Function Get-JCPolicyTargetSystem { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ById')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByName', HelpMessage = 'Use the -ByName parameter when you want to query a specific policy. The -ByName SwitchParameter will set the ParameterSet to ''ByName'' which queries one JumpCloud policy at a time.')][Switch]$ByName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'ById', HelpMessage = 'The PolicyID of the JumpCloud policy you wish to query.')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias('_id', 'id')][String]$PolicyID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'ByName', HelpMessage = 'The Name of the JumpCloud policy you wish to query.')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias('Name')][String]$PolicyName ) Begin { Write-Verbose 'Verifying JCAPI Key' if ($JCAPIKEY.length -ne 40) { Connect-JCOnline } Write-Verbose 'Populating API headers' $hdrs = @{ 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' 'Accept' = 'application/json' 'X-API-KEY' = $JCAPIKEY } If ($JCOrgID) { $hdrs.Add('x-org-id', "$($JCOrgID)") } Write-Verbose 'Initializing RawResults and resultsArrayList' $RawResults = @() $resultsArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $URL_Template = "{0}/api/v2/policies/{1}/systems" Write-Verbose 'Populating SystemHash' $SystemHash = Get-DynamicHash -Object System -returnProperties hostname, displayName } Process { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ByName' { $Policy = Get-JCPolicy -Name:($PolicyName) } 'ById' { $Policy = Get-JCPolicy -PolicyID:($PolicyID) } } If ($Policy) { $PolicyId = $ $PolicyName = $Policy.Name $URL = $URL_Template -f $JCUrlBasePath, $PolicyID $Results = Invoke-JCApi -Method:('GET') -Paginate:($true) -Url:($URL) ForEach ($Result In $Results) { $SystemID = $ $Hostname = $SystemHash[$SystemID].hostname $DisplayName = $SystemHash[$SystemID].displayName $OutputObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'PolicyID' = $PolicyID 'PolicyName' = $PolicyName 'SystemID' = $SystemID 'DisplayName' = $DisplayName 'HostName' = $Hostname } $resultsArrayList.Add($OutputObject) | Out-Null } # end foreach } Else { Throw ('Policy provided does not exist. Run "Get-JCPolicy" to see a list of all your JumpCloud policies.') } } # end process End { Return $resultsArrayList } } |