#Tests for JumpCloud Module Version 1.3.0 #Fill out below varibles to run tests $JC_APIKey = '' $UserGroupName = 'LDAPTest' #Create three user groups with LDAP in the name $UserGroupID = '' # Paste the corresponding GroupID for the user group named LDAPTest $SystemGroupName = 'PesterTest_SystemGroup' # Create a sytem group named PesterTest_SystemGroup within your environment $SystemGroupID = '' # Paste the corresponding GroupID for the sytem group named PesterTest_SystemGroup $CommmandID = '' # ID of a test command $MacCommandID = '' # ID of a Mac Command $MacSystemID = '' #ID of a Mac System Function New-RandomUser () { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'NoAttributes')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Attributes')] ##Test this to see if this can be modified. [switch] $Attributes ) if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NoAttributes')) { $username = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 8 | % {[char]$_}) $email = $username + "@RamdomUser.com" $RandomUser = [ordered]@{ FirstName = 'Pester' LastName = 'Test' Username = $username Email = $email Password = 'Temp123!' } $NewRandomUser = New-Object psobject -Property $RandomUser } if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Attributes')) { $username = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 8 | % {[char]$_}) $email = $username + "@RamdomUser.com" $RandomUser = [ordered]@{ FirstName = 'Pester' LastName = 'Test' Username = $username Email = $email Password = 'Temp123!' NumberOfCustomAttributes = 3 Attribute1_name = 'Department' Attribute1_value = 'Sales' Attribute2_name = 'Office' Attribute2_value = '456789' Attribute3_name = 'Lang' Attribute3_value = 'French' } $NewRandomUser = New-Object psobject -Property $RandomUser } return $NewRandomUser } Describe 'Connect-JCOnline with force parameter' { it "Connects to JumpCloud using the -Force parameter" { $Connect = Connect-JCOnline -JumpCloudAPIKey $JC_APIKey -force $Connect | Should -be $null } } #Features Describe 'Set-JCUserGroupLDAP' { it "Enables LDAP for a JumpCloud User Group using GroupName" { $DisableLDAP = Set-JCUserGroupLDAP -GroupName $UserGroupName -LDAPEnabled $false $EnableLDAP = Set-JCUserGroupLDAP -GroupName $UserGroupName -LDAPEnabled $true $EnableLDAP.LDAPEnabled | Should be $true } it "Disables LDAP for a JumpCloud User Group using GroupName" { $DisableLDAP = Set-JCUserGroupLDAP -GroupName $UserGroupName -LDAPEnabled $false $DisableLDAP.LDAPEnabled | Should be $false } it "Enables LDAP for a JumpCloud User Group using GroupID" { $DisableLDAP = Set-JCUserGroupLDAP -GroupID $UserGroupID -LDAPEnabled $false $EnableLDAP = Set-JCUserGroupLDAP -GroupID $UserGroupID -LDAPEnabled $true $EnableLDAP.LDAPEnabled | Should be $true } it "Disables LDAP for a JumpCloud User Group using GroupID" { $DisableLDAP = Set-JCUserGroupLDAP -GroupID $UserGroupID -LDAPEnabled $false $DisableLDAP.LDAPEnabled | Should be $false } it "Enables LDAP for three JumpCloud User Groups using GroupName and the pipeline" { $LDAP_Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Where-Object Name -like "*LDAP*" | Select-Object Name $LDAP_Groups_Disable = $LDAP_Groups | Set-JCUserGroupLDAP -LDAPEnabled $false $LDAP_Groups_Enable = $LDAP_Groups | Set-JCUserGroupLDAP -LDAPEnabled $true $LDAP_Enabled = $LDAP_Groups_Enable | Select-Object LDAPEnabled -Unique $LDAP_Enabled | Should be $true } it "Disables LDAP for three JumpCloud User Groups using GroupName and the pipeline" { $LDAP_Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Where-Object Name -like "*LDAP*" | Select-Object Name $LDAP_Groups_Disable = $LDAP_Groups | Set-JCUserGroupLDAP -LDAPEnabled $false $LDAP_Disabled = $LDAP_Groups_Disable | Select-Object LDAPEnabled -Unique $LDAP_Disabled.LDAPEnabled | Should be $false } it "Enables LDAP for three JumpCloud User Groups using GroupID and the pipeline" { $LDAP_Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Where-Object Name -like "*LDAP*" | Select-Object id $LDAP_Groups_Disable = $LDAP_Groups | % {Set-JCUserGroupLDAP -GroupID $_.id -LDAPEnabled $false} $LDAP_Groups_Enable = $LDAP_Groups | % {Set-JCUserGroupLDAP -GroupID $_.id -LDAPEnabled $true} $LDAP_Enabled = $LDAP_Groups_Enable | Select-Object LDAPEnabled -Unique $LDAP_Enabled | Should be $true } it "Disables LDAP for three JumpCloud User Groups using GroupID and the pipeline" { $LDAP_Groups = Get-JCGroup -Type User | Where-Object Name -like "*LDAP*" | Select-Object id $LDAP_Groups_Disable = $LDAP_Groups | % {Set-JCUserGroupLDAP -GroupID $_.id -LDAPEnabled $false} $LDAP_Disabled = $LDAP_Groups_Disable | Select-Object LDAPEnabled -Unique $LDAP_Disabled.LDAPEnabled | Should be $false } } Describe 'Get-JCCommandTarget' { it "Returns a JumpCloud commands system targets" { $SystemTarget = Get-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $CommmandID $SystemTarget.SystemID.count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 } it "Returns a JumpCloud commands group targets by groupname" { $SystemGroupTarget = Get-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $CommmandID -Groups $SystemGroupTarget.GroupID.count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 } it "Returns all JumpCloud commands system targets using the pipeline" { $AllCommands = Get-JCCommand | Get-JCCommandTarget $AllCommands.CommmandID.count | Should -BeGreaterThan 1 } it "Returns all JumpCloud commands system group targets using the pipeline" { $AllCommands = Get-JCCommand | Get-JCCommandTarget -Groups $AllCommands.CommmandID.count | Should -BeGreaterThan 1 } } Describe 'Add-JCCommandTarget' { it "Adds a single system to a JupmCloud command" { $TargetRemove = Remove-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $MacCommandID -SystemID $MacSystemID $TargetAdd = Add-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $MacCommandID -SystemID $MacSystemID $TargetAdd.Status | Should -Be 'Added' } it "Adds a single system group to a JupmCloud command by GroupName" { $TargetRemove = Remove-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $MacCommandID -GroupName $SystemGroupName $TargetAdd = Add-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $MacCommandID -GroupName $SystemGroupName $TargetAdd.Status | Should -Be 'Added' } it "Removes a single system group to a JupmCloud command by GroupID" { $TargetRemove = Remove-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $MacCommandID -GroupName $SystemGroupName $TargetAdd = Add-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $MacCommandID -GroupID $SystemGroupID $TargetAdd.Status | Should -Be 'Added' } } Describe 'Remove-JCCommandTarget' { it "Removes a single system from a JumpCloud command" { $TargetRemove = Remove-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $MacCommandID -SystemID $MacSystemID $TargetRemove.Status | Should -be 'Removed' } it "Removes a single system group from a JumpCloud command by GroupID" { $TargetAdd = Add-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $MacCommandID -GroupName $SystemGroupName $TargetRemove = Remove-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $MacCommandID -GroupID $SystemGroupID $TargetRemove.Status | Should -be 'Removed' } it "Removes a single system group from a JumpCloud command by GroupName" { $TargetAdd = Add-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $MacCommandID -GroupName $SystemGroupName $TargetRemove = Remove-JCCommandTarget -CommandID $MacCommandID -GroupName $SystemGroupName $TargetRemove.Status | Should -be 'Removed' } } #Bug fixes Describe 'Get-JCSystemGroupMember' { #ByID it "Gets the members of a JumpCloud system group by Group Name" { $SystemGroupMembers = Get-JCSystemGroupMember -GroupName $SystemGroupName $SystemGroupMembers.SystemID.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 } it "Gets the members of a JumpCloud system group by Goup ID" { $SystemGroupMembers = Get-JCSystemGroupMember -ByID $SystemGroupID $SystemGroupMembers.SystemID.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 } } Describe 'Add-JCUser' { #Linux UID, GUID it "Adds a JumpCloud user with a high UID and GUID" { $NewUser = New-RandomUser | New-JCUser -unix_uid 1000000 -unix_guid 1000000 $NewUser.unix_uid | Should -be '1000000' $NewUser.unix_guid | Should -be '1000000' } it "Adds a JumpCloud user with password_never_expires false " { $ExpFalse = New-RandomUser | New-JCUser -password_never_expires $false $ExpFalse.password_never_expires | Should Be $false } it "Adds a JumpCloud user with password_never_expires true " { $ExpTrue = New-RandomUser | New-JCUser -password_never_expires $true $ExpTrue.password_never_expires | Should Be $true } } Describe 'Set-JCUser' { # Linux UID, GUID it "Updates the UID and GUID to 2000000" { $RandomUser = New-RandomUser | New-JCUser $SetUser = Set-JCUser -Username $RandomUser.username -unix_uid 2000000 -unix_guid 2000000 $SetUser.unix_guid | Should be 2000000 $SetUser.unix_uid | Should be 2000000 } it "Updates a JumpCloud user to password_never_expires false " { $ExpTrue = New-RandomUser | New-JCUser -password_never_expires $true $SetFalse = $ExpTrue | Set-JCUser -password_never_expires $false $SetFalse.password_never_expires | Should Be $false } it "Updates a JumpCloud user to password_never_expires true " { $ExpFalse = New-RandomUser | New-JCUser -password_never_expires $false $SetTrue = $ExpFalse | Set-JCUser -password_never_expires $True $SetTrue.password_never_expires | Should be $true } } |