#Tests for JumpCloud Module Version 1.2.0 #Fill out below varibles to test $JC_APIKey = '' $JCTestUser = 'GroupAddTest' $JCTestSystem = '' Describe 'Connect-JCOnline with force parameter' { it "Connects to JumpCloud using the -Force parameter"{ $Connect = Connect-JCOnline -JumpCloudAPIKey $JC_APIKey -force $Connect | Should -be $null } } Describe 'New-JCCommand and Remove-JCCommand' { It "Creates a new Windows command" { $NewCommand = New-JCCommand -commandType windows -name windows_test -command 'dir' $NewCommand.commandType | Should -be 'windows' Remove-JCCommand -CommandID $NewCommand._id -force } It "Creates a new Mac command" { $NewCommand = New-JCCommand -commandType mac -name mac_test -command 'ls' $NewCommand.commandType | Should -be 'mac' Remove-JCCommand -CommandID $NewCommand._id -force } It "Creates a new Linux command" { $NewCommand = New-JCCommand -commandType linux -name linux_test -command 'ls' $NewCommand.commandType | Should -be 'linux' Remove-JCCommand -CommandID $NewCommand._id -force } } Describe 'Import-JCCommand' { It "Imports a JumpCloud command from a long URL" { $Command = Import-JCCommand -URL 'https://github.com/scottd3v/JumpCloudX/blob/master/Command%20Library/Mac/Mac%20-%20List%20All%20Users.md' $Command.commandType | Should be 'mac' Remove-JCCommand -CommandID $Command._id -force } It "Imports a JumpCloud command from a short URL" { $Command = Import-JCCommand -URL 'https://git.io/JCXC-Mac-ListAllUsers' $Command.commandType | Should be 'mac' Remove-JCCommand -CommandID $Command._id -force } } Describe 'Get-JCUser' { it "Searches a JumpCloud user by username" { $User = Get-JCUser -Username 'find.username' $User.username | Should -be 'find.username' } it "Searches a JumpCloud user by lastname" { $User = Get-JCUser -LastName 'FindLastName' $User.lastname | Should -be 'FindLastName' } it "Searches a JumpCloud user by firstname" { $User = Get-JCUser -FirstName 'FindFirstName' $User.firstname | Should -be 'FindFirstName' } it "Searches a JumpCloud user by email" { $User = Get-JCUser -Email 'find.email@sup.com' $User.email | Should -be 'find.email@sup.com' } it "Searches two JumpCloud users by username" { $Search2 = Get-JCUser -Username 'Search2' $Search2.Count | Should -Be 2 $Search2.username | Should -BeLike 'Search2*' } it "Searches two JumpCloud users by firstname" { $Search2 = Get-JCUser -FirstName 'Search2FN' $Search2.Count | Should -Be 2 $Search2.firstname | Should -BeLike 'Search2FN' } it "Searches two JumpCloud users by lastname" { $Search2 = Get-JCUser -LastName 'Search2LN' $Search2.Count | Should -Be 2 $Search2.lastname | Should -BeLike 'Search2LN' } it "Searches two JumpCloud users by email" { $Search2 = Get-JCUser -Email 'search2.' $Search2.Count | Should -be 2 $Search2.email | Should -belike 'search2.*' } } Describe 'Get-JCGroup -type User Add-JCUserGroupmember' { it "Adds a JumpCloud user to JumpCloud groups using the pipleline" { $GroupAdds = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Add-JCUserGroupMember -Username $JCTestUser $GroupAdds | Select -ExpandProperty Status -Unique | Should -BeLike 'Added' } it "Removes a JumpCloud user from JumpCloud groups using the pipleline" { $GroupRemoves = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Remove-JCUserGroupMember -Username $JCTestUser $GroupRemoves | Select -ExpandProperty Status -Unique | Should -Be 'Removed' } it "Adds a JumpCloud system to a JumpCloud system group using the pipeline"{ $GroupsAdd = Get-JCGroup -Type System | ? name -NotLike *_* | Add-JCSystemGroupMember -SystemID $JCTestSystem $GroupsAdd | Select -ExpandProperty Status -Unique | Should -Be 'Added' } it "Removes a JumpCloud system from a JumpCloud system group using the pipeline" { $GroupsRemove = Get-JCGroup -Type System | ? name -NotLike *_* | Remove-JCSystemGroupMember -SystemID $JCTestSystem $GroupsRemove | Select -ExpandProperty Status -Unique | Should -Be 'Removed' } } |