
Query the API for a count of matching events
#### Sample Request
curl -X POST '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' --data '{\"service\": [\"all\"], \"start_time\": \"2021-07-14T23:00:00Z\", \"end_time\": \"2021-07-28T14:00:00Z\", \"sort\": \"DESC\", \"fields\": [\"timestamp\", \"event_type\", \"initiated_by\", \"success\", \"client_ip\", \"provider\", \"organization\"]}'
Query the API for a count of matching events
#### Sample Request
curl -X POST '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' --data '{\"service\": [\"all\"], \"start_time\": \"2021-07-14T23:00:00Z\", \"end_time\": \"2021-07-28T14:00:00Z\", \"sort\": \"DESC\", \"fields\": [\"timestamp\", \"event_type\", \"initiated_by\", \"success\", \"client_ip\", \"provider\", \"organization\"]}'
PS C:\> Get-JCEventCount -Service:('all') -StartTime:((Get-date).AddDays(-30))

Pull all event records from a specified time and count the results
PS C:\> Get-JCEventCount -Service:('sso') -StartTime:('2020-04-14T00:00:00Z')

Pull all SSO event records from a specified time and count the results
PS C:\> Get-JCEventCount -Service:('all') -StartTime:('2020-04-14T00:00:00Z') -EndTime:('2020-04-20T23:00:00Z') -SearchTermAnd @{"event_type" = "admin_login_attempt"; "" = ""}

Get all events counts between a date range and match event_type = admin_login_attempt and =
PS C:\> Get-JCEventCount -Service:('directory') -StartTime:((Get-date).AddDays(-30)) -searchTermAnd:@{"event_type" = "group_create"}

Get only group_create event counts the last thirty days


To create the parameters described below, construct a hash table containing the appropriate properties. For information on hash tables, run Get-Help about_Hash_Tables.

BODY <IEventQuery>: EventQuery is the users' command to search our auth logs
  Service <String[]>: service name to query.
  StartTime <DateTime>: query start time, UTC in RFC3339 format
  [EndTime <DateTime?>]: optional query end time, UTC in RFC3339 format
  [Fields <String[]>]: optional list of fields to return from query
  [Limit <Int64?>]: Max number of rows to return
  [Q <String>]: optional string for specifying a full text query
  [SearchAfter <String[]>]: Specific query to search after, see x-* response headers for next values
  [SearchTermAnd <ITermConjunction>]: TermConjunction represents a conjunction (and/or) NOTE: the validator limits what the operator can be, not the object for future-proof-ness and a list of sub-values
    [(Any) <Object>]: This indicates any property can be added to this object.
  [SearchTermNot <ITermConjunction>]: TermConjunction represents a conjunction (and/or) NOTE: the validator limits what the operator can be, not the object for future-proof-ness and a list of sub-values
  [SearchTermOr <ITermConjunction>]: TermConjunction represents a conjunction (and/or) NOTE: the validator limits what the operator can be, not the object for future-proof-ness and a list of sub-values
  [Sort <String>]: ASC or DESC order for timestamp

Function Get-JCEventCount {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='GetExpanded', PositionalBinding=$false, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetExpanded', Mandatory)]
        # service name to query.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='GetExpanded', Mandatory)]
        # query start time, UTC in RFC3339 format
        # optional query end time, UTC in RFC3339 format
        # optional list of fields to return from query
        # optional string for specifying a full text query
        # Specific query to search after, see x-* response headers for next values
        # TermConjunction represents a conjunction (and/or)NOTE: the validator limits what the operator can be, not the objectfor future-proof-nessand a list of sub-values
        # TermConjunction represents a conjunction (and/or)NOTE: the validator limits what the operator can be, not the objectfor future-proof-nessand a list of sub-values
        # TermConjunction represents a conjunction (and/or)NOTE: the validator limits what the operator can be, not the objectfor future-proof-nessand a list of sub-values
        # ASC or DESC order for timestamp
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Get', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        # EventQuery is the users' command to search our auth logs
        # To construct, see NOTES section for BODY properties and create a hash table.
    Begin {
        Connect-JCOnline -force | Out-Null
        $Results = @()
    Process {
        $Results = JumpCloud.SDK.DirectoryInsights\Get-JcSdkEventCount @PSBoundParameters
    End {
        Return $Results