
function Find-KEZeroProfitPrice {
    Finds the zero-profit sell price for a given cryptocurrency on Kraken exchange.
    The Find-ZeroProfitPriceKraken function calculates and returns the zero-profit sell price for a given cryptocurrency on the Kraken exchange. It uses the Find-ProfitKraken function to calculate the profit at each sell price, and increases the sell price in a given step range until it reaches the zero-profit sell price.
    Specifies the cryptocurrency to find the zero-profit sell price for. Default is ETH.
    Specifies the currency to find the zero-profit sell price in. Default is USD.
    Specifies the amount of cryptocurrency to find the zero-profit sell price for. Default is 1.
    Specifies the buy fee for the cryptocurrency. Default is 0.0026.
    Specifies the sell fee for the cryptocurrency. Default is 0.0026.
    Specifies the step range to increase the sell price by for each iteration. Default is 0.001.
.PARAMETER CurrentCryptPrice
    Specifies the current price of the cryptocurrency. If not specified, the function will get the current price from the Kraken API.
    Find-ZeroProfitPriceKraken -Crypto ETH -Currency USD -Amount 2 -BuyFee 0.0026 -SellFee 0.0026 -StepRange 0.001 -Verbose
    Calculates the zero-profit sell price for 2 ETH in USD with 0.26% buy and sell fees, increasing the sell price by 0.1% for each iteration, and displays verbose output.
    Returns the zero-profit sell price for the specified cryptocurrency and currency.
    The KrakenExchange PowerShell module is not affiliated with or endorsed by Kraken exchange.
    Author: wnapierala [@], chatGPT
    Date: 03.2023

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string]$Crypto = "ETH",

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string]$Currency = "USD",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateRange(0, [double]::MaxValue)]
        [double]$Amount = 1,

        [ValidateRange(0, 0.0026)]
        [double]$BuyFee = 0.0026,

        [ValidateRange(0, 0.0026)]
        [double]$SellFee = 0.0026,

        [ValidateRange(0, [double]::MaxValue)]
        [double]$StepRange = 0.001,

        [ValidateRange(0, [double]::MaxValue)]
        [double]$CurrentCryptPrice = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "${Crypto}${Currency}").result."X${Crypto}Z${Currency}".'c'[0]

    if (-not(Test-Connection -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        Write-Error "Unable to connect to Please check your internet connection and try again."

<# if (-not(Get-Command Find-ProfitKraken -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        # Import Find-ProfitKraken function
        . $PSScriptRoot\Find-ProfitKraken.ps1

$Crypto = $Crypto.ToUpper()
    $Currency = $Currency.ToUpper()

    $newSellPrice = $CurrentCryptPrice
    # Loop until zero-profit price is found
    while ($true) {
        # Calculate profit and target profit
        $profit = Find-KEProfit -Crypto $Crypto -Amount $Amount -BuyFee $BuyFee -SellFee $SellFee -SellPrice $newSellPrice -buyprice $CurrentCryptPrice
        # Check if accuracy condition is met
        if ($profit.profitNet -gt 0) {
            Write-Verbose "Crypto: ${crypto}, buy price: ${CurrentCryptPrice} USD, zero profit price: $($newSellPrice.ToString('N2')) USD, profit: $($profit.profitNet)"
            return $newSellPrice

        # Update price range
        $newSellPrice += $StepRange