about_jumpcloud SHORT DESCRIPTION PowerShell functions to configure, audit, automate, and manage a JumpCloud DaaS LONG DESCRIPTION The JumpCloud Module provides a way to: - Import JumpCloud Users and associate them with JumpCloud User Groups and Systems during import - Create and remove JumpCloud Users - Modify JumpCloud User and System properties in bulk - Modify JumpCloud User and System Groups and System and User Group membership - Trigger JumpCloud commands and read CommandResult Output - Backup JumpCloud directory information to CSV EXAMPLES Connect-JCOnline TROUBLESHOOTING NOTE Your JumpCloud API key is needed for running any function in the JumpCloud module. This can be found in the JumpCloud admin console within 'API Settings' accessible from the drop down icon next to the admin email address in the top right corner of the JumpCloud admin console. Note that each administrator within a JumpCloud tenant has their own unique API key and can reset this API key from this settings page. SEE ALSO # KEYWORDS |