function New-Sharedpassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Generate a new shared password and shared url. .DESCRIPTION This function generates a new shared password and pushes it to the web. The password is retrievable via the returned URL. The password is set to expire after a certain number of views or days. The password and url are returned as a hashtable object with the keys "password" and "url". .PARAMETER expireviews The number of views after which the password will expire. .PARAMETER expiredays The number of days after which the password will expire. .PARAMETER pwpushurl The URL of the password push service. .EXAMPLE New-Sharedpassword .EXAMPLE New-Sharedpassword -length 12 -expireviews 30 -expiredays 14 -pwpushurl " .NOTES #> param ( $length = 12, $expireviews = 30, $expiredays = 14, $pwpushurl = "" ) $password = "" while ($password.Length -le $length) { $passwordraw = Invoke-WebRequest "" $password = $passwordraw.Content } $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json") $body = @" { "password": { "payload": "$password", "retrieval_step": true, "expire_after_views": $expireviews, "expire_after_days": $expiredays } } "@ $response = Invoke-RestMethod ($pwpushurl + 'p.json') -Method 'POST' -Headers $headers -Body $body -UseBasicParsing $url = ($pwpushurl + 'p/' + $response.url_token + "/r") $result = @{ "password" = $password "url" = $url } return $result } |