#Tests for JumpCloud Module Version 1.1.0 # To run all the Pester Tests you will need to have a tenant that matches the below criteria. # For Command Results Tests - Have at least 5 command results present in your Org # For Commands Tests - Have at least 2 JumpCloud commands that are set to run via the 'Run on Trigger' event # For Groups Tests - Have at least 2 JumpCloud User Groups and 2 JumpCloud System Groups # For Systems Tests - Have at least 2 JumpCloud Systems present in your Org. # For Users Tests - Have at least 2 JumpCloud Users present in your Org. #Additionally you must populate the below variables to run successful tests using the -ByID parameter $SystemID = '' # Enter the System ID for a system in your test tenant. **Note users will be added and removed from this system during the tests $Username = 'pester.tester' # Create a user with username 'pester.tester' $UserID = '' # Paste the UserID for the user with username pester.tester $UserGroupName = 'PesterTest_UserGroup' #Create a user group named PesterTest_UserGroup within your environment $UserGroupID = '' # Paste the corresponding GroupID for the user group named PesterTest_UserGroup $SystemGroupName = 'PesterTest_SystemGroup' # Create a sytem group named PesterTest_SystemGroup within your environment $SystemGroupID = '' # Paste the corresponding GroupID for the sytem group named PesterTest_SystemGroup $NewJCSystemGroup = 'NewSystemGroup' #Do not modify this $NewJCUserGroup = 'NewUserGroup' #Do not modify this $CSVPath = '' #Path to ImportExample_Pester_Tests_1.1.0.csv //REQUIRED update the system under 'SystemID' in the .CSV file. #Test Functions Function New-RandomUser () { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'NoAttributes')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [String] $Domain, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Attributes')] ##Test this to see if this can be modified. [switch] $Attributes ) if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NoAttributes')) { $username = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 8 | ForEach-Object {[char]$_}) $email = $username + "@$Domain.com" $RandomUser = [ordered]@{ FirstName = 'Pester' LastName = 'Test' Username = $username Email = $email Password = 'Temp123!' } $NewRandomUser = New-Object psobject -Property $RandomUser } if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Attributes')) { $username = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 8 | ForEach-Object {[char]$_}) $email = $username + "@$Domain.com" $RandomUser = [ordered]@{ FirstName = 'Pester' LastName = 'Test' Username = $username Email = $email Password = 'Temp123!' NumberOfCustomAttributes = 3 Attribute1_name = 'Department' Attribute1_value = 'Sales' Attribute2_name = 'Office' Attribute2_value = '456789' Attribute3_name = 'Lang' Attribute3_value = 'French' } $NewRandomUser = New-Object psobject -Property $RandomUser } return $NewRandomUser } Function New-RandomString () { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] ##Test this to see if this can be modified. [ValidateRange(0, 52)] [Int] $NumberOfChars ) begin {} process { $Random = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count $NumberOfChars | % {[char]$_}) } end {Return $Random} } $Random = New-RandomString '8' $RandomEmail = "$Random@$Random.com" Describe 'Set-JCSystemUser' { It "Sets a standard user to an admin user using username" { Add-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID -Username $Username -Administrator $False #Sets to standard user $CommandResults = Set-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID -Username $Username -Administrator $True $CommandResults.Administrator | Should -Be $True $GetSystem = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? Username -EQ $Username | Select Administrator $GetSystem.Administrator | Should -Be $True } It "Sets an admin user to a standard user using username" { Set-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID -Username $Username -Administrator $True #Sets to standard user $CommandResults = Set-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID -Username $Username -Administrator $False $CommandResults.Administrator | Should -Be $False $GetSystem = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? Username -EQ $Username | Select Administrator $GetSystem.Administrator | Should -Be $False } It "Sets a standard user to an admin user using UserID" { Set-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID -UserID $UserID -Administrator $False #Sets to standard user $CommandResults = Set-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID -UserID $UserID -Administrator $True $CommandResults.Administrator | Should -Be $True $GetSystem = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? Username -EQ $Username | Select Administrator $GetSystem.Administrator | Should -Be $True } It "Sets an admin user to a standard user using UserID" { Set-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID -UserID $UserID -Administrator $True #Sets to standard user $CommandResults = Set-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID -UserID $UserID -Administrator $False $CommandResults.Administrator | Should -Be $False $GetSystem = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? Username -EQ $Username | Select Administrator $GetSystem.Administrator | Should -Be $False } } Describe 'Add-JCSystemUser 1.1.0 and Get-JCSystemUser 1.1.0' { IT "Adds a JumpCloud User to a JumpCloud System with admin `$False using username" { $User = New-RandomUserCustom -Domain 'pleasedelete' | New-JCUser $FalseUser = Add-JCSystemUser -Username $User.username -SystemID $SystemID -Administrator $False $FalseUser.Administrator | Should Be $False $GetUser = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? Username -EQ $FalseUser.Username | Select-Object Administrator $GetUser.Administrator | Should Be $False } IT "Adds a JumpCloud User to a JumpCloud System with admin $False using username" { $User = New-RandomUserCustom -Domain 'pleasedelete' | New-JCUser $FalseUser = Add-JCSystemUser -Username $User.username -SystemID $SystemID -Administrator $False $FalseUser.Administrator | Should Be $False $GetUser = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? Username -EQ $FalseUser.Username | Select-Object Administrator $GetUser.Administrator | Should Be $False } IT "Adds a JumpCloud User to a JumpCloud System with admin `$False using UserID" { $User = New-RandomUserCustom -Domain 'pleasedelete' | New-JCUser $FalseUser = Add-JCSystemUser -UserID $User._id -SystemID $SystemID -Administrator $False $FalseUser.Administrator | Should Be $False $GetUser = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? Username -EQ $User.Username | Select-Object Administrator $GetUser.Administrator | Should Be $False } IT "Adds a JumpCloud User to a JumpCloud System with admin `$True using UserID" { $User = New-RandomUserCustom -Domain 'pleasedelete' | New-JCUser $TrueUser = Add-JCSystemUser -UserID $User._id -SystemID $SystemID -Administrator $True $TrueUser.Administrator | Should Be $True $GetUser = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? Username -EQ $User.Username | Select-Object Administrator $GetUser.Administrator | Should Be $True } IT "Adds a JumpCloud User to a JumpCloud System with admin $True using username" { $User = New-RandomUserCustom -Domain 'pleasedelete' | New-JCUser $TrueUser = Add-JCSystemUser -Username $User.username -SystemID $SystemID -Administrator $True $TrueUser.Administrator | Should Be $True $GetUser = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? Username -EQ $TrueUser.Username | Select-Object Administrator $GetUser.Administrator | Should Be $True } } Describe 'Get-JCGroup 1.1.0' { It "Gets a JumpCloud UserGroup by Name and Displays Attributes" { $Posix = Get-JCGroup -Type User -Name $UserGroupName $Posix.posixGroups.id | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $Posix.posixGroups.name | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe 'Import-JCUserFromCSV' { IT "Imports users from the ImportExample_Pester_Test using -Force" { $UserImport = Import-JCUsersFromCSV -CSVFilePath $CSVpath -force } IT "Verifies a.user user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.user' | ? Username -EQ 'a.user' $User.activated | Should be $True } IT "Verifies ia.user user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.user' | ? Username -EQ 'ia.user' $User.activated | Should be $False } IT "Verifies a.bound.std user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.bound.std' | ? Username -EQ 'a.bound.std' $User.activated | Should be $True $Bound = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? username -EQ 'a.bound.std' $Bound.DirectBind | Should Be $True $Bound.Administrator | Should Be $False } IT "Verifies a.bound.true1 user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.bound.true1' | ? username -EQ 'a.bound.true1' $User.activated | Should be $True $Bound = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? username -EQ 'a.bound.true1' $Bound.DirectBind | Should Be $True $Bound.Administrator | Should Be $True } IT "Verifies a.bound.false1 user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.bound.false1' | ? username -EQ 'a.bound.false1' $User.activated | Should be $True $Bound = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? username -EQ 'a.bound.false1' $Bound.DirectBind | Should Be $True $Bound.Administrator | Should Be $False } IT "Verifies a.bound.true2 user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.bound.true2' | ? username -EQ 'a.bound.true2' $User.activated | Should be $True $Bound = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? username -EQ 'a.bound.true2' $Bound.DirectBind | Should Be $True $Bound.Administrator | Should Be $True } IT "Verifies a.bound.false2 user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.bound.false2' | ? username -EQ 'a.bound.false2' $User.activated | Should be $True $Bound = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? username -EQ 'a.bound.false2' $Bound.DirectBind | Should Be $True $Bound.Administrator | Should Be $False } IT "Verifies ia.bound.std user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.bound.std' | ? username -EQ 'ia.bound.std' $User.activated | Should be $False $Bound = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? username -EQ 'ia.bound.std' $Bound.DirectBind | Should Be $True $Bound.Administrator | Should Be $False } IT "Verifies ia.bound.true1 user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.bound.true1' | ? username -EQ 'ia.bound.true1' $User.activated | Should be $False $Bound = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? username -EQ 'ia.bound.true1' $Bound.DirectBind | Should Be $True $Bound.Administrator | Should Be $True } IT "Verifies ia.bound.false1 user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.bound.false1' | ? username -EQ 'ia.bound.false1' $User.activated | Should be $False $Bound = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? username -EQ 'ia.bound.false1' $Bound.DirectBind | Should Be $True $Bound.Administrator | Should Be $False } IT "Verifies ia.bound.true2 user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.bound.true2' $User.activated | Should be $False $Bound = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? username -EQ 'ia.bound.true2' $Bound.DirectBind | Should Be $True $Bound.Administrator | Should Be $True } IT "Verifies ia.bound.false2 user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.bound.false2' | ? username -EQ 'ia.bound.false2' $User.activated | Should be $False $Bound = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? username -EQ 'ia.bound.false2' $Bound.DirectBind | Should Be $True $Bound.Administrator | Should Be $False } IT "Verifies a.1group user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.1group' | ? username -EQ 'a.1group' $User.activated | Should be $True $Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Get-JCUserGroupMember | ? Username -EQ 'a.1group' $Groups.GroupName.count | Should Be 1 } IT "Verifies ia.1group user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.1group' | ? username -EQ 'ia.1group' $User.activated | Should be $False $Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Get-JCUserGroupMember | ? Username -EQ 'ia.1group' $Groups.GroupName.count | Should Be 1 } IT "Verifies a.2group user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.2group' | ? Username -EQ 'a.2group' $User.activated | Should be $True $Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Get-JCUserGroupMember | ? Username -EQ 'a.2group' $Groups.count | Should Be 2 } IT "Verifies ia.2group user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.2group' | ? username -EQ 'ia.2group' $User.activated | Should be $False $Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Get-JCUserGroupMember | ? Username -EQ 'ia.2group' $Groups.count | Should Be 2 } IT "Verifies a.2group user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.2group' | ? username -EQ 'a.2group' $User.activated | Should be $True $Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Get-JCUserGroupMember | ? Username -EQ 'a.2group' $Groups.count | Should Be 2 } IT "Verifies ia.2group user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.2group' | ? username -EQ 'ia.2group' $User.activated | Should be $False $Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Get-JCUserGroupMember | ? Username -EQ 'ia.2group' $Groups.count | Should Be 2 } IT "Verifies a.5group user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.5group' | ? username -EQ 'a.5group' $User.activated | Should be $True $Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Get-JCUserGroupMember | ? Username -EQ 'a.5group' $Groups.count | Should Be 5 } IT "Verifies ia.5group user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.5group' | ? Username -EQ 'ia.5group' $User.activated | Should be $False $Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Get-JCUserGroupMember | ? Username -EQ 'ia.5group' $Groups.count | Should Be 5 } IT "Verifies a.1attr user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.1attr' | ? username -EQ 'a.1attr' $User.activated | Should be $True $User.attributes._id.count | Should Be 1 } IT "Verifies ia.1attr user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.1attr' | ? username -Eq 'ia.1attr' $User.activated | Should be $False $attrs = $User.attributes._id.count | Should Be 1 } IT "Verifies a.2attr user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.2attr' | ? username -EQ 'a.2attr' $User.activated | Should be $True $User.attributes._id.count | Should Be 2 } IT "Verifies ia.2attr user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.2attr' | ? username -EQ 'ia.2attr' $User.activated | Should be $False $attrs = $User.attributes._id.count | Should Be 2 } IT "Verifies a.5attr user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.5attr' | ? username -EQ 'a.5attr' $User.activated | Should be $True $User.attributes._id.count | Should Be 5 } IT "Verifies ia.5attr user" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.5attr' | ? username -EQ 'ia.5attr' $User.activated | Should be $False $attrs = $User.attributes._id.count | Should Be 5 } IT "Verifies a.all" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'a.all' | ? username -EQ 'a.all' $User.activated | Should be $True $User.attributes._id.count | Should Be 5 $Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Get-JCUserGroupMember | ? Username -EQ 'a.all' $Groups.count | Should Be 5 $Bound = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? username -EQ 'a.all' $Bound.DirectBind | Should Be $True $Bound.Administrator | Should Be $True } IT "Verifies ia.all" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'ia.all' | ? username -EQ 'ia.all' $User.activated | Should be $False $User.attributes._id.count | Should Be 5 $Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Get-JCUserGroupMember | ? Username -EQ 'ia.all' $Groups.count | Should Be 5 $Bound = Get-JCSystemUser -SystemID $SystemID | ? username -EQ 'ia.all' $Bound.DirectBind | Should Be $True $Bound.Administrator | Should Be $True } } # Cleans up newly created users from CSV import by deleteing them Get-JCUser | ? Email -like *pleasedelete* | Remove-JCUser -force |