
$FunctionScriptName = "Write-Pretty--v1-0"
Write-Verbose "Import-Start| [$($FunctionScriptName)]"

function Write-Pretty {
    Prettyfy human readable output
    Formats Output and put it in a box
        Pre/Suffix: "##"
        lineChar: '-'
        Header: None
    .PARAMETER Message
    The text - Array is fine
    .PARAMETER Input
    Same as Message - just piped
    .PARAMETER prefix
    Prefix before each line
    Multiple characters possible
    Default: '##'
    .PARAMETER suffix
    Suffix after each line
    Multiple characters possible
    Default: '##'
    .PARAMETER lineChar
    Filler character in First / Last row
    Multiple characters possible
    Default: '-'
    .PARAMETER Header
    Source of the data
    Will be listed in first row after Start
    .PARAMETER ShortHeader
    Source of the data - Short form
    If Header & ShortHeader is provided - only Short will be in brackets
    .PARAMETER HeaderPrefix
    Prefix directly infront of the Header
    Default: 'Source:'
    .PARAMETER HeaderSuffix
    Suffix directly behind the Header
    Default: ''
    .PARAMETER HeaderVersion
    Suffix directly behind the Header & HeaderSuffix
    Default: ''
    .PARAMETER HeaderVersionPrefix
    Prefix before HeaderVersion
    Default: 'v'
    .PARAMETER HeaderinBrackets
    Puts Header in '[ ]'
    .PARAMETER HeaderNoSpaces
    No spaces between Headerpre/suffix
    .PARAMETER OutputNoSpaces
    No extra spaces between pre/suffix and text
    .PARAMETER FirstLastNoSpaces
    No extra spaces between pre/suffix and First / Last row
    .PARAMETER FirstLastNoPreSuffix
    No Pre/Suffix on First / Last row
    .PARAMETER FirstLastSkip
    No First / Last row
    .PARAMETER OutOutput
    Outputs in 'Write-Output'
    .PARAMETER OutHost
    Outputs in 'Write-Host'
    .PARAMETER OutVerbose
    Outputs in 'Write-Verbose'
    .PARAMETER OutDebug
    Outputs in 'Write-Debug'
    .PARAMETER OutInformation
    Outputs in 'Write-Information'
    Outputs in return
    .PARAMETER OutConfig
    Config var that sets the param - Overrides direct param
    Default: $OutConfig
        e.G.: $OutConfig.OutVar = $True
    Extra switch param can be added
    .PARAMETER ignoreConfig
    ignores provided Config - only use direct and default param
    .PARAMETER EmptyLinesBeforeAfter
    Adds 1 empty line before and after the First/Last line
    $text = @("Hello","World")
    $text | Write-Pretty -OutHost -OutDebug
    $text | Write-Pretty -Header "MyRunbook" -HeaderSuffix "Version: 1.0"
    $text,$text2 | Write-Pretty -Header "Header"
        ## --------------------##
        ## Source: [MyRunbook] ##
        ## $Text1 input ##
        ## $Text2 input ##
        ## --------------------##
    AUTHOR: Ken Dobrunz // Ken.Dobrunz@Direkt-Gruppe.de | Direkt Gruppe
    WEBSITE: http://kensmagic.site
    LASTEDIT: 30.05.2020

        # Pipe or direct vars

        [Parameter()]$prefix = "##",
        [Parameter()]$suffix = "##",
        [Parameter()]$lineChar = "-",

        #* Header
        [Parameter()]$HeaderPrefix = "Source:",
        [Parameter()]$HeaderSuffix = "",
        [Parameter()][Alias('Version')]$HeaderVersion = "",
        [Parameter()][Alias('VersionPrefix')]$HeaderVersionPrefix = "v",

        #* Output param


        #* Output selectors

        #* Config
        [Parameter()]$OutConfig = $OutConfig,
    begin {
        Write-Debug "[WOPretty] Start pretty output"

        #* Check param
        $OutVars = @($OutOutput, $OutHost, $OutVerbose, $OutDebug, $OutInformation, $OutVar)
        if (!($OutVars) -and !$OutConfig) { 
            $OutHost = $true
        } elseif ($OutConfig -and !$ignoreConfig) {
            $OutConfig.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                Set-Variable -Name $_ -Value $OutConfig.$_

        #* Set arrays
        $maxChar = @()
        $out = @()
        $return = @()

        #* Set Header
        if ($Header -or $ShortHeader) {
            $space = if ($OutputNoSpaces) { "" } else { " " }
            $Hspace = if ($HeaderNoSpaces) { "" } else { " " }
            $Hpre = $prefix + $space + $HeaderPrefix + $Hspace
            if ($HeaderinBrackets -and $Header -and !$ShortHeader) { $Header = "[" + $Header + "]" }
            if ($HeaderinBrackets -and $ShortHeader) { $ShortHeader = "[" + $ShortHeader + "]" }
            if ($Header -and $ShortHeader) { $ShortHeader = $Hspace + $ShortHeader }

            if ($HeaderVersionPrefix -and $HeaderSuffix) { $HeaderVersionPrefix = $Hspace + $HeaderVersionPrefix }
            $HVersion = if ($HeaderVersion) { $HeaderVersionPrefix + $HeaderVersion }

            $pret = $Hpre + $Header + $ShortHeader + $Hspace + $HeaderSuffix + $HVersion
            $out += $pret
            $maxChar += ($pret | Measure-Object -Character).Characters
    process {
        if ($message) { $pipe = $message; $message = $null }
        $pipe | ForEach-Object {
            $space = if ($OutputNoSpaces) { $null } else { " " }
            $pret = $prefix + $space + $input
            $out += $pret
            $maxChar += ($pret | Measure-Object -Character).Characters
    end {
        #* Set count vars
        $countprefix = ($prefix | Measure-Object -Character).Characters
        $countsuffix = ($suffix | Measure-Object -Character).Characters
        $countlineChar = ($lineChar | Measure-Object -Character).Characters
        $countOutMax = ($maxChar | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum

        #* Set/Count Suffix for OUT
        $outSuffix = if ($suffix) { $space + $suffix } else { $null }
        $countOutSuffix = ($outSuffix | Measure-Object -Character).Characters

        if (!$FirstLastSkip) {
            #* Set FirstLast
            $FLspace = if ($FirstLastNoSpaces -or $OutputNoSpaces -or $FirstLastNoPreSuffix) { $null } else { " " }
            $FLprefix = if ($FirstLastNoPreSuffix) { $null } else { $prefix }
            $FLsuffix = if ($FirstLastNoPreSuffix) { $null } else { $suffix }

            $FLAddChars = $countOutMax + $countOutSuffix
            if ($FLspace -and $FLprefix) { $FLAddChars = $FLAddChars - 1 }
            if ($FLspace -and $FLsuffix) { $FLAddChars = $FLAddChars - 1 }
            if ($FLprefix) { $FLAddChars = $FLAddChars - $countprefix }
            if ($FLsuffix) { $FLAddChars = $FLAddChars - $countsuffix }

            $FLAddInstances = if ($countlineChar -gt 1) { [math]::floor($FLAddChars / $countlineChar) } else { $FLAddChars }

            $FirstLast = $FLprefix + $FLspace + ($lineChar * $FLAddInstances) + $FLspace + $FLsuffix    

        #* create return var
        if ($EmptyLinesBeforeAfter) { $return += " " }
        $return += $FirstLast
        if (!$outSuffix) {
            $return += $out
        } else { 
            $out | ForEach-Object {
                $outaddchars = $countOutMax - (($_ | Measure-Object -Character).Characters)
                $return += $_ + (" " * $outaddchars) + $outSuffix
        $return += $FirstLast
        if ($EmptyLinesBeforeAfter) { $return += " " }

        #* Output
        if ($OutOutput) { $return | Write-Output }
        if ($OutHost) { $return | Write-Output }
        if ($OutVerbose) { $return | Write-Verbose }
        if ($OutDebug) { $return | ForEach-Object { Write-Debug -Message $_ } }
        if ($OutInformation) { $return | ForEach-Object { Write-Information -Message $_ } }
        if ($OutVar) { return $return }

        Write-Debug "[WOPretty] END pretty output"
} #v1.0

Export-ModuleMember -Function *
Write-Verbose "Import-END| [$($FunctionScriptName)]"