<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0 .GUID 472aa155-a669-45e3-8bcc-c0b78a5f0a4f .AUTHOR Sammy Krosoft .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT None - this script is an example of PowerShell probing .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Probe to try to continuously kill a process, based on process name (test using Get-Process <Process_Name> to get the real process name, and use the script with the -ProcessNameToKill parameter and the process name as a value for this property. .EXAMPLE .\Kill_PRocess_Probe.ps1 -ProcessNameToKill Notepad This will query the Notepad process every 10 seconds (default for this probe) to check and kill if it exists .EXAMPLE .\Kill_Process_Probe.ps1 -ProcessNameToKill Notepad -ProbeSleep 5 This will query the Notepad process every 5 seconds to check and kill if it exists .EXAMPLE .\Kill_Process_Probe.ps1 -ProcessNameToKill AnnoyingProcess -ProbeSleep 2 -LogFile C:\temp\KillMyProcess.log This will query the AnoyingProcess process every 2 seconds and store the probe logs into the C:\temp\KillMyProcess.log #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter()][string]$ProcessNameToKill = "notepad", [Parameter()][string]$LogFile = "C:\temp\Kill_" + $ProcessNameToKill + ".log", [Parameter()][string]$ProbeSleep = 10 ) #Initializing counters values $ProbeCounter = 0 # Counter to count number of times the probe $KillsCounter = 0 # Counter to count how many kills in current probe run $LastKillCounter = 0 $InitialDate = get-date #Storing start date for reporting (LogFile) #Starting Logging (or re-using an existing file using Add-Content with the -Force parameter instead of Set-Content) Add-Content -Path $LogFile -Force -Value "------------ New probe started ----------" Add-Content -Path $LogFile -Force -Value "Probe start date : $InitialDate" Add-Content -Path $LogFile -Force -Value "Process Name To Kill : $ProcessNameToKill" Add-Content -Path $LogFile -Force -Value "Log file : $LogFile" Add-Content -Path $LogFile -Force -Value "Probe frequency : $ProbeSleep" #The probe itself: querying infinitely the process until user stops with CTRL+C or closes the PowerShell window while ($True){ $ProbeCounter++ #Incrementing probe counter to show how many times the loop ran $LastDate = $d $d = get-date cls Write-Host "$d -- Probe query number $ProbeCounter" Write-Host "$d -- Current probe started at : $InitialDate" Write-Host "$d -- Last query : $LastDate" try{ $P = get-process $ProcessNameToKill -ErrorAction stop kill $P -force $LastKillCounter = $ProbeCounter #Sync $LastKillCounter with $ProbeCounter to show later which take was the last successfull kill $KillsCounter++ # Incrementing the kills counter to who how many times the probe killed the process in the current run $lastkill = $d # Updating $LastKill with date of kill success, to later show when was the last successfull kill add-content $LogFile -Force -Value "Killed $ProcessNameToKill (total kills : $KillsCounter) at $d - take $ProbeCounter" } catch{ write-host "$d -- No $ProcessNameToKill" # If there is no process to kill (Get-Process fails with ErrorAction STOP, leading to the catch section) } if ($KillsCounter -eq 0){ Write-Host "$d -- No $ProcessNameToKill kills as of now" } ElseIf ($KillsCounter -eq 1) { write-host "$d -- Killed $ProcessNameToKill $KillsCounter time, at $Lastkill, was on take $LastKillCounter" } Else { write-host "$d -- Killed $ProcessNameToKill $KillsCounter times, last time at $Lastkill, was on take $LastKillCounter" } Write-Host "Waiting for $ProbeSleep seconds before refresh..." sleep $ProbeSleep } |