using module .\src\KidRSA.AsymmetricKeys.psm1 <# .SYNOPSIS Returns asymetric keys; Public Key and Private Key .DESCRIPTION To be used to encrypt and decrypt cipher text values. .PARAMETER a Any integer in the range of 1-100. .PARAMETER b Any integer in the range of 1-1000. .PARAMETER a_ Any integer in the range of 1-1000. .PARAMETER b_ Any integer in the range of 1-1000. .EXAMPLE C:\> $AlicesKeys = Get-RSAKey -a 67 -b 63 -a_ 2 -b_ 3 VERBOSE: The value for 'a' is: 67 VERBOSE: The value for 'b' is: 63 VERBOSE: The value for 'a_' is: 2 VERBOSE: The value for 'b_' is: 3 VERBOSE: The value of Private key 'e' (encrypt) is: 8507 VERBOSE: The value of Public key 'd' (decrypt) is: 12723 VERBOSE: The value of 'n' is: 25648 .NOTES General notes #> function Get-RSAKey { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([AsymmetricKeys])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [long]$a = $(Get-Random -Minimum -1 -Maximum 1000), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [long]$b = $(Get-Random -Minimum -1 -Maximum 1000), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [long]$a_ = $(Get-Random -Minimum -1 -Maximum 1000), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [long]$b_ = $(Get-Random -Minimum -1 -Maximum 1000) ) Write-Verbose -Message "The value for 'a' is: $($a)" Write-Verbose -Message "The value for 'b' is: $($b)" Write-Verbose -Message "The value for 'a_' is: $($a_)" Write-Verbose -Message "The value for 'b_' is: $($b_)" $Keys = [AsymmetricKeys]::new($a, $b, $a_, $b_) Write-Verbose -Message "The value of Private key 'e' (encrypt) is: $($Keys.e)" Write-Verbose -Message "The value of Public key 'd' (decrypt) is: $($Keys.d)" Write-Verbose -Message "The value of 'n' is: $($Keys.n)" $Keys } <# .SYNOPSIS Decrypts the value from ConvertTo-PublicEncryptionValue function .DESCRIPTION Given a private and public key from Get-RSAKey function, the public key is used to encrypt a cipher text via ConvertTo-PublicEncryptionValue function. The value from that function is used in this function to decrypt it using the private (d) key. .PARAMETER EncryptedCipherText The value from ConvertTo-PublicEncryptionValue .PARAMETER PrivateKey The private key to decrypt EncryptedCipherText parameter. This is typically represented in mathematical operations as the letter 'd'. .PARAMETER N The key modulus of PrivateKey parameter value. This is typically represented in mathematical operations as the letter 'n'. .EXAMPLE An example .NOTES General notes #> function ConvertTo-PrivateDecryptionValue { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateNotNull()] [long]$EncryptedCipherText, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [Alias("DecryptionKey")] [long]$PrivateKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [long]$N ) $CipherText = ($PrivateKey * $EncryptedCipherText) % $N Write-Verbose -Message "(Decrypted) Ciphertext value is : $($CipherText)" $CipherText } <# .SYNOPSIS Encrypts the value from ConvertTo-CipherText function .DESCRIPTION Given a private and public key from Get-RSAKey function, the public key is used to encrypt cipher text. The value returned from this function is used in the ConvertTo-PrivateDecryptionValue function to decrypt it. .PARAMETER CipherText The value from ConvertTo-PublicEncryptionValue .PARAMETER PublicKey The public key to encrypt CipherText parameter. This is typically represented in mathematical operations as the letter 'e'. .PARAMETER N The key modulus of PublicKey parameter value. This is typically represented in mathematical operations as the letter 'n'. .EXAMPLE An example .NOTES General notes #> function ConvertTo-PublicEncryptionValue { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [long]$CipherText, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [Alias("EncryptionKey")] [long]$PublicKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [long]$N ) $EncryptedCipherText = ($PublicKey * $CipherText) % $N Write-Verbose -Message "Encrypted ciphertext value is : $($EncryptedCipherText)" $EncryptedCipherText } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a morphic map of alpha and numeric values. .DESCRIPTION Used as a lookup table to encode plain text or decode cipher text .PARAMETER KeyType Determines the type value for the keys of map. Validate set of: "Alpha" or "Numeric". .NOTES General notes #> function Get-IsomorphicMap { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("Alpha", "Numeric")] [string]$KeyType ) $Base26Table = @{} 0..25 | ForEach-Object { $Alpha = [System.Convert]::ToChar($_ + 65) if ($KeyType -eq "Alpha") { $Base26Table.Add($Alpha, $_) } else { $Base26Table.Add($_, $Alpha) } } $Base26Table } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns cipher text from plain text. .DESCRIPTION Pass an alphabetic, with a length no greater then 6 to this function to get a cipher text value. In cryptography, this algorithm is referred to more specifically as 'simple-substitution' cipher. .PARAMETER PlainText Message to convert to cipher text .EXAMPLE C:\> ConvertTo-PlainText 'BOB' C:\> 10410 .NOTES This function will multiple the value by 10 before returning. #> function ConvertTo-CipherText { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] #[ValidateLength(1, 6)] [ValidateScript( {$_[0] -ne 'A'})] [ValidatePattern("[A-Z]")] [string]$PlainText ) $Base26 = Get-IsomorphicMap -KeyType Alpha $Pointer = 0 $Value = 0 while ($Pointer -lt $PlainText.Length) { $Character = $PlainText[$Pointer] $Value += $Base26[$Character] * [System.Math]::Pow(26, $($PlainText.Length - $Pointer - 1)) $Pointer++ } $Value = $Value * 10 Write-Verbose -Message "Ciphertext value is : $Value" $Value } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns plain text from cipher text. .DESCRIPTION The ConvertTo-CipherText takes plain text and returns cipher text. To reverse cipher text this function is used. .PARAMETER CipherText For instance, the plain text value of 'BOB' has a cipher text value of 10410 (This repo converts text to Hexavigesimal values times 10). .EXAMPLE C:\> ConvertTo-PlainText 10410 C:\> BOB .NOTES Due to the simplicity of this demonstration ciphertext that start with 'A' will fail in this function. This function follows referenced alphabet_encode in alphabet-encode-python repo: #> function ConvertTo-PlainText { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [long]$CipherText ) [long]$Q = $($CipherText / 10) [long]$R = 0 $Base26 = Get-IsomorphicMap -KeyType Numeric while ($Q -ne 0) { $Q = Update-QuotientAndRemainder $Q ([ref]$R) -Map $Base26 if ($R -eq 0) { $Q = $Q - 1 $Base += $($Base26[$Base26.Count - 1]) } else { # keep $Key as an 'int' otherwise it will not work when indexing $Base26 [int]$Key = $R - 1 $Char = $Base26[$Key] $Base += $Char } } if ($Base.Length -gt 1) { # reverse the order of chars $BaseChar = $Base.ToCharArray() [array]::Reverse($BaseChar) $Base = -join ($BaseChar) } Write-Verbose -Message "Plaintext value is : $Base" $Base } # this method has been created to have $R being typed and ref (referenced). function Update-QuotientAndRemainder { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Q, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $R, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Map ) $Q = [System.Math]::DivRem($Q + 1, $Map.Count, $R) $Q } |