Function Set-JCUser () { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Username')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Username', Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'The Username of the JumpCloud user you wish to modify')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'RemoveAttribute', HelpMessage = 'The Username of the JumpCloud user you wish to modify')] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ByID', HelpMessage = 'The _id of the User which you want to modify. To find a JumpCloud UserID run the command: PS C:\> Get-JCUser | Select username, _id The UserID will be the 24 character string populated for the _id field. UserID has an Alias of _id. This means you can leverage the PowerShell pipeline to populate this field automatically using the Get-JCUser function before calling Add-JCUserGroupMember. This is shown in EXAMPLES 3, 4, and 5. ')] [Alias('_id', 'id')] [string]$UserID, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The email address for the user. This must be a unique value.')] [string] $email, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The first name of the user')] [string] $firstname, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The last name of the user')] [string] $lastname, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The password for the user')] [string] $password, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'A boolean $true/$false value for enabling password_never_expires')] [bool] $password_never_expires, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'A boolean $true/$false value for allowing pubic key authentication')] [bool] $allow_public_key, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'A boolean $true/$false value if you want to enable the user to be an administrator on any and all systems the user is bound to.')] [bool] $sudo, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'A boolean $true/$false value for enabling managed uid')] [bool] $enable_managed_uid, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The unix_uid for the user. Note this value must be an number.')] [int] [ValidateRange(0, 4294967295)] $unix_uid, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The unix_guid for the user. Note this value must be a number.')] [int] [ValidateRange(0, 4294967295)] $unix_guid, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'unlock or lock a users JumpCloud account')] [bool] $account_locked, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'A boolean $true/$false value if you want to enable passwordless_sudo')] [bool] $passwordless_sudo, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'A boolean $true/$false value for enabling externally_managed')] [bool] $externally_managed, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'A boolean $true/$false value to enable the user as an LDAP binding user')] [bool] $ldap_binding_user, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'A boolean $true/$false value for enabling MFA at the user portal')] [bool] $enable_user_portal_multifactor, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'If you intend to update a user with existing Custom Attributes or add new Custom Attributes you must declare how many Custom Attributes you intend to update or add. If an Custom Attribute exists with a name that matches the new attribute then the existing attribute will be updated. Based on the NumberOfCustomAttributes value two Dynamic Parameters will be created for each Custom Attribute: Attribute_name and Attribute_value with an associated number. See an example for working with Custom Attribute in EXAMPLE 4')] [int] $NumberOfCustomAttributes, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'RemoveAttribute', HelpMessage = 'The name of the existing Custom Attributes you wish to remove. See an EXAMPLE for working with the -RemoveAttribute Parameter in EXAMPLE 5')] [string[]] $RemoveAttribute, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ByID', HelpMessage = 'Use the -ByID parameter when the UserID is being passed over the pipeline to the Set-JCUser function. The -ByID SwitchParameter will set the ParameterSet to ''ByID'' which will increase the function speed and performance. You cannot use this with the ''RemoveAttribute'' Parameter')] [switch] $ByID, # New attributes as of 1.8.0 release [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s home location. The LDAP displayName of this property is initials.')] [string] $middlename, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s preferredName. The LDAP displayName of this property is displayName.')] [string] [Alias('preferredName')] $displayname, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s job title. The LDAP displayName of this property is title.')] [string] $jobTitle, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s employeeIdentifier. The LDAP displayName of this property is employeeNumber. Note this field must be unique per user.')] [string] $employeeIdentifier, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s department. The LDAP displayName of this property is departmentNumber.')] [string] $department, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s costCenter. The LDAP displayName of this property is businessCategory.')] [string] $costCenter, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s company. The LDAP displayName of this property is company.')] [string] $company, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s employeeType. The LDAP displayName of this property is employeeType.')] [string] $employeeType, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s description. The LDAP displayName of this property is description. This field is limited to 1024 characters.')] [string] [ValidateLength(0, 1024)] $description, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s home location. The LDAP displayName of this property is physicalDeliveryOfficeName.')] [string] $location, #Objects [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s streetAddress on their work address object. This property is nested within the LDAP property with the displayName postalAddress.')] [string] $work_streetAddress, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s poBox on their work address object. The LDAP displayName of this property is postOfficeBox.')] [string] $work_poBox, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s city on their work address object. The LDAP displayName of this property is l.')] [string] [Alias('work_city')] $work_locality, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s state on their work address object. This property is nested within the LDAP property with the displayName postalAddress.')] [string] [Alias('work_state')] $work_region, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s postalCode on their work address object. The LDAP displayName of this property is postalCode.')] [string] $work_postalCode, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s country on the work address object. This property is nested within the LDAP property with the displayName postalAddress.')] [string] $work_country, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s streetAddress on their home address object. This property is nested within the LDAP property with the displayName homePostalAddress.')] [string] $home_streetAddress, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s poBox on their home address object. This property is nested within the LDAP property with the displayName homePostalAddress.')] [string] $home_poBox, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s city on their home address object. This property is nested within the LDAP property with the displayName homePostalAddress.')] [string] [Alias('home_city')] $home_locality, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s state on their home address object. This property is nested within the LDAP property with the displayName homePostalAddress.')] [string] [Alias('home_state')] $home_region, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s postalCode on their home address object. This property is nested within the LDAP property with the displayName homePostalAddress.')] [string] $home_postalCode, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s country on the home address object. This property is nested within the LDAP property with the displayName homePostalAddress.')] [string] $home_country, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s mobile number. The LDAP displayName of this property is mobile.')] [string] $mobile_number, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s home number. The LDAP displayName of this property is homePhone.')] [string] $home_number, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s work number. The LDAP displayName of this property is telephoneNumber.')] [string] $work_number, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s work mobile number. The LDAP displayName of this property is pager.')] [string] $work_mobile_number, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the user''s work fax number. The LDAP displayName of this property is facsimileTelephoneNumber.')] [string] $work_fax_number, # New attributes as of 1.12.0 release [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'The distinguished name of the AD domain (ADB Externally managed users only)')] [string] $external_dn, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'The externally managed user source type (ADB Externally managed users only)')] [string] $external_source_type, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, HelpMessage = 'A string value for putting the account into an activated or suspended state')] [ValidateSet('ACTIVATED','SUSPENDED')] [string] $state, [Parameter(DontShow, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $False, HelpMessage = 'A boolean $true/$false value for putting the account into a suspended state')] [nullable[bool]] $suspended, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The manager username or ID of the JumpCloud manager user; must be a valid user')] [string] $manager, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The managedAppleId for the user')] [string] $managedAppleId, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The alternateEmail for the user')] [string] $alternateEmail ) DynamicParam { $dict = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary If ((Get-PSCallStack).Command -like '*MarkdownHelp') { $enable_user_portal_multifactor = $true $NumberOfCustomAttributes = 2 } If ($enable_user_portal_multifactor -eq $True) { # Set the dynamic parameters' name $ParamName = 'EnrollmentDays' # Create the collection of attributes $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] # Create and set the parameters' attributes $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $false $ParameterAttribute.HelpMessage = 'Number of days to allow for MFA enrollment.' # Generate and set the ValidateSet $ValidateRangeAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateRangeAttribute(1, 365) # Add the ValidateSet to the attributes collection $AttributeCollection.Add($ValidateRangeAttribute) # Add the attributes to the attributes collection $AttributeCollection.Add($ParameterAttribute) # Create and return the dynamic parameter $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParamName, [Int32], $AttributeCollection) $dict.Add($ParamName, $RuntimeParameter) } If ($NumberOfCustomAttributes) { [int]$NewParams = 0 [int]$ParamNumber = 1 while ($NewParams -ne $NumberOfCustomAttributes) { $attr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $attr.HelpMessage = "Enter an attribute name" $attr.Mandatory = $true $attr.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true $attrColl = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $attrColl.Add($attr) $param = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter("Attribute$ParamNumber`_name", [string], $attrColl) $dict.Add("Attribute$ParamNumber`_name", $param) $attr1 = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $attr1.HelpMessage = "Enter an attribute value" $attr1.Mandatory = $true $attr1.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true $attrColl1 = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $attrColl1.Add($attr1) $param1 = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter("Attribute$ParamNumber`_value", [string], $attrColl1) $dict.Add("Attribute$ParamNumber`_value", $param1) $NewParams++ $ParamNumber++ } } return $dict } begin { Write-Debug "Parameter set $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)" Write-Debug 'Verifying JCAPI Key' if ($JCAPIKEY.length -ne 40) { Connect-JConline } $hdrs = @{ 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' 'Accept' = 'application/json' 'X-API-KEY' = $JCAPIKEY } if ($JCOrgID) { $hdrs.Add('x-org-id', "$($JCOrgID)") } $UpdatedUserArray = @() if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'ByID') { $UserHash = Get-Hash_UserName_ID $UserCount = ($UserHash).Count Write-Debug "Populated UserHash with $UserCount users" } $ObjectParams = @{ } $ObjectParams.Add("work_streetAddress", "addresses") $ObjectParams.Add("work_poBox", "addresses") $ObjectParams.Add("work_locality", "addresses") $ObjectParams.Add("work_region", "addresses") $ObjectParams.Add("work_postalCode", "addresses") $ObjectParams.Add("work_country", "addresses") $ObjectParams.Add("home_poBox", "addresses") $ObjectParams.Add("home_locality", "addresses") $ObjectParams.Add("home_region", "addresses") $ObjectParams.Add("home_postalCode", "addresses") $ObjectParams.Add("home_country", "addresses") $ObjectParams.Add("home_streetAddress", "addresses") $ObjectParams.Add("mobile_number", "phoneNumbers") $ObjectParams.Add("home_number", "phoneNumbers") $ObjectParams.Add("work_number", "phoneNumbers") $ObjectParams.Add("work_mobile_number", "phoneNumbers") $ObjectParams.Add("work_fax_number", "phoneNumbers") if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByID') { $URL_ID = $UserID } } process { $body = @{ } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'ByID') { if ($UserHash.ContainsKey($Username)) { $URL_ID = $UserHash.Get_Item($Username) Write-Debug $URL_ID } else { Throw "$Username does not exist. Run 'Get-JCUser | Select-Object username' to see a list of all your JumpCloud users." } } $UpdateParms = $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object Key $UpdateObjectParams = @{ } foreach ($param in $UpdateParms) { if ($ObjectParams.ContainsKey($param.key)) { $UpdateObjectParams.Add($param.key, $ObjectParams.($param.key)) } } if ($UpdateObjectParams.Count -gt 0) { $objectCheck = $UpdateObjectParams.Values | Select-Object -Unique $UserObjectCheck = Get-JCUser -userid $URL_ID if ($objectCheck.contains("phoneNumbers")) { $phoneNumbers = @() $UpdatedNumbers = @{ } foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { if ($param.Key -like '*_number') { $Number = @{ } $Number.Add("type", ($($param.Key -replace "_number", ""))) $Number.Add("number", $param.Value) $UpdatedNumbers.Add(($($param.Key -replace "_number", "")), $param.Value) $phoneNumbers += $Number continue } } foreach ($ExitingNumber in $UserObjectCheck.phoneNumbers) { if ($UpdatedNumbers.ContainsKey($ExitingNumber.type)) { Continue } else { $Number = @{ } if ($ExitingNumber.number) { $Number.Add("type", $ExitingNumber.type ) $Number.Add("number", $ExitingNumber.number) $phoneNumbers += $Number } } } $body.Add('phoneNumbers', $phoneNumbers) } if ($objectCheck.contains("addresses")) { $Addresses = @() $WorkAddressParams = @{ } $WorkAddressParams.Add("type", "work") $HomeAddressParams = @{ } $HomeAddressParams.Add("type", "home") foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { if ($param.Key -like '*_number') { continue } if ($param.Key -like 'work_*') { $WorkAddressParams.Add(($($param.Key -split "_", 2)[1]), $param.Value) continue } if ($param.Key -like 'home_*') { $HomeAddressParams.Add(($($param.Key -split "_", 2)[1]), $param.Value) continue } } $ExistingWorkParams = $UserObjectCheck.addresses | Where-Object Type -EQ "Work" $ExistingWorkHash = @{ } $ExistingWorkHash.Add("country", $ $ExistingWorkHash.Add("locality", $ExistingWorkParams.locality) $ExistingWorkHash.Add("poBox", $ExistingWorkParams.poBox) $ExistingWorkHash.Add("postalCode", $ExistingWorkParams.postalCode) $ExistingWorkHash.Add("region", $ExistingWorkParams.region) $ExistingWorkHash.Add("streetAddress", $ExistingWorkParams.streetAddress) foreach ($WorkParam in $ExistingWorkHash.GetEnumerator()) { if ($WorkAddressParams.ContainsKey($WorkParam.key)) { Continue } else { if ($WorkParam.value) { $WorkAddressParams.Add($WorkParam.key, $WorkParam.value) } } } $Addresses += $WorkAddressParams $ExistingHomeParams = $UserObjectCheck.addresses | Where-Object Type -EQ "Home" $ExistingHomeHash = @{ } $ExistingHomeHash.Add("country", $ $ExistingHomeHash.Add("locality", $ExistingHomeParams.locality) $ExistingHomeHash.Add("poBox", $ExistingHomeParams.poBox) $ExistingHomeHash.Add("postalCode", $ExistingHomeParams.postalCode) $ExistingHomeHash.Add("region", $ExistingHomeParams.region) $ExistingHomeHash.Add("streetAddress", $ExistingHomeParams.streetAddress) foreach ($HomeParam in $ExistingHomeHash.GetEnumerator()) { if ($HomeAddressParams.ContainsKey($HomeParam.key)) { Continue } else { if ($HomeParam.value) { $HomeAddressParams.Add($HomeParam.key, $HomeParam.value) } } } $Addresses += $HomeAddressParams $body.Add('addresses', $Addresses) } } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Username' -and !$NumberOfCustomAttributes) { if ($UserHash.ContainsKey($Username)) { $URL_ID = $UserHash.Get_Item($Username) Write-Debug $URL_ID $URL = "$JCUrlBasePath/api/Systemusers/$URL_ID" Write-Debug $URL foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { if ([System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters -contains $param.key) { continue } if ($param.key -in ('Username', 'EnrollmentDays')) { continue } if ($param.Key -like '*_number') { continue } if ($param.Key -like 'work_*') { continue } if ($param.Key -like 'home_*') { continue } # Get the manager using manager username instead of userId if ("manager" -eq $param.Key) { if ([System.String]::isNullOrEmpty($param.value)) { continue } else { # First check if manager returns valid user with id # Regex match a userid $regexPattern = [Regex]'^[a-z0-9]{24}$' if (((Select-String -InputObject $param.Value -Pattern $regexPattern).Matches.value)::IsNullOrEmpty){ # if we have a 24 characterid, try to match the id using the search endpoint $managerSearch = @{ filter = @{ or = @( '_id:$eq:' + $param.Value ) } } $managerResults = Search-JcSdkUser -Body:($managerSearch) # Set managerValue; this is a validated user id $managerValue = $ # if no value was returned, then assume the case this is actuallty a username and search if (!$managerValue){ $managerSearch = @{ filter = @{ or = @( 'username:$eq:' + $param.Value ) } } $managerResults = Search-JcSdkUser -Body:($managerSearch) # Set managerValue from the matched username $managerValue = $ } } else { # search the username in the search endpoint $managerSearch = @{ filter = @{ or = @( 'username:$eq:' + $param.Value ) } } $managerResults = Search-JcSdkUser -Body:($managerSearch) # Set managerValue from the matched username $managerValue = $ } if ($managerValue) { $body.add($param.Key, $managerValue) } else { $body.add($param.Key, $param.Value) } continue } } $body.add($param.Key, $param.Value) } if ($enable_user_portal_multifactor -eq $True) { if ($PSBoundParameters['EnrollmentDays']) { $exclusionUntil = (Get-Date).AddDays($PSBoundParameters['EnrollmentDays']) } else { $exclusionUntil = (Get-Date).AddDays(7) } $mfa = @{ } $mfa.Add("exclusion", $true) $mfa.Add("exclusionUntil", [string]$exclusionUntil) $body.Add('mfa', $mfa) } if ((($suspended -eq $true) -And ($state -eq "ACTIVATED")) -Or (($suspended -eq $false) -And ($state -eq "SUSPENDED"))){ throw "Cannot save conflicting state and suspended fields. (state=$state suspended=$suspended)" } elseif ($suspended -eq $true) { $body['state'] = 'SUSPENDED' } else { switch ($state) { SUSPENDED { $body['suspended'] = $true } ACTIVATED { $body['suspended'] = $false } } } $jsonbody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 4 Write-Debug $jsonbody $NewUserInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri $URL -Body $jsonbody -Headers $hdrs -UserAgent:(Get-JCUserAgent) $UpdatedUserArray += $NewUserInfo } else { Throw "$Username does not exist. Run 'Get-JCUser | Select-Object username' to see a list of all your JumpCloud users." } } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Username' -and ($NumberOfCustomAttributes)) { if ($UserHash.ContainsKey($Username)) { $URL_ID = $UserHash.Get_Item($Username) Write-Debug $URL_ID $URL = "$JCUrlBasePath/api/Systemusers/$URL_ID" Write-Debug $URL $CurrentAttributes = Get-JCUser -UserID $URL_ID | Select-Object -ExpandProperty attributes | Select-Object value, name Write-Debug "There are $($CurrentAttributes.count) existing attributes" $CustomAttributeArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { if ([System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters -contains $param.key) { continue } if ($param.key -in ('Username', 'EnrollmentDays')) { continue } if ($param.key -eq 'NumberOfCustomAttributes') { continue } if ($param.Key -like '*_number') { continue } if ($param.Key -like 'work_*') { continue } if ($param.Key -like 'home_*') { continue } # Get the manager using manager username instead of userId if ("manager" -eq $param.Key) { if ([System.String]::isNullOrEmpty($param.value)) { continue } else { # First check if manager returns valid user with id # Regex match a userid $regexPattern = [Regex]'^[a-z0-9]{24}$' if (((Select-String -InputObject $param.Value -Pattern $regexPattern).Matches.value)::IsNullOrEmpty) { # if we have a 24 characterid, try to match the id using the search endpoint $managerSearch = @{ filter = @{ or = @( '_id:$eq:' + $param.Value ) } } $managerResults = Search-JcSdkUser -Body:($managerSearch) # Set managerValue; this is a validated user id $managerValue = $ # if no value was returned, then assume the case this is actuallty a username and search if (!$managerValue) { $managerSearch = @{ filter = @{ or = @( 'username:$eq:' + $param.Value ) } } $managerResults = Search-JcSdkUser -Body:($managerSearch) # Set managerValue from the matched username $managerValue = $ } } else { # search the username in the search endpoint $managerSearch = @{ filter = @{ or = @( 'username:$eq:' + $param.Value ) } } $managerResults = Search-JcSdkUser -Body:($managerSearch) # Set managerValue from the matched username $managerValue = $ } if ($managerValue) { $body.add($param.Key, $managerValue) } else { $body.add($param.Key, $param.Value) } continue } } if ($param.Key -like 'Attribute*') { $CustomAttribute = [pscustomobject]@{ CustomAttribute = ($Param.key).Split('_')[0] Type = ($Param.key).Split('_')[1] Value = $Param.value } $CustomAttributeArrayList.Add($CustomAttribute) | Out-Null $UniqueAttributes = $CustomAttributeArrayList | Select-Object CustomAttribute -Unique $NewAttributes = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ($A in $UniqueAttributes ) { $Props = $CustomAttributeArrayList | Where-Object CustomAttribute -EQ $A.CustomAttribute $obj = New-Object PSObject foreach ($Prop in $Props) { $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Prop.type -Value $Prop.value } $NewAttributes.Add($obj) | Out-Null } continue } $body.add($param.Key, $param.Value) } $NewAttributesHash = @{ } foreach ($NewA in $NewAttributes) { $NewAttributesHash.Add($, $NewA.value) } $CurrentAttributesHash = @{ } foreach ($CurrentA in $CurrentAttributes) { $CurrentAttributesHash.Add($, $CurrentA.value) } foreach ($A in $NewAttributesHash.GetEnumerator()) { if (($CurrentAttributesHash).Contains($A.Key)) { $CurrentAttributesHash.set_Item($($A.key), $($A.value)) } else { $CurrentAttributesHash.Add($($A.key), $($A.value)) } } $UpdatedAttributeArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ($NewA in $CurrentAttributesHash.GetEnumerator()) { $temp = New-Object PSObject $temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name name -Value $NewA.key $temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name value -Value $NewA.value $UpdatedAttributeArrayList.Add($temp) | Out-Null } $body.add('attributes', $UpdatedAttributeArrayList) if ($enable_user_portal_multifactor -eq $True) { if ($PSBoundParameters['EnrollmentDays']) { $exclusionUntil = (Get-Date).AddDays($PSBoundParameters['EnrollmentDays']) } else { $exclusionUntil = (Get-Date).AddDays(7) } $mfa = @{ } $mfa.Add("exclusion", $true) $mfa.Add("exclusionUntil", [string]$exclusionUntil) $body.Add('mfa', $mfa) } if ((($suspended -eq $true) -And ($state -eq "ACTIVATED")) -Or (($suspended -eq $false) -And ($state -eq "SUSPENDED"))){ throw "Cannot save conflicting state and suspended fields. (state=$state suspended=$suspended)" } elseif ($suspended -eq $true) { $body['state'] = 'SUSPENDED' } else { switch ($state) { SUSPENDED { $body['suspended'] = $true } ACTIVATED { $body['suspended'] = $false } } } $jsonbody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 4 Write-Debug $jsonbody $NewUserInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri $URL -Body $jsonbody -Headers $hdrs -UserAgent:(Get-JCUserAgent) $UpdatedUserArray += $NewUserInfo } else { Throw "$Username does not exist. Run 'Get-JCUser | Select-Object username' to see a list of all your JumpCloud users." } } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'RemoveAttribute') { if ($UserHash.ContainsKey($Username)) { $URL_ID = $UserHash.Get_Item($Username) Write-Debug $URL_ID $URL = "$JCUrlBasePath/api/Systemusers/$URL_ID" Write-Debug $URL $CurrentAttributes = Get-JCUser -UserID $URL_ID | Select-Object -ExpandProperty attributes | Select-Object value, name Write-Debug "There are $($CurrentAttributes.count) existing attributes" foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { if ([System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters -contains $param.key) { continue } if ($param.key -in ('Username', 'EnrollmentDays')) { continue } if ($param.key -eq 'RemoveAttribute') { continue } if ($param.Key -like '*_number') { continue } if ($param.Key -like 'work_*') { continue } if ($param.Key -like 'home_*') { continue } # Get the manager using manager username instead of userId if ("manager" -eq $param.Key) { if ([System.String]::isNullOrEmpty($param.value)) { continue } else { # First check if manager returns valid user with id # Regex match a userid $regexPattern = [Regex]'^[a-z0-9]{24}$' if (((Select-String -InputObject $param.Value -Pattern $regexPattern).Matches.value)::IsNullOrEmpty) { # if we have a 24 characterid, try to match the id using the search endpoint $managerSearch = @{ filter = @{ or = @( '_id:$eq:' + $param.Value ) } } $managerResults = Search-JcSdkUser -Body:($managerSearch) # Set managerValue; this is a validated user id $managerValue = $ # if no value was returned, then assume the case this is actuallty a username and search if (!$managerValue) { $managerSearch = @{ filter = @{ or = @( 'username:$eq:' + $param.Value ) } } $managerResults = Search-JcSdkUser -Body:($managerSearch) # Set managerValue from the matched username $managerValue = $ } } else { # search the username in the search endpoint $managerSearch = @{ filter = @{ or = @( 'username:$eq:' + $param.Value ) } } $managerResults = Search-JcSdkUser -Body:($managerSearch) # Set managerValue from the matched username $managerValue = $ } if ($managerValue) { $body.add($param.Key, $managerValue) } else { $body.add($param.Key, $param.Value) } continue } } $body.add($param.Key, $param.Value) } $CurrentAttributesHash = @{ } foreach ($CurrentA in $CurrentAttributes) { $CurrentAttributesHash.Add($, $CurrentA.value) } foreach ($Remove in $RemoveAttribute) { if ($CurrentAttributesHash.ContainsKey($Remove)) { Write-Debug "$Remove is here" $CurrentAttributesHash.Remove($Remove) } } $UpdatedAttributeArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ($NewA in $CurrentAttributesHash.GetEnumerator()) { $temp = New-Object PSObject $temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name name -Value $NewA.key $temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name value -Value $NewA.value $UpdatedAttributeArrayList.Add($temp) | Out-Null } $body.add('attributes', $UpdatedAttributeArrayList) if ($enable_user_portal_multifactor -eq $True) { if ($PSBoundParameters['EnrollmentDays']) { $exclusionUntil = (Get-Date).AddDays($PSBoundParameters['EnrollmentDays']) } else { $exclusionUntil = (Get-Date).AddDays(7) } $mfa = @{ } $mfa.Add("exclusion", $true) $mfa.Add("exclusionUntil", [string]$exclusionUntil) $body.Add('mfa', $mfa) } if ((($suspended -eq $true) -And ($state -eq "ACTIVATED")) -Or (($suspended -eq $false) -And ($state -eq "SUSPENDED"))){ throw "Cannot save conflicting state and suspended fields. (state=$state suspended=$suspended)" } elseif ($suspended -eq $true) { $body['state'] = 'SUSPENDED' } else { switch ($state) { SUSPENDED { $body['suspended'] = $true } ACTIVATED { $body['suspended'] = $false } } } $jsonbody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 4 Write-Debug $jsonbody $NewUserInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri $URL -Body $jsonbody -Headers $hdrs -UserAgent:(Get-JCUserAgent) $UpdatedUserArray += $NewUserInfo } else { Throw "$Username does not exist. Run 'Get-JCUser | Select-Object username' to see a list of all your JumpCloud users." } } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByID' -and (!$NumberOfCustomAttributes)) { Write-Debug $UserID $URL = "$JCUrlBasePath/api/Systemusers/$UserID" Write-Debug $URL foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { if ([System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters -contains $param.key) { continue } if ($param.key -in ('EnrollmentDays')) { continue } if ($param.Key -like '*_number') { continue } if ($param.Key -like 'work_*') { continue } if ($param.Key -like 'home_*') { continue } # Get the manager using manager username instead of userId if ("manager" -eq $param.Key) { if ([System.String]::isNullOrEmpty($param.value)) { continue } else { # First check if manager returns valid user with id # Regex match a userid $regexPattern = [Regex]'^[a-z0-9]{24}$' if (((Select-String -InputObject $param.Value -Pattern $regexPattern).Matches.value)::IsNullOrEmpty){ # if we have a 24 characterid, try to match the id using the search endpoint $managerSearch = @{ filter = @{ or = @( '_id:$eq:' + $param.Value ) } } $managerResults = Search-JcSdkUser -Body:($managerSearch) # Set managerValue; this is a validated user id $managerValue = $ # if no value was returned, then assume the case this is actuallty a username and search if (!$managerValue){ $managerSearch = @{ filter = @{ or = @( 'username:$eq:' + $param.Value ) } } $managerResults = Search-JcSdkUser -Body:($managerSearch) # Set managerValue from the matched username $managerValue = $ } } else { # search the username in the search endpoint $managerSearch = @{ filter = @{ or = @( 'username:$eq:' + $param.Value ) } } $managerResults = Search-JcSdkUser -Body:($managerSearch) # Set managerValue from the matched username $managerValue = $ } if ($managerValue) { $body.add($param.Key, $managerValue) } else { $body.add($param.Key, $param.Value) } continue } } if ($param.key -eq 'UserID') { continue } if ($param.key -eq 'ByID') { continue } $body.add($param.Key, $param.Value) } if ($enable_user_portal_multifactor -eq $True) { if ($PSBoundParameters['EnrollmentDays']) { $exclusionUntil = (Get-Date).AddDays($PSBoundParameters['EnrollmentDays']) } else { $exclusionUntil = (Get-Date).AddDays(7) } $mfa = @{ } $mfa.Add("exclusion", $true) $mfa.Add("exclusionUntil", [string]$exclusionUntil) $body.Add('mfa', $mfa) } if ((($suspended -eq $true) -And ($state -eq "ACTIVATED")) -Or (($suspended -eq $false) -And ($state -eq "SUSPENDED"))){ throw "Cannot save conflicting state and suspended fields. (state=$state suspended=$suspended)" } elseif ($suspended -eq $true) { $body['state'] = 'SUSPENDED' } else { switch ($state) { SUSPENDED { $body['suspended'] = $true } ACTIVATED { $body['suspended'] = $false } } } $jsonbody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 4 Write-Debug $jsonbody $NewUserInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri $URL -Body $jsonbody -Headers $hdrs -UserAgent:(Get-JCUserAgent) $UpdatedUserArray += $NewUserInfo } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByID' -and ($NumberOfCustomAttributes)) { Write-Debug $UserID $URL = "$JCUrlBasePath/api/Systemusers/$UserID" $CurrentAttributes = Get-JCUser -UserID $UserID | Select-Object -ExpandProperty attributes | Select-Object value, name Write-Debug "There are $($CurrentAttributes.count) existing attributes" $CustomAttributeArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { if ([System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters -contains $param.key) { continue } if ($param.key -in ('Username', 'EnrollmentDays')) { continue } if ($param.key -eq 'ByID') { continue } if ($param.key -eq 'UserID') { continue } if ($param.key -eq 'NumberOfCustomAttributes') { continue } if ($param.Key -like '*_number') { continue } if ($param.Key -like 'work_*') { continue } if ($param.Key -like 'home_*') { continue } if ($param.Key -like 'Attribute*') { $CustomAttribute = [pscustomobject]@{ CustomAttribute = ($Param.key).Split('_')[0] Type = ($Param.key).Split('_')[1] Value = $Param.value } $CustomAttributeArrayList.Add($CustomAttribute) | Out-Null $UniqueAttributes = $CustomAttributeArrayList | Select-Object CustomAttribute -Unique $NewAttributes = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ($A in $UniqueAttributes ) { $Props = $CustomAttributeArrayList | Where-Object CustomAttribute -EQ $A.CustomAttribute $obj = New-Object PSObject foreach ($Prop in $Props) { $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Prop.type -Value $Prop.value } $NewAttributes.Add($obj) | Out-Null } continue } $body.add($param.Key, $param.Value) } $NewAttributesHash = @{ } foreach ($NewA in $NewAttributes) { $NewAttributesHash.Add($, $NewA.value) } $CurrentAttributesHash = @{ } foreach ($CurrentA in $CurrentAttributes) { $CurrentAttributesHash.Add($, $CurrentA.value) } foreach ($A in $NewAttributesHash.GetEnumerator()) { if (($CurrentAttributesHash).Contains($A.Key)) { $CurrentAttributesHash.set_Item($($A.key), $($A.value)) } else { $CurrentAttributesHash.Add($($A.key), $($A.value)) } } $UpdatedAttributeArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach ($NewA in $CurrentAttributesHash.GetEnumerator()) { $temp = New-Object PSObject $temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name name -Value $NewA.key $temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name value -Value $NewA.value $UpdatedAttributeArrayList.Add($temp) | Out-Null } $body.add('attributes', $UpdatedAttributeArrayList) if ($enable_user_portal_multifactor -eq $True) { if ($PSBoundParameters['EnrollmentDays']) { $exclusionUntil = (Get-Date).AddDays($PSBoundParameters['EnrollmentDays']) } else { $exclusionUntil = (Get-Date).AddDays(7) } $mfa = @{ } $mfa.Add("exclusion", $true) $mfa.Add("exclusionUntil", [string]$exclusionUntil) $body.Add('mfa', $mfa) } if ((($suspended -eq $true) -And ($state -eq "ACTIVATED")) -Or (($suspended -eq $false) -And ($state -eq "SUSPENDED"))){ throw "Cannot save conflicting state and suspended fields. (state=$state suspended=$suspended)" } elseif ($suspended -eq $true) { $body['state'] = 'SUSPENDED' } else { switch ($state) { SUSPENDED { $body['suspended'] = $true } ACTIVATED { $body['suspended'] = $false } } } $jsonbody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 4 Write-Debug $jsonbody $NewUserInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri $URL -Body $jsonbody -Headers $hdrs -UserAgent:(Get-JCUserAgent) $UpdatedUserArray += $NewUserInfo } } end { return $UpdatedUserArray } } |