon!",
                    " - This feature will analyze StatefulSets for failures, stuck rollouts, and missing pods.",
                    " - Stay tuned for updates! šŸ—ļø"

                Write-SpeechBubble -msg $msg -color "Cyan" -icon "šŸ¤–" -lastColor "Cyan" -delay 50

                Read-Host "šŸ¤– Press Enter to return to the menu"

            "4" {
                $msg = @(
                    "šŸ¤– ReplicaSet Health Check is coming soon!",
                    " - This feature will monitor ReplicaSets for pod mismatches, scaling issues, and failures.",
                    " - Coming soon! šŸ“ˆ"
                Write-SpeechBubble -msg $msg -color "Cyan" -icon "šŸ¤–" -lastColor "Cyan" -delay 50

                Read-Host "šŸ¤– Press Enter to return to the menu"

            "B" { return }
            "Q" { Write-Host "šŸ‘‹ Exiting KubeBuddy. Have a great day! šŸš€"; exit }
            default { Write-Host "āš ļø Invalid choice. Please try again!" -ForegroundColor Red }

    } while ($true)

function Show-NodeMenu {
    do {
        Write-Host "`nšŸ” Node Details Menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "----------------------------------"

        $nodeOptions = @(
            "[1] List all nodes and node conditions"
            "[2] Get node resource usage"
            "šŸ”™ Back [B] | āŒ Exit [Q]"

        foreach ($option in $nodeOptions) {
            Write-Host $option

        # Get user choice
        $nodeChoice = Read-Host "`nšŸ¤– Enter a number"

        switch ($nodeChoice) {
            "1" { 
            "2" { 
            "B" { return }  # Back to main menu
            "Q" { Write-Host "šŸ‘‹ Exiting KubeBuddy. Have a great day! šŸš€"; exit }
            default { Write-Host "āš ļø Invalid choice. Please try again!" -ForegroundColor Red }


    } while ($true)

function show-NamespaceMenu {
    do {
        Write-Host "`nšŸŒ Namespace Menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "------------------------------------"

        $namespaceOptions = @(
            "[1] Show empty namespaces"
            "šŸ”™ Back (B) | āŒ Exit (Q)"

        foreach ($option in $namespaceOptions) { Write-Host $option }

        $namespaceChoice = Read-Host "`nšŸ¤– Enter your choice"

        switch ($namespaceChoice) {
            "1" { 
            "B" { return }
            "Q" { Write-Host "šŸ‘‹ Exiting KubeBuddy. Have a great day! šŸš€"; exit }
            default { Write-Host "āš ļø Invalid choice. Please try again!" -ForegroundColor Red }


    } while ($true)

# šŸš€ Pod Management Menu
function Show-PodMenu {
    do {
        Write-Host "`nšŸš€ Pod Management Menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "--------------------------------`n"

        # Ask for namespace preference
        Write-Host "šŸ¤– Would you like to check:`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host " [1] All namespaces šŸŒ"
        Write-Host " [2] Choose a specific namespace"
        Write-Host " šŸ”™ Back [B]"

        $nsChoice = Read-Host "`nEnter choice"

        if ($nsChoice -match "^[Bb]$") { return }

        $namespace = ""
        if ($nsChoice -match "^[2]$") {
            do {
                $selectedNamespace = Read-Host "`nšŸ¤– Enter the namespace (or type 'L' to list available ones)"
                if ($selectedNamespace -match "^[Ll]$") {
                    Write-Host -NoNewline "`ršŸ¤– Fetching available namespaces..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1  # Optional small delay for UX
                    # Capture namespaces first
                    $namespaces = kubectl get namespaces --no-headers | ForEach-Object { $_.Split()[0] }
                    # Clear previous line and print the list properly
                    Write-Host "`ršŸ¤– Available namespaces fetched. " -ForegroundColor Green
                    Write-Host "`nšŸ¤– Available Namespaces:`n" -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    $namespaces | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_ }
                    Write-Host ""
                    $selectedNamespace = ""  # Reset to prompt again
            } until ($selectedNamespace -match "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$" -and $selectedNamespace -ne "")

            $namespace = "$selectedNamespace"

        do {
            # Clear screen but keep the "Using namespace" message
            Write-Host "`nšŸ¤– Using namespace: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
            Write-Host $(if ($namespace -eq "") { "All Namespaces šŸŒ" } else { $namespace }) -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host "šŸ“¦ Choose a pod operation:`n" -ForegroundColor Cyan

            $podOptions = @(
                "[1] Show pods with high restarts"
                "[2] Show long-running pods"
                "[3] Show failed pods"
                "[4] Show pending pods"
                "[5] Show CrashLoopBackOff pods"
                "[6] Show running debug pods."
                "šŸ”™ Back [B] | āŒ Exit [Q]"

            foreach ($option in $podOptions) { Write-Host $option }

            $podChoice = Read-Host "`nšŸ¤– Enter your choice"

            switch ($podChoice) {
                "1" { 
                    Show-PodsWithHighRestarts -Namespace $Namespace
                "2" { 
                    Show-LongRunningPods -Namespace $Namespace
                "3" { 
                    Show-FailedPods -Namespace $Namespace
                "4" { 
                    Show-PendingPods -Namespace $Namespace
                "5" {
                    Show-CrashLoopBackOffPods -Namespace $Namespace
                "6" {
                    Show-LeftoverDebugPods -Namespace $Namespace
                "B" { return }
                "Q" { Write-Host "šŸ‘‹ Exiting KubeBuddy. Have a great day! šŸš€"; exit }
                default { Write-Host "āš ļø Invalid choice. Please try again!" -ForegroundColor Red }


        } while ($true)

    } while ($true)

# šŸŒ Service & Networking Menu
function Show-ServiceMenu {
    do {
        Write-Host "`nšŸŒ Service & Networking Menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "------------------------------------"

        $serviceOptions = @(
            "[1] Show services without endpoints"
            "šŸ”™ Back [B] | āŒ Exit [Q]"

        foreach ($option in $serviceOptions) { Write-Host $option }

        $serviceChoice = Read-Host "`nšŸ¤– Enter your choice"

        switch ($serviceChoice) {
            "1" { 
            "B" { return }
            "Q" { Write-Host "šŸ‘‹ Exiting KubeBuddy. Have a great day! šŸš€"; exit }
            default { Write-Host "āš ļø Invalid choice. Please try again!" -ForegroundColor Red }


    } while ($true)

# šŸ“¦ Storage Management Menu
function Show-StorageMenu {
    do {
        Write-Host "`nšŸ“¦ Storage Management Menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "------------------------------------"

        $storageOptions = @(
            "[1] Show unused PVCs"
            "šŸ”™ Back [B] | āŒ Exit [Q]"

        foreach ($option in $storageOptions) { Write-Host $option }

        $storageChoice = Read-Host "`nšŸ¤– Enter your choice"

        switch ($storageChoice) {
            "1" { 
            "B" { return }
            "Q" { Write-Host "šŸ‘‹ Exiting KubeBuddy. Have a great day! šŸš€"; exit }
            default { Write-Host "āš ļø Invalid choice. Please try again!" -ForegroundColor Red }


    } while ($true)

# šŸ” RBAC & Security Menu
function Show-RBACMenu {
    do {
        Write-Host "`nšŸ” RBAC & Security Menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "------------------------------------"

        $rbacOptions = @(
            "[1] Check RBAC misconfigurations"
            "[2] Show orphaned ConfigMaps"
            "[3] Show orphaned Secrets"
            "šŸ”™ Back [B] | āŒ Exit [Q]"

        foreach ($option in $rbacOptions) { Write-Host $option }

        $rbacChoice = Read-Host "`nšŸ¤– Enter your choice"

        switch ($rbacChoice) {
            "1" { 
            "2" { 
            "3" { 
            "B" { return }
            "Q" { Write-Host "šŸ‘‹ Exiting KubeBuddy. Have a great day! šŸš€"; exit }
            default { Write-Host "āš ļø Invalid choice. Please try again!" -ForegroundColor Red }


    } while ($true)

# šŸ—ļø Kubernetes Jobs Menu
function Show-JobsMenu {
    do {
        Write-Host "`nšŸ¢ Kubernetes Jobs Menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "------------------------------------"

        $jobOptions = @(
            "[1] Show stuck Kubernetes jobs"
            "[2] Show failed Kubernetes jobs"
            "šŸ”™ Back [B] | āŒ Exit [Q]"

        foreach ($option in $jobOptions) { Write-Host $option }

        $jobChoice = Read-Host "`nšŸ¤– Enter your choice"

        switch ($jobChoice) {
            "1" { 
            "2" { 
            "B" { return }
            "Q" { Write-Host "šŸ‘‹ Exiting KubeBuddy. Have a great day! šŸš€"; exit }
            default { Write-Host "āš ļø Invalid choice. Please try again!" -ForegroundColor Red }


    } while ($true)

function Show-InfraBestPracticesMenu {
    do {
        Write-Host "`nāœ… Infrastructure Best Practices Menu" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "----------------------------------"

        $infraOptions = @(
            "[1] Run AKS Best Practices Check"
            "šŸ”™ Back [B] | āŒ Exit [Q]"

        foreach ($option in $infraOptions) {
            Write-Host $option

        # Get user choice
        $infraChoice = Read-Host "`nšŸ¤– Enter a number"

        switch ($infraChoice) {
            "1" { 
                Invoke-AKSBestPractices -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -ClusterName $ClusterName
            "B" { return }  # Back to main menu
            "Q" { Write-Host "šŸ‘‹ Exiting KubeBuddy. Have a great day! šŸš€"; exit }
            default { Write-Host "āš ļø Invalid choice. Please try again!" -ForegroundColor Red }


    } while ($true)