# This is where the strings go, that are written by # Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks @{ 'Get-KrbAccount.FailedDomainAccess' = 'Failed to contact an Active Directory domain!' 'Get-KrbAccount.UserFound' = 'Found Account: {0}' 'Get-KrbAccount.Start' = 'Retrieving Kerberos Account Information for {0}' 'Get-KrbAccount.ScanningKerberosPolicy' = 'Retrieving Kerberos Policy for domain {0}' 'Get-KrbAccount.FailedKerberosPolicyLookup' = 'Could not lookup MaxTicketAge (default 10 hrs) and MaxClockSkew (default 5 mins) from domain {0}, so default values will be assumed.' 'Get-KrbAccount.Success' = 'Data successful retrieved. Account {0} with a timeout at {1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}' 'Get-LdapObject.SearchError' = 'Failed to execute ldap request.' 'Get-LdapObject.Searchfilter' = 'Searching with filter: {0}' 'Get-LdapObject.SearchRoot' = 'Searching {0} in {1}' 'Reset-KrbPassword.DomainResolve' = 'Resolving Domain Name, PDC Emulator and member domain controllers.' 'Reset-KrbPassword.DomainResolve.Success' = 'Successfully resolved domain information, operating against {0}' 'Reset-KrbPassword.DomainResolve.Failed' = 'Failed to resolve domain Name, PDC Emulator and member domain controllers.' 'Reset-KrbPassword.ReadKrbtgt' = 'Retrieving krbtgt account' 'Reset-KrbPassword.ReadKrbtgt.Success' = 'Successfully retrieved krbtgt account: {0}' 'Reset-KrbPassword.ReadKrbtgt.Failed' = 'Failed to retrieve krbtgt account' 'Reset-KrbPassword.ReadKrbtgt.TooSoon' = 'Cannot reset krbtgt password yet. Wait until {0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} before trying again' 'Reset-KrbPassword.TestReset' = 'Performing test password reset using a canary account to ensure valid replication' 'Reset-KrbPassword.TestReset.ErrorCount' = '{0} errors occured:' 'Reset-KrbPassword.TestReset.ErrorItem' = ' Error: {0}' 'Reset-KrbPassword.TestReset.Failed' = 'Test Reset failed: {0}' 'Reset-KrbPassword.ActualReset' = 'Resetting the krbtgt account password' 'Reset-KrbPassword.ActualReset.Success' = 'krbtgt account password successfully reset' 'Reset-KrbPassword.ActualReset.Failed' = 'Failed to reset the krbtgt account password' 'Reset-KrbPassword.SyncAccount' = 'Performing single item synchronization of the krbtgt account across all domain controllers' 'Reset-KrbPassword.ResetDuration' = 'Concluded krbtgt account password reset in a total duration of {0}' 'Reset-KrbPassword.SyncAccount.FailedCount' = 'Too many DCs could not successfully synchronize their krbtgt account: {0}% were successful, {1}% success was required. Failed domain controllers: {2}' 'Reset-KrbPassword.SyncAccount.FailedDuration' = 'Total execution took too long! The reset and synchronization put together took {0} when it should have taken no longer than {1} seconds.' 'Reset-KrbPassword.Success' = 'Successfully finished resetting the krbtgt account password' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.ResolvePDC' = 'Discovering the local PDC Emulator' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.ResolvePDC.Failed' = 'Failed to connect to current domain. Ensure the domain can be reached and ADWS services are operational.' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.ResolvePDC.Success' = 'Executing initial domain operations against {0}' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.ReadKrbtgt' = 'Retrieving RODC krbtgt account for {0}' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.ReadKrbtgt.Success' = 'Successfully retrieved RODC krbtgt account: {0}' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.ReadKrbtgt.Failed' = 'Failed to retrieve RODC krbtgt account for {0}' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.ReadKrbtgt.TooSoon' = 'Cannot reset RODC krbtgt password for {0} yet. Wait until {1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} before trying again' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.ActualReset' = 'Resetting the RODC krbtgt account password for {0}' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.ActualReset.Success' = 'RODC krbtgt account password successfully reset for {0}' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.ActualReset.Failed' = 'Failed to reset the RODC krbtgt account password for {0}' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.SyncAccount' = 'Performing single item synchronization of the RODC krbtgt account between {0} and {1}' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.ResetDuration' = 'Concluded RODC krbtgt account password reset for {0} in a total duration of {1}' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.SyncAccount.Failed' = 'Failed to synchronize {0} between {1} and {2}' 'Reset-KrbRODCPassword.Success' = 'Successfully finished resetting the RODC krbtgt account password for {0}' 'Reset-UserPassword.PerformingReset' = 'Resetting the password for account {0}' 'Reset-UserPassword.PerformingReset.Success' = 'Successfully resetted the password for account {0}' 'Reset-UserPassword.FailedToReset' = 'Failed to reset the password for account {0}' 'Sync-KrbAccount.UserNotFound' = 'Failed to find {0} on {1}' 'Sync-KrbAccount.Connecting' = 'Connecting to "{0}" in order to synchronize {1}' 'Sync-KrbAccount.ConnectError' = 'Failed to connect to {0}' 'Sync-LdapObject.SyncObjectFilter' = 'Resolved object input to LDAP filter: {0}' 'Sync-LdapObject.ObjectAccessError' = 'Error trying to resolve {0} | {1}' 'Sync-LdapObject.ObjectNotFound' = 'Failed to resolve {0} to an object' 'Sync-LdapObject.DestinationAccessError' = 'Failed to connect to destination server {0} | {1}' 'Sync-LdapObject.SourceAccessError' = 'Failed to connect to source server {0} | {1}' 'Sync-LdapObject.PerformingReplication' = 'Performing replication from {0} to {1}' 'Sync-LdapObject.FailedReplication' = 'Failed to synchronize {0} from {1} to {2} | {3}' 'Test-KrbPasswordReset.FailedDCResolution' = 'Failed to resolve domain controllers from {0} to test synchronization against. Ensure AD services are available.' 'Test-KrbPasswordReset.CreatingCanary' = 'Creating canary account to test password reset: {0}' 'Test-KrbPasswordReset.FailedCanaryCreation' = 'Failed to create the canary account: {0}' 'Test-KrbPasswordReset.ResettingPassword' = 'Resetting password for account: {0}' 'Test-KrbPasswordReset.ResettingPasswordFailed' = 'Failed to reset password for account: {0}' 'Test-KrbPasswordReset.SynchronizingCanary' = 'Synchronizing the changes on the canary account {0}' 'Test-KrbPasswordReset.Concluded' = 'Finished synchronization test with status {0} {1}' 'Test-KrbPasswordReset.FailedCanaryCleanup' = 'Failed to clean up the canary account: {0}' } |