function Reset-KrbPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Resets the krbtgt account's password. .DESCRIPTION Resets the krbtgt account's password. Performs test runs to ensure functionality. .PARAMETER DomainController An explicit list of domain controllers to manually replicate. Optional, defaults to all domain controllers. .PARAMETER PDCEmulator The PDCEmulator to work against. Will default against the local domain's PDC Emulator. The actual password reset is executed against this computer, all manual replication commands will replicate with this. .PARAMETER Credential The credentials to use for this operation. .PARAMETER MaxDurationSeconds The maximum execution duration for the reset. Exceeding this duration will NOT interrupt the switch, but: - If exceeded during the test phase, the test will fail and the reset will be cancelled - If exceeded during execution, the overall result will be considered failed, even if technically a success. .PARAMETER DCSuccessPercent The percent of DCs that must successfully replicate the change in order to be considered a success. Defaults to 80% success rate. DC Replication commands are given by WinRM. .PARAMETER SkipTest Disables testing before execution. .PARAMETER Force By default, this command will refuse to reset the krbtgt account when there can still be a valid Kerberos ticket from before the last reset. Essentially, this means there is a cooldown after each krbtgt password reset. Using this parameter disables this barrier. DANGER: Using this parameter may lead to massive service interruption!!! Only use this in a case of utter desperation. .PARAMETER EnableException This parameters disables user-friendly warnings and enables the throwing of exceptions. This is less user friendly, but allows catching exceptions in calling scripts. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Reset-KrbPassword Resets the current domain's krbtgt account. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "")] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [PSFComputer[]] $DomainController, [PSFComputer] $PDCEmulator, [PSCredential] $Credential, [int] $MaxDurationSeconds = (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'Krbtgt.Reset.MaxDurationSeconds' -Fallback 100), [int] $DCSuccessPercent = (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'Krbtgt.Reset.DCSuccessPercent' -Fallback 100), [switch] $SkipTest, [switch] $Force, [switch] $EnableException ) begin { #region Resolve names & DCs to process Write-PSFMessage -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.DomainResolve' $credParam = @{ } if ($Credential) { $credParam = @{ Credential = $Credential } } $parameters = $credParam.Clone() try { if ($PDCEmulator) { $pdcEmulatorInternal = $PDCEmulator } else { $pdcEmulatorInternal = (Get-ADDomain @credParam -ErrorAction Stop).PDCEmulator } $parameters.Server = $pdcEmulatorInternal $rwDomainControllers = Get-ADDomainController @parameters -Filter { IsReadOnly -eq $false } -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { ($_.Name -ne $pdcEmulatorInternal.ComputerName) -and ("$($_.Name).$($_.Forest)" -ne $pdcEmulatorInternal.ComputerName) } if ($DomainController) { $rwDomainControllers = $rwDomainControllers | Where-Object ComputerName -in $DomainController } Write-PSFMessage -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.DomainResolve.Success' -StringValues $pdcEmulatorInternal } catch { Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.DomainResolve.Failed' -ErrorRecord $_ return } #endregion Resolve names & DCs to process } process { if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return } $report = [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'Krbtgt.ResetResult' PDCEmulator = $pdcEmulatorInternal Account = $null Test = $null Reset = $null Sync = $null Success = $false Error = @() Start = $null End = $null Duration = $null } #region Access Information on the krbtgt account try { Write-PSFMessage -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.ReadKrbtgt' $report.Account = Get-KrbAccount @parameters -EnableException Write-PSFMessage -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.ReadKrbtgt.Success' -StringValues $report.Account } catch { $report.Error += $_ Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.ReadKrbtgt.Failed' -ErrorRecord $_ -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet return $report } # Terminate if it is too soon to reset the password again if (-not $Force -and ($report.Account.EarliestResetTimestamp -gt (Get-Date))) { $report.Error += Write-Error "Cannot reset krbtgt password yet. Wait until $($report.Account.EarliestResetTimestamp) before trying again" -ErrorAction Continue 2>&1 Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.ReadKrbtgt.TooSoon' -StringValues $report.Account.EarliestResetTimestamp -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -ErrorRecord $report.Error -OverrideExceptionMessage return $report } #endregion Access Information on the krbtgt account #region Perform tests if not disabled if (-not $SkipTest) { Write-PSFMessage -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.TestReset' $report.Test = Test-KrbPasswordReset @credParam -MaxDurationSeconds $MaxDurationSeconds -PDCEmulator $pdcEmulatorInternal -DomainController $rwDomainControllers -DCSuccessPercent $DCSuccessPercent if ($report.Test.Errors) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.TestReset.ErrorCount' -StringValues ($report.Test.Errors | Measure-Object).Count foreach ($errorItem in $report.Test.Errors) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.TestReset.ErrorItem' -StringValues $errorItem.Exception.Message $report.Error += $errorItem } } if (-not $report.Test.Success) { $report.Error = Write-Error "Test Reset Failed: $($report.Test.StatusCode)" 2>&1 Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.TestReset.Failed' -StringValues $report.Test.StatusCode -ErrorRecord $report.Error -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet return $report } } #endregion Perform tests if not disabled $report.Start = Get-Date #region Reset Krbtgt Password on PDC try { Write-PSFMessage -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.ActualReset' Reset-UserPassword @parameters -Identity 'krbtgt' -EnableException Write-PSFMessage -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.ActualReset.Success' $report.Reset = $true } catch { $report.Reset = $false $report.Error += $_ Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.ActualReset.Failed' -ErrorRecord $_ -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet return $report } #endregion Reset Krbtgt Password on PDC #region Resync Domain Controllers Write-PSFMessage -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.SyncAccount' $report.Sync = Sync-KrbAccount @credParam -SourceDC $rwDomainControllers -TargetDC $pdcEmulatorInternal $report.End = Get-Date $report.Duration = $report.End - $report.Start Write-PSFMessage -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.ResetDuration' -StringValues $report.Duration $countSuccess = ($report.Sync | Where-Object Success | Measure-Object).Count $successPercent = $countSuccess / ($report.Sync | Measure-Object).Count * 100 if ($successPercent -lt $DCSuccessPercent) { Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.SyncAccount.FailedCount' -StringValues $successPercent, $DCSuccessPercent, (($report.Sync | Where-Object Success -eq $false).ComputerName -join ', ') return $report } if ($MaxDurationSeconds -lt $report.Duration.TotalSeconds) { Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.SyncAccount.FailedDuration' -StringValues $report.Duration, $MaxDurationSeconds -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet return $report } #endregion Resync Domain Controllers Write-PSFMessage -String 'Reset-KrbPassword.Success' $report.Success = $true return $report } } |