Function Set-ClientTlsProtocols { [CmdletBinding()] <# .SYNOPSIS A private utility function to set the available TLS protocols to Tls12 or higher .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-ClientTlsProtocols Sets the available TLS protocols to Tls12 or higher .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Useful when setting a minimum version, but not necessarily explicitly declaring all versions. #> #Dynamically find and include all available protocols 'Tls12' or higher $AvailableTls = [enum]::GetValues('Net.SecurityProtocolType') | Where-Object { $_ -ge 'Tls12' } $AvailableTls.ForEach({ [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor $_ }) } |