function Get-KEAccountBalance { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the account balance from Kraken API. .DESCRIPTION This function retrieves the account balance from Kraken API using the provided API key and API secret. It generates a nonce for authentication, sets the necessary headers, and makes a POST request to the Kraken API to fetch the account balance. .PARAMETER ApiKey The API key for authentication with Kraken API. .PARAMETER ApiSecret The encoded API secret for authentication with Kraken API. .EXAMPLE Get-KEAccountBalance -ApiKey "YourApiKey" Retrieves the account balance from Kraken API using the provided API key and API secret. .NOTES The KrakenExchange PowerShell module is not affiliated with or endorsed by Kraken exchange. Author: wnapierala [@], chatGPT Date: 04.2023 #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [string]$ApiKey = ([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('KE_API_KEY', 'user')), [Parameter()] [string]$ApiSecret = ([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('KE_API_SECRET', 'user')) ) Write-Debug $MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Debug "APIKey env.: $([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('KE_API_KEY', "User"))" Write-Debug "APIKey arg.: ${ApiKey}" Write-Debug "APISecret env.: $([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('KE_API_SECRET', "User"))" Write-Debug "APISecret arg.: ${ApiSecret}" if (-not $ApiSecret) { Disconnect-KExchange Connect-KExchange $ApiKey = ([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('KE_API_KEY', "User")) $ApiSecretEncoded = $ApiSecret = ([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('KE_API_SECRET', "User")) } else { $ApiSecretEncoded = $ApiSecret } #useragent $UserAgent = "Powershell Module KrakenExchange/1.0" # Set API endpoint and version $endpoint = "" $AccountBalanceMethod = "/0/private/Balance" $AccountBalanceUrl = $endpoint + $AccountBalanceMethod # Generate nonce $nonce = [Math]::Round((New-TimeSpan -Start "1/1/1970").TotalMilliseconds) # what is nonce: $AccountBalanceParam = [ordered]@{ "nonce" = $nonce } $signature = Set-KESignature -Payload $AccountBalanceParam -URI $AccountBalanceMethod -ApiSecret $ApiSecretEncoded $AccountBalanceHeaders = @{ "API-Key" = $apiKey; "API-Sign" = $signature; "User-Agent" = $useragent } $AccountBalanceResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $AccountBalanceUrl -Method Post -body $AccountBalanceParam -Headers $AccountBalanceHeaders return $AccountBalanceResponse } |